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i have a 10 gallon tank i was wondering can

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by erin, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. erin

    erin New Member

    i put both of my male bettas and rams horn snails in the same tank to live together?
  2. Loach

    Loach New Member

    no! not the two males(they will fight to the death) but they can be put in with your rams, if u keep a close eye
  3. erin

    erin New Member

    I just get so confussed cause they say if you have a big enough tank you can... I guess not ... :cry: I think i will put my bettA and both rams horns in there with him. what else can i put with a betta .. a female?
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Sometimes a male betta and femal betta will fight if they're in the same tank. I had a female that would grab onto the males fins and the male would pretty much drag her aound the tank.

    You could try a few cories. I'v never had a problem keeping them together.
  5. erin

    erin New Member

    thanks !! i think i am going to put 2 ramshorns full grown and one betta in the 10 gallon tank. thanks.
  6. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    a betta with the snails and maybe 2 adfs. Idk for sure how your betta would react with them in there. Mine does fine though, or the cories would be very nice also, just a suggestion. -tl
  7. dude412

    dude412 New Member

    my friedn has a 5 gallon and a 3 gallon each one has a betta and the 5 has 3 neons and the 3 has a femal betta anyways he was messing around i wasnt there so u know but he put his to males together and they were fine all they did was attack other fish i didnt witness this but i dunno
  8. erin

    erin New Member

    I dont know if I want to risk putting both of my lil boys together.
    i thank you all for your input !!! :eek: :y_the_best:

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