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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by pinkyrat, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    [size=18]I am heartbroken as my 4-year-old cocker bit me when I went to hug him. He has always been a sweetheart and I am confused and have a heavy heart over it. Has anyone ever had a problem like this with there cocker baby. He will not even let me brush his teeth anymore. I am thinking of getting a muzzle cuz I am afraid he may bite someone, and I JUST HATE TO DO THAT, but I don't want to lose my boy either. Any suggestions or thoughts out there? [/size]

  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    If he is alpha, he needs to be put in check. Also, I would take him to the vet and have bloodwork done to rule out any health issues. get a good looking at from the vet. Hopefully no-one in your family is messing with him, causing him to be fearfull and bite. Children tend to like to tease dogs.
  3. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member


    He did not start getting bad, though, until I took him to the groomer. The first time I thought he just missed me cuz that was the first time he had ever been away from me for a whole 6 hours. He usually never slept on my bed but after the first groom, he has not left the bed. Now the second time I got him groomed, he was shaking under the bed, and I thought it was just because he was cold from having no fur. The groomer also took all of the fur off his ears, as I have been a bad mom and working on my computer too much and not grooming them. Now he looks like a beagle (funny, cuz my beagle just died of old age). I live alone, though. It is just me and him so that was the only other contact from another person he has had. Curious, I say. I hope my boy did not get abused, but he can't talk to me.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think that maybe you might want to try another groomer. She may have been to forcefull or simply mean to him. She may have nicked and hurt him and he may think you're going to do it or just be mad. Is he used to having his hair long? Maybe he has a bit of shellshock. Not used to his short hair. If you are in a cold snowy area, he very well could be cold. Make sure whan andif he tried to bite you that you don't cower and run. Stand up to him and let him know thats not exceptable. Force him off the couch or bed. Don't let him back up till he shapes up. Have you had him since puppyhood or adopted him as an adult?
  5. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member


    Yes I have had him since a pup. He has always been aggressive with his bones but that was it. He is a King Charles, I think. He is light brown with white and freckled face... will have a picture on here soon -- 24 hours don't you know. I live near San Francisco and it really has not been that cold but he may be embarassed and ashamed that I would do such a thing. He is really such a sweetheart except for a couple of thiings he does not want me to do anymore. I have not had him fixed and I read an article about "rage syndrome" and they mentioned that it possibly could make him worse if that is what he has if I got him fixed. He is at his prime right now being 4 so maybe it's his hormones gone bizerk. I hope so, but it just made me cry cuz you know, these are our babies. But he is also my husband ... I am married to him .. being 52 and all this will probably be the only man I will ever have in my life. So you can see why I am just heartbroken that my partner in crime is so pissed at me. I did scold him right after he bit me but it made him even more furious so I just left him alone and let him cool down. He was fine after about 4 hours, but it seems to take him a while to forgive. Oh the trials and tribs of motherhood. I have had a lot of pups iin my time, but this is the first time I have run into this problem. I was just wondering if cockers tend to be that way in some of the breeds.
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    You know I have heard cockers can be testy. I've never owned a full blooded cocker. Only a cockerpoo when I was growing up. He was great, never a biter. I could stick my fingers in his mouth and he would never bite down.
    But you did say it took him about 4 hours to calm down. That may be it. Dogs are sensitive too. What exactly did he do after he was scolded. He did not try to bite you again did he? Being he is an only dog. He may be getting a bit spoiled and need to be put more in the dogs postition. Maybe needs to be reminded he is a dog. By all means, I don't mean lock him outside or anything. But for instance, when you feed him or give him treats. Make him work for it. Make him do a few tricks. He needs to be reminded you are the boss. Whatever you do with him, force him to do things for you. When opening the door for him to go out. Make him sit and wait. Things like that. Doesn't he know, that the women are in charge.
    Also, If you are not using him as a stud, for his own health reasons, it would do him good to neuter him. It helps decrease the chances of prostate cancer. May help even out his temper. Not certain as he is older now. I love the look of the cavalier spaniels.
  7. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    I agree with Puttin on the vet, I think you should get him checked out.

