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Cats and play time

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Nano, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. Nano

    Nano New Member

    What are your cat's favorite toys? 1 yr. old Tigger really likes his mechanical mouse and his tunnel. Boo is 12, and Tiffany is 10, and don't play with to much of anything anymore. Boo used to have a felt slipper that she would carry around in her mouth constantly, almost like a pacifer! Tiffany loved chasing the light of a flashlight across the wall. I really miss Boo and Tiffany's playfulness. Nano.
  2. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    my emily loves thoes little fury mice

    tas well he likes to try & grab them from emily LOL
  3. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ollie likes anything that moves!!he likes paerballs hed make a great goalkeeper the way he knocks them out wen we play!! he also loves hes fishing rod toy with a mouse on the end.hes not fuss with wot he has to play with he is one mad kitty! :0023:
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Artemis, being almost 4 months old, likes anything that moves. He's very easily amused - too easily. Moe likes strings/ribbons/pull toys best. Or anything sprayed with catnip.
  5. bionca

    bionca New Member

    Dear Nano,
    Have you tried fresh catnip herbs and stuff into their old toys? Or perhaps make one yourself. I thought Hugo my cat never knows how to play. He is not interested with catnip toys, until today. I bought fresh catnip herbs, discard the old herbs and stuffs with fresh new ones. The problem with purchasing over the stores, it’s been on the shelf for too long. The herbs are no longer effective. I’m sure all cats are crazy over catnips.
  6. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    Well lets see here

    Demon doesent really play at least not with me (its above him :roll: ). I actually for the longest time did'nt think Demon did play until one day I caught him with a peice of paper he found and he would run around with it and then rip it up with his back claws. So yeah Demon plays with paper the weird that that he is lol.

    Handsome is a string boy any kind string is gets all into he also likes the feather duster and his feather toy mouse.

    Rebel likes the fish bowl lol but other then that she really likes her cat nip mouse and those little jingle balls.

    Gizmo's favorite toys are my feet :roll: he loves to jump out from under the bed or table and attack my feet :m3: . He also likes jingle balls. Truly since he still is a kitten pretty much anything is fair game for a toy lol.
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    busters fav. toy is those big furry mice, but abby like so slober on them so he doesn't have one now. he and shadow had 3 small ones that were suposed to stay in my room but they dissapeared and i have cleaned my room 5 times and still haven't found them.shadows favorite toy is the butterfly cracklers, abbys is a small stuffed elefeant, her "baby", but when it makes a sound it scares her, mr jingles is his swing and the shooting game he plays when he spits seeds and water at me. (evil bird!!)
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Copper has a sock fetish so he LOVES these toddler socks that I got to put on one of my dog's foot after she had surgery. He will stalk up and down the hall with it like it's a fresh kill.
  9. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    lets see....all 3 luv the furry mice..i end up finding them everywhere...

    Romeo luvs laundry...especially socks and underwear..he is an odd kitten

    Jazz luvs anything that dangles...like fishing rods or stuff you can drag around the house

    Caesar luvs aluminum foil balls...cheap and convient..lol
  10. luna

    luna New Member

    shadow like that aluminum too, but she trys to eat it

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