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Colors fadding on Tiger Oscar

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by chuisoccer01, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. chuisoccer01

    chuisoccer01 New Member

    I baught a Tiger Oscar a few days ago, and it's colors were great. then I got it back to my 30gal tank and now the red is becomming lighter. It's eating Roseys, and it's swimming around some. Just thought anyone out there might know whats going on. thanks
  2. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    30 gal is to small for an oscar, and you shouldnt be feeding it roseys, maybe an occasional treat, but pellets would be better. That may be why. What size is the oscar? -tl
  3. chuisoccer01

    chuisoccer01 New Member

    Not that Big yet

    It's only about 6 inches long. I asked the pet store what they were eating to make sure I wasn't going to change it's diet. they said they were feeding them rosey, and I was like ok... I also have pelets. there a little small I am going to be going to the store to get larger pelets.

    Thanks for the info
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    hey, wher at in michigan are u from? i live in MI also.....well, anyways....the water quality might not be as good and you mgiht need a water change if u havnt had one recently, the fish might still be getting used to its new "house" so the colors arnt as rich as you first saw it (dont worry, if thats the case colors will be back in a few days max.).....also, you shouldnt be feeding your oscars live feeders.....they are notorious for bringing in tons of diseases and parasites which could end up killing your fish......and to save T_Chelle time, what are the ph, nitrItes, nitrAtes, and temp of the tank?
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Thanks. :D You forgot ammonia, though. ;)

    Yup, basically what's been said already. Could be water quality related, could be diseases/parasites introduced by the feeders, could be just normal sulking. We won't be able to start narrowing it down until you post yoru water parameters (actual numbers please).

    Also, at 6" your oscar is going to be too big for your 30 gallon in a month (he's actually close to borderline as it is). Honestly, and I know you probably don't want to hear this, but it's the truth, unless you can get a 50+ gallon tank (75 would be preferable) within the next couple of weeks, it really would be best for you to return the oscar and get something more suitable for your tank.

  6. chuisoccer01

    chuisoccer01 New Member

    The numbers are in

    Here are some of the numbers that I got ffrom a test.
    Nitrate(NO+3) is 10, Nitrate(NO-2) is .5 Hardness is 250 Alkalinity is 180 and the PH is 8 let me know what you think

  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    How is he acting/looking now?

    Your nitrIte should be 0 (any amount is toxic). Having an ammonia reading would be helpful, but going just off of the nitrIte and nitrAte reading, I'm guessing your tank was cycling (which is very stressful for fish). And since you have a decent nitrAte reading and a fairly low nitrIte reading I'm guessing it's nearly done (although I can't say for certain w/o an ammonia reading). I would do a water change and see if you can get the nitrIte reading down to 0.

  8. chuisoccer01

    chuisoccer01 New Member

    thnaks for the info

    Tomarrow is my tank cleaning day for fish tanks. So I will do that. What about the hardness of the water?
  9. GodsChld

    GodsChld New Member

    correct me if i am wrong

    but i am pretty sure colors fading on your tiger is normal....some days mine is faded in color.....others the colors are very bold.....there are always some spots that are constant but for the most part i think its normal.....i am sure chelle can correct me if i am wrong, but i would not worry about it unless he/she is acting funny
  10. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Re: thnaks for the info

    It's higher than their ideal range, but they can adapt. It's not so far off that it would be worth trying to change it (messing with the pH & hardness can sometimes do more harm than good). My water is about the same as yours and my oscar, plecos, cories, otos, etc (all soft, acidic water fish) are doing just fine.


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