    Also, get a new groomer. Sometimes grooming can be traumatic for dogs, and it seems like your dog may be new to the groomer.
  8. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    Yes, I just talked to a behaviorilist who says he can have my dog realize he is not the boss in about four visits for only $555. What it really is, is training me. I have let him have the say to everything and I guess he has forgotten that I am the boss not him. I guess I just over spoiled my boy. I have had a lot of dogs, but I have never been as close as I am to this one and maybe I am just gotten too close (if there is such a thing). You can help but love him. You will see what I mean when my picture is added in a couple of days. I do appreciate all you help. I wish I was reach or I would have this behaviorist come over, but being single, paying mortgage, and working at home to cover everything, I find sometimes I at 52 have to ask my parents for help to buy food. Times are tight. Maybe there is a book I can buy on how to train the owner of a cocker spaniel. Anyone out there know of any good dog behavioral training books? Also, the homeopathic behaviorlist said a muzzle would make things worse (which I kind of thought too). He just needs to know that he is not the top dog, I am. I have two cats two and he chases them away from me cuz he wants all my attention. YES, HE IS A SPOILED ROTTIEN BOY, AND MOM IS TO BLAME. I need to brush up on my psychiatry courses. I went to enough therapy sessions for me that you would think I would remember some of the things I learned.

  9. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    I have been reading about the clicker method. Think I will try that and teaching mom some new tricks.
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh theres the cute little dominate boy. He is adorable. Hope the clicker training helps.
  11. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    :lol: Got three training books and a clicker for $50. That is better than $555 to have someone come to my home. I just hope I can train myself.......CLICK... :y_the_best:
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Exactly, try not to give up. I have dealt with a fussy bossy girl. She's the cream poodle to the left. She used to bite and think she would get away with it. Took alot of work. She could not tolerate being touched on her hind quarters and also her head. I could barely give her little head a nice massage like my other dog. Took persistance and gaining her trust. She was abused. But also she was(is) an alpha girl. at times needed to put her off the couch, bed etc. Told her alot that her behavior was not good. She accepted myself and my hubby as boss. It really took about 1 1/2 to two years. But you can do it. She does not like others touching her. So being Scout already loves you, maybe your job won't be as hard. My gal had given me stitches from the E.R. Whats the worst Scout has done to you?
  13. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    :roll: He just made my finger sore. But I was a little spooked since I am a at home medical transcrriptionist and my fingers are my bread and butter. This is why I have to nip this behavior in the scout butt. Plus, I was thinking if I went to the hospital and said my dog bit me, it might get reported, so I was trying to think up a story why my dog bit me cuz my finger was hot to touch the first day. But I soaked it and drowned it with alcohol, and it's better now. I took scout to the beach and there is this nice ole drunk that I talk to that hangs down at the beach and drinks (he is a sweetheart of a man tho) and he was bending down and hugging scout, and left his front legs up, and I had a hold of the leash in case he growled to pull him away immediately, but I did not say anything to my friend, and scout was just fine. Sometimes I think he just gets cabin fever. He will not go outside unless I go outside. The room I work in is 5 x 7 ft wtih two desks and four computers in it and one large butted chair for comfort as I spend my life in this sun room, running all four computers at the same time, working, answering emails, shopping, and he wedges himself by the sun room front door and my big butt chair and is at my feet. He is so hyper but he would rather be crumped up in a corner under my feet than sprawled out anywhere else in the house. I get up, he gets up. I go down the steps, I head out the back door down the steps BUT he has to go first or I would fall the down the steps, as he MUST BE FIRST., etc., etc., I think I am rambling but THIS IS MY BABY BOOBALA BOY (as I call him). He likes to be sung to too in my arms and he falls asleep. Now that was boobala boy don't you think?
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yep, the hospital does have to report every dog bite and investigate. Thats what happened to me. I had spooked my girl. What they check for really is that your dog has had its rabies shots and that no one was hurt badly. told them just that, that it was my fault, and she said she thought it was something like that and that everthing was fine. They will make you quarantine for at least 10 days. I did not hear that till I got the notice, then the lady called, did not come by. I said so is it ten days from the notice or what. 10 days from the incident is what it is. I was free and clear to walk her again very soon. Not so bad. I thought they would send someone over.
    What were you doing when he bit you?
    By the way, Scout is a lucky boy and {Hey Scout} Don't you know you got a good thing goin on. Take it easy on your mom.
  15. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    :( I was playing with him and was squeaking his toy and then showed him how to make the dog sweak by pushing his paw gently on the toy. I sometimes think he may be more fragile than he appears. He is really all muscle now but I think there are certain parts of his anatomy that I may accidently hurt sometimes and he obviously hates to get hurt at all. I am just afraid if he ever had any kind of surgery, he would be hard to take care of if I can't train him that he does not need to bite to let me know I accidently hurt him. Can't wait for my training books. My beagle let you do anything to her but I think Scout has some tender spots. I have never had a cocker spaniel before so this is my first, but I doubt I will ever change breeds because they are very loyal dogs. Like I said, this owner needs some training. P.S. I would never give up on any dog I have had. Once I was even willing to live out of my car if I could not find an apartment for my other dog so I am totally devoted to any animal I have had and will DO EVERYTHING to take care of any problems I run into with any pet of mine because their love is total, true, and foreever.
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    The best thing you can do to establish leadership IMO is practice NILIF. I practice this with both of my dogs and it has greatly improved my nippy toy poodles behavior over the past 2yrs.
    Here is some info. about it if your interested:

