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New Oscar Black w/ orange stripes

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by jplato2004, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. jplato2004

    jplato2004 New Member

    Ive gotten this new oscar :eek: :D :p I had him in reguler temp water until i found out hes tropical. He had ick/ich or whatever and the water temp being warm and some special tablets cured him. :D 8) OK i want to know every possible thing i can aboukt oscars. Ive been feeding him flaked i know ill need to feed him pellets and a bigger tank i have a 10 gal right now.Ill need a 55. He also eats reptile sticks. HE LOVES THEM but he scares me because he holds them in his mouth. HE is also A PIG. Hesin 80 degree water. Well thats all the info i have so give me any possible info.. THANKS SO MUCH
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Well for starters, here's a good article on basic oscar care. Although I would like to point out that I have come to strongly disagree with the tank size recomendations in that article. In my own personal experience, 75 gallons is not large enough for 2 oscars. They need a bare minimum of 50 gallons each (more being even better). And if you haven't bought a larger tank yet, it would definitely be better if you spent a little more and got a 75 instead of a 55. When he becomes a 12"+ monster fish, you'll be glad he has the extra swimming space.

    Also, how big is he now? Did you cycle the tank before putting him in it?

  3. jplato2004

    jplato2004 New Member

    Um ? ? ?

    OK yes i did cycle the water before i put him in there. Hes About2 and a half inches now. I was gonna get a 55 gal but ill see if i can find a 75 gallon. He also responds to me more than my family. He ussaly hides from them but comes right up to the glass when im by the tank.
  4. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yea, thats a cool thing about oscars/cichlids.....they recognize their owner and usually respond better to them then anyone else.
  5. jplato2004

    jplato2004 New Member

    Really ? Its Cool

    That drives my mother batty her betta when she sits in the chair next to it stares and watches her It does it to all of us
  6. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Its black with orange strips? I dont know anyhting about oscars sounds cool got some pics?

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