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  4. Live Spirulina

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Decided to go RAW!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by faeriedust1127, Jan 23, 2005.

  1. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Vianne ran out of her cat food this morning, so on my way home from dropping of the SKs at their mom's, i stopped in at the pet shop. They were out of the regular adult cat Wellness that I usually get for her so I was looking around to see what else they had since I had to go home with something. Not sure if many of you guys know, but i usually rotate Vianne's food every few months between the Wellness and Solid Gold. She happens to be on Solid Gold at the moment. