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this is very sad!!..another pit destroyed in a horible way..

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by shyangel333, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    i was in another forum i go to like this one and one of the people off there came across this link....they all like i am...is disgusted.....what do you all think???.....my oppion this man should of never had pit....and to display his dogs pic like this like they are trophys....if the dog bite him i think it is for a reason...especially the way he presents this....here is the link


    **warning**graphic photos
  2. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    OMG! He DROWNED the dog!?!?!? and then took pictures of it and put em on the net?!?! what a sicko!!! :x

    Might wanna warn the pics may be a tad graphic for some people.
  4. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    !! !! !! !!

    omg this person need shot them selves......some people really digust me!!!

    what you are about to read is offensive...


    besure to scroll up to see why there are comments when you click on this page...
  5. rottweiler_inc

    rottweiler_inc New Member

    oh dear lord.........ummmm at the bottom I noticed he said and I qoute " so ban rottweilers dobermans,german shephards and pitbulls" that just really sickens me that people can think that way. these animals are so very beautiful and they really dont deserve this THINK PEOPLE THINK!!! If the animal is banned that means it cannot servive and if it doesnt servive it becomes extint meaning other things becoming extincted as well, and humans could very well be one of those things to become extincted.....banning the dogs is not going to help, although making sure the dogs are in the proper care and with the proper familt will. I hope you understand what im trying to say.
  6. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    When I was 5 I was mauled by a germanshepard.
    Bit me in the face under my arms and in my stomache carried me around like a rag doll.
    I do not blame that poor baby!!! It was not his fault! MY parents didnt teach me to respect space of a dog! I looked at him thought he looked so sad and lonely on the chain he had spent his whole life on.
    I went to hug and kiss him and he didnt agree.
    Not only did this strengthen my love for dogs but this gave me a greater
    Respect for them and their space and I learned how to read their body language. From that day forward I wanted to be a dog vet never happen due to situations in my life but didnt stop my love for these great animals who are so smart!

    I now teach my children respect of space of dogs and other animals.
    There is certain body languages dogs react to I have done my best to teach my children how not to react and how to react around dogs and animals.

    Those bites I took that day were for a reason! I argued with my parents about them wanting the dog put to sleep yes at 5 years old.
    I saved him I feel he was very old he got to live till he couldnt any more but did have to live in a kennel but was finaly off that chain!

    I dont agree with animal violence they only bite in defence when they feel they are being threatoned or are having their space invaded.
  7. shyangel333

    shyangel333 New Member

    !! !! !! !!

    i was mauled by a malmute when i was 6 yrs old he tore my face up had to have 230 stitches and he bit a portion of my right ear off.... respect heck no i was peturified and i fear dogs till my mom met her boyfriendi was around 10 or so then i was raised around amstaffs and apbt's....i was still leary over dogs....i really wasn't intrested in them but i no longer had the fear of dogs....my enthusisum for the breed came when i got codie....everything has changed...now i am the proud owner of a amstaff... :y_the_best:
  8. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member


    that has gotta be the dumbest statement i read on that board.. if we go by that logic.. we should ban Southern whites.. jus think of how Black people feel seein them walk free on the streets..
  9. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Hey daddyfs! Back home safe and sound?
  10. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    been back for a lil while.. and everythin is good for us.. im kinda ready to go back.. jus not to Iraq!!
  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont know you daddyfs but I would like to say welcome back....fiance was in Iraq for a while, a cousin and friends brother are back for a second tour.
  12. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    my lil sister is supposed to be goin back to Iraq soon.. I really wish folks didnt have to go there.. i hope i never have to go.. The Air Force really doesnt get tasked to go to the "hot spots" so i feel for the troops that do

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