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Sunkist's new symptoms - any suggestions? Please!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by KittyKatPat, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    Sunkist had a URI with a secondary illness and is now home with a "cold" - congested and sneezing from time to time. This is his day - he eats when I feed him - 3 x a day and other than that he sleeps like he hasn't slept in weeks. If he walks up or down the stairs twice - which he does when he follows me, he follows me everywhere - he passes out on the rug and he is so out that you can walk over him, pet him and he just sleeps. He was a skidish cat prior to his sickness - jumping at any little thing - now he is sort of lethargic but he gets hungry and wants to eat. His breathing isn't labored even though he is congested. Could it be his heart? A blood disease? What is making him so tired? Help - Please
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    was any blood work done to determine if there might be any other things going on?

    Maybe he just needs to sleep it off so to speak. I'd give him some NutraCal as it contains vitamins/minerals that might give him a boost. If you think he's really lethargic you could be a teeny amount of Karo syrup on his tongue. The sugar will give him a boost.

    But if he's eating and drinking okay and not losing any weight I'd give him time to just sleep it off. Think of when we have bad colds...sleep in a must
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Mary's advice sounds like good advice.

    If he doesn't improve you may want to contact your Vet.
  4. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Your poor cat! It sounds like you've been through a lot trying to make him better. I hope that time will finally heal your little one.

    I wish I had more advice. I mentioned in your other thread that Chloe was sick and I didn't mention that she slept all the time (and she was 8 weeks old - she should've been bouncing off the walls).

    BUT, it didn't last as long as what's going on with you.

    I hope you can get some bloodwork and some answers...
  5. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    was any blood work done to determine if there might be any other things going on?

    Not again - but blood work was done initially12/30 - full CBC/Vet screen all good and 01/04 Leuk- neg

    I am going to try the Nutri Cal - thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep you posted. Maybe it will give him some energy.

    If I knew how to get a picture of him on this website easily I would do it and show you how precious he is. I've had many cats but have never gone through a situation like this.

    I call my cats my "gifts form God" and "my reasons" - they mean so much to me and I thank God every day for them. They truly are gifts from God. In a world where people constantly disappoint you, our animals are so comforting and full of love.

    Thanks for the responses.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have had cats all my life...I'd tell you how long ago but it's been so long I forget :roll: ...I don't remember URIs ever being a problem until about 5 years ago when my Bridge kitty, Sessy went to the vet and was staying beside some shelter kittens. She got a cold so bad and passed it along to my Missy.

    I think shelter conditions get so overflowing that cat and kittens pass these colds around so much it's hard for them to shake even after they are adopted. Some cats have a really tough time getting over these colds.

    I also foster and it never fails - I get a cat from a shelter and it'll have a cold. Also with Siamese they get cold from stress and shelters tend to stress them horribly.
  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    Pat, i'm sorry to hear about your ill fur baby... what Mary said is great advice... but remember, any worries, a vet is best to talk to when worried aboutt he health of your kitty ;) best wishes tho.. good luck
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry about your kitty. Hope Sunkist feels better soon! Here's some info on how to post pics:

    Some people like to use Photobucket and others Tinypic. I like Snapfish. It's easy to use. Sign up for free, download your pics there. They appear as little icons. Click the small icon and the picture becomes enlarged. Right click the image and click "copy image location". Come back here. Click the Img tab, then paste the copy image location and click the Img tab again. Voila.

    Here's what others wrote:



    From EternalFlames's post:
    Posting images is simple. Just get a photohosting account with a place such as photobucket.com

    Upload your picture. At the mentioned site, it gived u 3 formats for the picture. 3 codes. u want the code with the at the front. Just copy and paste the whole code into your thread window.

    Simple as that Smile Good luck and cant wait to see the pictures!

    For a free avatar, pic under your name read this thread:


    Or just pay Auspet $9.99 through Paypal and they'd host the avatar for you. Good luck and have fun. Can't wait to see all your pics!
  9. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member


    Here's my boy - when he is healthy and sleeping.[/img]
  10. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member


    Did it work this time?
  11. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    WOW - it's HUGE - LOL
  12. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    Enough with the picture. Sorry.


    That NutiCal was a MIRACLE! He actually had some energy yesterday after I gave it to him. I put some on both front paws and he licked it off and was charged up for longer than 5 minutes. It actually made him more hungry. I didn't give him too much yesterday. This morning I did it again and I will do it again later today so not to give him more than the 1 teaspoon or a stomach ache. THANK YOU!

    He seems a little better since the NutriCal - his eyes are open a little more. I hope it isn't a temporary fix.

  13. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    He is gorgeous, and looks very comfortable! I'm happy to hear things are getting better too.
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Sunkist is a cutie pie! :y_the_best: I love it when they spread out their limbs like that. It's too bad his eyes are pink. Poor kid. Glad he's perking up with Nutacal. :eek:
  15. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm glad to hear hes doing better! :eek: He sure looks hugable in that pic, so sweet :mrgreen:
  16. KittyKatPat

    KittyKatPat New Member

    Thanks for the compliments. He seems to getting a little better everyday. My other cats are not hissing at him anymore - now they sniff and run away. He is such a lovey cat. Thank you so much for your support.

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