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help! 2 week old puppies

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by senzafine, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    I feel terrible because someone just gave us 2 week old chihuahuhas because he had so many of them. I think they still need their mom but he refused to take them back so now we have them.

    They can't walk yet, and I really have no idea what to do. What should I feed them? Milk? I'm so confused, helpplease!
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    There is special puppy formula that you can purchase for them...you can probably find it at most pet supply stores. Also, be sure and keep them warm. You will have to bottle feed them. I'm not sure if its the same with puppies as it is for kittens but you may have to rub their bottoms with a warm damp cotton ball to stimulate them to go to the bathroom....someone else might now for sure. Its sad that someone would give puppies away at such a young age. I'm sure some of the other members will have more advice for you. Good luck.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi this is terrible if the owner of the female could not cope with the little ones he should not have allowed her to have the litter this is irrisponsible of him/her.

    Puppies need to be with there mother until atleast 6-8weeks weaning can start at 3-4weeks but until then they need there mums milk.

    You will need to get a puppy formula from the petstore either Whelpi or Lactol its a substitute milk and needs to be bottle fed to the pups every 2-4hours around the clock they need to be kept warm at all times and like Nerm mentioned you will need to wipe there private area to stimulate them to goto the toilet.

    Bottle feeding has its risks and care should be taken that the milk does not go down the wrong way and sufficate the little ones.

    If you think your not confident enough to do this ask your local vet for advice or help most will do this free of charge if you explain the situation to them and let them know that you plan on keeping the pup...

    Good luck and hope all goes well for you and the little ones..

  5. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    yes, thank you. I'm going to go out and buy the puppy formula now. I don't know how long we're going to be keeping them, since we don't know how, but we'll try our best. Thanks for you rhelp guys.
  6. HereinDecatur

    HereinDecatur New Member

    Yes make sure you keep them warm at all times. Also get a small bottle and puppies mother milk and feed him just like a baby at 2 to 3 hour intervals. Yes puppies are also stimulated to relieve themselves by their mother until they about 4-5 weeks old. Your best bet would be call your vet immediatly and he will instruct what to do. What were them people thinking????????????? People like that do not need to own animals!!!!!! :x Keep us posted
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I would find out what the laws are where you live. Most states have a law regarding at what age someone cat either sell or give away kittens or puppies and that age is 8 weeks old. I'd find out and get this goatlicker in trouble
  8. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    Apparently this goatlicker is in his 70s and had about 15 dogs in his house. :? So far i've given them the milk suggested, and they're sleeping at the moment. My only problem is that sometimes when I put the bottle up next to them they won't really try to suck on it. Is there any other way besides just forcing it towards them?
  9. goob

    goob New Member

    With tiny puppies like that, low blood sugar is a real concern. Try rubbing a bit of karo syrup on their gums, and that may help spark their appetite. If not, keep applying it every hr or so to keep their sugar up and get them to the vets ASAP. They probably need fluids, and may have to be tube fed for a while, which is dangerous to do if you haven't been shown how. More info on hypoglycemia here: http://www.wildfloweryorkshireterrier.c ... _care5.htm
  10. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I hand raised a 2 week old kitten and he wouldn't nurse from the little bottle but he would nurse from a 6cc syringe. I think it was easier for him?? Good Luck and keep us posted!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Definately sounds like they are either too cold or anemic. Try rubbing some light karo on their gums. Chis are very tiny to begin with and have several health issues.

    My advise to you is to take them to a vet and see if they can help them...
  12. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    Well they seem to be drinking now.
    But i'm beginning to think they aren't even 2 weeks old, siince they already have some teeth grown.

    I've begun putting a little but of their milk replacer in a tiny dish and htey lick it up. They play alot too. I think they're doing good for now.

    Does anyone know how old they usually are when their teeth begin to grow in?
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I found this information about puppy teeth:

    Other pages I have checked agree that teeth can erupt in the 3rd week.

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