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YAY finally i'm making a thread! Pictures!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by EternalFlame, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    wow.. been awhile since i started a thread eh? well here's some pics.. i was alittle dismayed to find that they didnt come out very well this time, and that i didnt get any 'charming pics' meaning close ups as i usually do. ho-hum... next time!

    but now u can all see, Raz really hasnt grown at all. :shock: :?

    Here are the Boyz enjoying their new cat condo we got off eBay! what a steal! thats my hub setting it all up.. Raz couldnt wait.. then Lex joined in.. they took over before we could attatch the last perch lol




    here we see Lex's fat butt hogging the pillow the lovely and talented vene sent them....


    "ooooooh boyz..."


    and my only half cute pic, Raz decided he liked hubbys coat to sleep on.

  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Finally! Feels like I've been waiting for ever for new pics of your boys... :)

    Now thats just bulls**t EF :mrgreen: I love the ones of them both on the vene-pillow, too cute!
    How old is Lex btw? He looks about the same size as Kyrre, lol! :D
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    OMG, what great pics. Raz and Lex are super adorable as usual. Geez, I need to send you more filling for the pillow. Looks flat. :oops: :oops: :oops: I love Raz's size. He's cute as a button! :mrgreen:
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Nice pictures! Raz is getting bigger! Lex seems like the perfect big brother.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Adorable pictures! Maybe Raz is just going to be a small cat. :?
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    your gray tabby looks just like my former kitty Tami....must be a great cat :y_the_best:
  7. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    Raz is so cute! He looks like he is smiling.

  8. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Those 2 are so cute together! :eek:
  9. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I love the pics of them on Vene's pillow. Soo cute! :mrgreen:
  10. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Cute pictures. They look so comfy together. :p
  11. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    *giggles an smiles*

    well Bente, i think Lex is about 5 now? he wasnt a kitten kitten when we got him.... an i told ya i'd get u some pics lol 8)

    Mary, yes, he's a very great cat! he's that lap whore who loves to drool. He's very tollerant too, which is great. :y_the_best:

    Razzy always seems to look like he's smiling. He's such a pleasant kitten dispite his disability. he's so independant tho... so he doesnt snuggle much, but when he's in the mood the ol purr box gets going an he turns into alittle fuzz ball of mush.

    nern, i like BIG cats lol but if he's gonna be a tiny kitty, thats fine too...it's much easier to hold him in one arm then Lex, thats for sure. and i tried!! - to hold lex like i do raz and near snapped my arm off lolol

    halaroo, Lex is the best. in the beginning he didnt like Raz much, but now it's puuuuuuuurrfect bliss between them.;)

    vene, dont be so silly, the pillow is perfect :mrgreen: :D , i just took the picture from an arial angle looking down, so it looks flat. but u gotta remember Lexs large load is laying on it too... that would flatten anything. lol it's all good once i re-fluff and de-cat it *giggles*

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