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crate AND litter training

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by colieolie, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. colieolie

    colieolie New Member

    I am confused... I have been looking the past 2 days through old and new posts looking for information on crate training AND litter training. I have found numerous posts on one or the other, but I cannot figure out how to mix the two. Since I will be gone for spans of probably 5 hours, I know that my puppy will need to go potty, and that is one of the main reasons i chose litter training, but since dogs do not like to deficate where they sleep, where should the litter box go? The crate is in my room which has mostly tile floor and is quite small (about 13x13)... would it be ok to just leave her crate open when I'm gone? Sorry if this post is confusing, but I would appreciate any help I can get! Thanks...
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    You may need like an Ex-Pen to put both the crate and litter box in. Puppys will chew on anything they see. I know of a gal that recently had her toy poodle die becuase it had chewed on an electrical cord. It had climbed out of its encloser. They make tops for the ex-pens also. So's she can't climb out. Its very important to make sure you have her in a safe contained spot when you are not there. I would put the crate in the ex-pen and along with the litter box, plus put paper or pee pads everywhere, as soon as she starts to use a particular one you can not put the others down, then slowly inch it over to the litter box. eventually putting it in the box. It takes some dogs time to learn, some get it just like that others don't. Patience has got to be the key. Hope you plan on posting pups pictures. Is she black or brwon, its hard to tell in the picture.
  3. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    I litter boxed trained my pup. I work 3 days a week and am gone 6 hours. I started the litter box training on day one, it took Winnie a week or so to use the box everytime. I started out with puppy pads in the box, and still use them (she still plays with the litter) When I'm at work I put Winnie in the Kitchen and she is blocked from the rest of the house. I place her box in the corner with a pad in it and next to it (just in case) She also has her food and water dish, her soft crate (house) and toys. I also put down a comforter so she doesn't have to lay on the hard floor. She does great, for myself I could not leave her in a crate for more than a few hours. If I know I will be gone more than 2 hours I set up the kitchen for her.
  4. colieolie

    colieolie New Member

    thanks so much for the advice! I think I've decided to get a baby gate and section off a part of our room for her so that she won't be so closed in and still has a place to go potty. In less than 24 hours I'll have her in my arms! Wish me luck! :) Thanks again!
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Good luck. Get a good nights rest if you can. I know you are going to lay there tonight with puppy on the brain all night.LOL
  6. colieolie

    colieolie New Member

    I have been the past WEEK, but I'll try! :)
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Honestly, this is going to be the first test for you on how you can handle having a human baby. Puppies are even harder, in my book. No diapers. Keep at least a gallon of simple solution on hand. For those accidents.

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