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how to get finches to stop laying eggs

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Okay, I keep seeing that you should not let birds just keep laying eggs. My sister's finches won't stop! She has taken away their nests but they still do it. She takes the eggs out, but it doesn't help. Is there anything she can do to get them to stop?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    When birds start laying all you can do us let her cycle run its course what i do if my girls keep laying is take the eggs away boil them allow them to cool and give them back to the birds.

    Removing eggs while they are going through there cycle will just make her lay more eggs to replace the eggs taken thats why its best if not wanting chicks to do the boiled egg thing.

    Once boiled she can sit on the eggs for aslong as she likes and this causes her know problems.

    Reducing the amount of light to about 8hours a day, Placing the cage in a different location, Moving toys perches around also helps.

    If they eat fruit and vegtables either cut down the amount they are eating or stop them altogether.
    If they have access to a bath or they get misted stop the misting and remove the bath, Remove anything she may use as a suitable nesting site.. If these do not work can always remove the male to another cage and knwoing any eggs she lays will be infertile they can be just left alone no need to boil them and allow her to sit on them till she gets bored.

  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thanks, Mike, I will pass this info on to her. I'm sure she will feel awful about boiling the eggs, but her females will be better off for it.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I too feel awful for boiling the eggs but then i think well its better than her using all her energy feeding the chicks then as soon as they turn 4weeks old the female lays eggs again.

    They are very prolific breeders and will just breed for the fun of it.

  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm not sure she will take my advice. I guess she's been told that laying eggs is not bad, but that sitting on them and raising the chicks is what tires the female out. I told her it depletes calcium, but whether or not she'll listen to me, I don't know. But I did what I could.

    In fact, if there was a way to get them from her, I might take them. She is tired of taking care of so many animals. She has 4 cats and 4 dogs and a bearded dragon and gerbils and finches. The gerbils and finches she was talked into by the rest of the family, and then they stuck her with cleaning and caring for them all. She likes them, but she's overloaded. If I can work out a way to get them I will take her birds, but it's like a 12 hour drive.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    All i can say about excessive egg laying is that the more eggs she lays the less calcium her body has and if she is not getting extra calcium her body will use her own calcium reserves which can result in egg binding which is fatal if not noticed and treated straight away as she will use all of her energy and body heat to try and pass the egg..

    Sitting on the eggs does not do any harm to the birds just the excessive egg laying.
    I have had a female die from egg binding but that was due to she got a chill while she was in her egg laying cycle..


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