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Surprising Warning for Cat Owners

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

    I got this from Netscape homepage:

  2. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    try telling Jazzy that..i got her the 2 boys to keep her company while i was at work...and i think she still thinks i am housing them temporarily..lol..she deals with them...but definitly doesnt like em!!
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    switzerland has a screw loose! i dont think pheobe will EVER forgive me for bringing pepe into the house :cry:
  4. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    cats are normally solitary creatures, arent they?
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I'd have to say that all my cats are quite happy to have each other around. Tiddy was my first cat and although he seemed to enjoy my company he seemed much happier when I brought Bean home. After seeing how well all of mine get along its hard to imagine those that have cats that don't tolerate other cats well.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I know siamese do better in a multiply pet household especially if their people are gone during the day.

    Cats are normally solitary creatures but look at how feral cats stick together in groups.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    When I lived in CT, a vet's wife told me that all her cats do fine being solitary. She said few cats get along well with each other. I think cats are like people. They can do fine alone, but prefer companionship. Depending on how they are socialized, I can see that they don't like being alone. Like others here, my four cats may enjoy private attention but they also enjoy each other's company. In the future I will opt to adopt kitties in pairs.
  8. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I think my cats love being in a multi-cat household. They all play with each other (with the exception of Zoe and Kitters - Zoe is still slow to warm up).

    I'm sure cats do fine living alone. But, it's a huge benefit for my (and my husband's) hectic schedule.
  9. ChinookLover89

    ChinookLover89 New Member

    I don't know. Demon is'nt a fan of any of his adopted siblings really and spends most of his time ruling over them all. But the rest of my cats seem to really enjoy each others company. So i don't know it could go either way i really think it depends on the cat.
  10. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Copper thinks he's a dog, so he prefers their company. But he and Sabrina will sometimes play. Or rather he tried to terrorize her and she tolerates him.
  11. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i used to think one cat was fine.... until i got Raz and witnessed the change in Lex.

    again, like others said, depends on the kitty that already lives there. But in case things dont work out, be prepared to do what u can to fix it...

    in the future, i will adopt kitties in pairs if the budget allows and such... they are too cute together. :mrgreen:
  12. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    well i think the prob w/ Jazz is when i got her...i was never home..i still lived w/ my rents..but none of us were ever there...so she didnt ever tolerate people well, i guess that is my fault..i never really spent enought time w/ her when she was a baby..i was young and stupid then....she still runs now if she hears a knock at the door, and it takes her at least 3 days to warm up to new people or houseguests..or if someone walks by the windows...so i cant expect her to be thrilled w/ me bringing home the babies...but she is doing much better than when they first got here...thank god they had ringworm..bc i had to keep them separated for over a month..but she could still sniff them under the door...and knew they were in there..so she had time to get used to them before they had run of the apt...and even now..she does play tag w/ them..but wont eat near them or even lay near em..lol..but she did stop whacking them on the head...hehe
  13. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    I had 4 cats at the busiest! The 2 girls got on famously, would cuddle each other - it was so cute but sadly I had to have one of them put to sleep. Until December I was left with my 2 original cats, a male and female and they've NEVER ever got on. The male has always bullied the female, Cassie, and she's basically spent 12 years being scared of him! Now she's the only cat in the house, and I think she prefers it that way.

    I guess it depends on the mix of cats - it's like humans really isn't it?!
  14. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Our 15 year old cat Anna...is more active now that we have Hunter. She is irritable with him, but she plays more now.

    Also...I don't really think that cats are that solitary. Hunter follows me around everywhere. When I am at home or DH is at home he is right there with us.
    When I leave to go to work in the morning...pick up the keys he RUNS and blocks the door. This morning I was putting on my gloves and such to go out and he launched on me...ended up with his paws around my neck and I had to grab hold of him so he wouldn't fall and end up scratching me.
    Also, when I come home and the "beep" of my horn goes off...he RUNS to the window.
  15. nern

    nern New Member

    I think alot of the studies done feline behavior were done on unaltered wild or feral cats living outdoors. Cats are solitary hunters and are more territoral when food availablity is low and also when they are unaltered. I think alot changes with availability of food and spaying/neutering because they have fewer reasons to be territorial.
  16. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Well, I tried to talk/trick hubby into another adoption today but there's no way he's going to go for it. I went into the adoption center and hubby just took off saying "no' over and over as he walked away. :cry:

    Oh well. Booger is going to have to settle for me I guess.
  17. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    yes...but wild cats live in "prides" which are groups. they dont really live alone do they? the population of some cats is dwindling, so it may force them to be alone...due to the circumstances, but...i always thought cats were group animals....
  18. lilsisterz62

    lilsisterz62 New Member

    Hi, can't say for sure what "the norm" is suppose to be. But, I think, cats are very independent critters...opposite of dogs...and I think they are just as individual in their likes and dislikes as we are. Some like to sit on your lap, some don't. I had my Maddie for 6 years before my sister talked me into bringing home Moses. I knew Maddie wouldn't like him, but my sister said they would get along after a couple weeks...okay, many years and cat fights, stitches later. Maddie was still not having any companionship with Moses. Let's just say it's a good thing I have seperate levels in my house or they would have killed each other. *But Moses really took to Mickey when I brought him home...go figure?* Maddie didn't, but no "cat fighting" until Mickey got older. Yup, talk about a zoo!

    **side note- My Maddie's not with us anymore...she was 17**

    Thanks for the chat! :m18:

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