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2 q's what does your cat weigh & how long do they live

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by kathy5, Jan 23, 2005.

  1. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    we weighed emily the othernight she is 1 & she is a puggie 15 LBs

    taz is going to be 12 this july so this is why I was wondering on what a normal age is for cats living my mom had her cats put down at 17 & 18 but they could no ,.longer see eat or hold there movements
    taz weights 19 LBS
  2. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Jazz :9lbs 5yrs old
    Caesar: 8.5lbs 9 mnts old
    Romeo: 8lbs 9mnths old

    My first cat Candy lived til 13..so im not too sure about average ages...and i know that weights sometimes depend on the breed of the cat..like maine coons weigh a lot more than say a siamese.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    I've heard of cats living to 20 + yrs old. I think 15 - 18 yrs is the general life span for cats but I'm not positive. I've only recently weighed Bean but I'll try to remember what the others weighed last time I weighed them.

    Tiddy - 15 lbs, 8yrs old (next month)
    Bean - 17 lbs, 5 yrs old (next month)
    Hoggle - 8 lbs, 4 yrs old
    Rhiannon - 13 lbs - 3yrs old
    Chieve - 9 lbs, 3yrs old
    Bella - 13 lbs, 3yrs old
    Richie - 6 lbs., 8 months old

    P.S. All of my cats are overweight except Hoggle, Chieve and Richie. Bean is my largest cat...he should really only weigh 12-13 lbs.
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Kyrre is 7 months and almost 9 lbs.. I guess he'll be a big boy :wink:
  5. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    pepe is 8kg and growing. so thats about 17 lbs? pheobe is 4kg, so 8 lbs? the only cat i personally knew that has died lived to about 20.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    I had a neighbor's cat that was 18 and still going strong :mrgreen:

    Pumpkin- 13 lbs, 10 years old
    Monty- 14lbs, 8 years old
    Milo- 12 lbs, 4 years old
    Rene- 13 lbs, 2 years old in April

    Pooky- RIP 2 years old (Renal Failure)
    Vene- RIP 3 years old (hit and run)
    Kitty_ RIP 14 years old (history of car accident)
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    why does it seem my jazz is underweight..lol
  8. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ollie - 6months - 5lbs
    but hes stil growing and he is small for 6months old bless him!
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :m33: otis RIP 3/17/04 weighed about 8.5 lbs but never got over 9.5 in his life. he was almost twenty when he died.

    max 10.3 lbs 1 year 1/17
    christopher 10.5 lbs 2 years old
    mikey 10.5 lbs 1.5 years

    :m19: they all weigh almost exactly the same, believe it or not...i though chris would weigh alot more than max...he is very solid...but fairly lean. he feels heavier. i dont know for sure about mikey. he might be an 11 pounder now...hes a little porkier... :shock:
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I had this all typed and Zeus sat on my mouse.

    Missy will be 10 in July and she weighs maybe 6 lbs.
    Tilly is 6 and she weighs about 8 lbs.
    Zeus is 2 and he weighs 13 lbs.

    Fat for a cat will shorten its lifespan. CRF, diabets are 2 health risks for overweight cats - also joint problems. Diet and exercise....cut back on feedings, maybe change over to a weight management food.
    I had a CRF cat years ago who probably developed this from her size - Tami was a petite cat in a huge body. She also developed a heart murmur.
    Here's a good way to determine if your cat needs a diet
    http://www.placervillevet.com/feline%20 ... dition.htm
  11. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    Stewart is 5 years this March and he weighs 14 punds :m30:
  12. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    My grandmother has 4 cats right now (3 are siblings) The sibling cats are 22 years old right now. One of them is pretty sick though.
    She then has another cat that is about 4 years old.

    My cats are:
    Anna: 15 years old and 14 pounds
    Hunter: 1 and a half years old and 9.07 pounds (he went to he vet last week).

    I had a cat that had CRF and lived to be 13 years old. She was 5 pounds when she died. But was always a small kitty and her heaviest was 8 pounds. She was the bestest cat ever!
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    :shock: :shock: :shock: Wow, great genes! :y_the_best:
  14. Duplantie

    Duplantie New Member

    Ages and Weight of Cats

    My first cat, Bullwinkle lived to be 23 years old. At his heaviest he was 14 pounds (he was an outdoor cat for part of his life and then when I moved into the city, he became an indoor cat). When he passed away he was 9 pounds.

    Chester is going to be 6 in April and she was 9 pounds before she got sick a month ago. Now she is around 6 pounds and very skinny for a Maine coon mix.

    Drakk is going to be 7 in August and he is a Siamese mix. Last time at the vet (October 2004) he was 7 pounds.
  15. batch

    batch New Member

    Out Moto, Smokey is almost 19 now


    She's falling apart though :wink:. She has renal problems so has a special diet, including steamed fist 2 or 3 times a wee, she's better fed than me.

    She has a slighty fast heart beat.

    She's only got on big "fang" tooth left.

    Blind in one eye. Not so good eye sight in the other.

    And she has a bad wrist.

    Not sure of her weight but the vet keeps a close eye on that anyway.

    Apart from that she's going fine.
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Smokey looks like a well loved kitty. she's very cute! :y_the_best:
  17. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    My Bugs was feluek positive at 8 weeks, tested again at 16 weeks; still positive, tested again at 5 years; negative. But he's now a healthy 18 yrs old, and weighs 15 pounds. He's not fat, just big.

    He's getting a bit arthritic, so we replaced his litter box with a couple of large baking trays. The kind the bakery uses to make large sheet cakes. The sides are lower, and he has an easier time getting in and out.
  18. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Dale is ~4 or 5 and she weighs 10.8lbs. She is my first "real" cat. This is crappy of me to say but my hole life we had cats, but my mom would let us get one (genreally a boy, bc boys can't have kittens!) and some would stick around the house for a few years, others disappeared shortly thereafter (not to death, but bc my mom would sneak the kitten back to wherever we got it from) so I have no idea how long cats would live, but i have heard over 20 years!! I think DAle still has alot of life in her!!
  19. savannam

    savannam New Member

    weight of my cat

    Dice is 3years old and weighs 11lbs

    My first cat had to be put down at the age of 20...and this is considered old for a cat...about 90-100 in human years. The average for a cat is definately about 15-18 years
  20. silent_bunni

    silent_bunni New Member

    i dont know how much they weigh but sally & tally are bbout 7 months old & tally hes so much bigger than sally i think hes gonna be a big ole tom cat when hes grown . chipper is heavy lol ( well shes ready to drop her kittens any day now) & im not sure how old she is the woman we got her from said shes a year old we have her almost 2 years & so no one really knows( we rescued her)
    my moms cat she was maby 7-8 lbs when she dies were guessing she was 20+ years because my mom had her 11 years my aunt 6 & she was adopted b my aunt when she was 3-4 so she had a long life of being spoiled lol

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