    An awesome book that I highly recommend to all dog owners is "Aggression in Dogs" by Brenda Aloff. Its got lots of info on modifying and preventing aggression in dogs as well as step by step training instructions using a clicker. Its one of the best books I've read.
    Good luck.
  17. Jas

    Jas New Member

    I am sorry to hear this is happening to you. This doesn't sound right. First has this dog been evaluated by a vet? Have they done a full panel thyroid on him? Sometimes a thyroid problem can cause behavioral changes. see article by Jean Dodds http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-ang ... hyroid.htm

    If thyroid is not a problem I think your best bet is a behaviorist. If you can find more than one talk to others. Training on one's own often isn't enough. It is expensive but a vet bill if your dog bites someone will cost you more. If you can not afford private please look into trainers who dog group classes that specialize in behavior. You can not go on like this with an aggressive dog. If it were a larger breed think of the damage this dog could have done to you and others. Your post was titled my cocker spaniel has JUST become aggressive, but reading through your posts the signs have been there and are not a recent development. It doesn't sound like your dog has been handled by many people, this is a huge problem for a vet or groomer. The bones, biting....... This is not a hormonal thing. You have an aggressive dog and need to do something about it. I say all this not to be mean but your dog is living a restricted live and you are making excuses for his behavior. The dog has been allowed to act like this and is running things. Not good. You would not believe the subtle signs in your body language and coaxing that dictate your leadership or lack of. A trainer can help point this out to you but until you are able to see this you may be unaware of the mistakes you are making. I am an advocate of clicker training, but it must be precise. The downfall is it only rewards good behavior, you need to fix the undesirable behavior.

    What was the reasoning behind what they said about a muzzle making things worse? You are not going to be able to trust this dog and at least having a muzzle will help you feel more relaxed and able to focus on the real problem. It is ok to spoil our pets, we all do, but it must be on your terms not his.
  18. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    I have made an apppointment with the vet for Monday. Interesting about the thyroid problem. I do realize that I need to be known as the top dog and not my dog. I talked to the behaviorist on the phone for two hours regarding my lack of being the leader of the pack and not my dog. Thanx for the information and I have ordered the book "aggression in dogs" and a few other books regarding the same issue. My dog has never been aggressive with the groomer at all and once he is not in the yard and on walks with me, he gets along wihout aggression towards people and kids, and when he meets up with other dogs he does not get aggressive until the other dog gets aggressive first and then he won't back down. But believe me I am not making excuses for his behavior and do realize that I need to get this taken care of ASAP, thus the reason for doing all this research and questioning. Thanks for all the info. :y_the_best:
  19. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    From my take on how he reacted with the toy incident, I don't think you hurt him at all. I think that he was fearful of you taking his control and making him touch(or simply doing something) that he had not intended to do. Not at that moment at least. He lost control. He did not like it much and struck out to bite, to show you, he wants to be the one that says when he does something. Both Nern and Jas has given good advice. At this point all things need to be looked into as for a cause. It is always best to rule out any health issues right off the bat.
  20. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Hi Pinky, I forgot to tell you I really like your determination :) that is a sign of a good owner! It is good that you realize you need help, I really hope the best for you both.
    Jean Donaldson might refer to your statement as a "Time bomb dog". Perhaps your dog hasn't gone off on other people & kids because the situation hasn't occurred....Yet. Dogs will repeat what behavior has worked in the past. Don't be fooled, he has gotten away with things with you and will try it with others. Heck, I've even seen dogs fake injuries. One dog in particular - the owners would gush and coo over their dog and the dog would refuse to do things they asked so he began to "limp", not realizing that their dog was manipulating them they took him to a vet. Dog was deemed in perfect health and would walk on all legs normally but as soon as they cooed - aww poor baby and soothed the dog and asked the dog to do something it would limp! Dogs are VERY smart! I think that Puttin, nailed it exactly when she explained her take on the toy incident. It sounds like the "limping" dog syndrome.

    Good luck at the vet, let us know how things go.

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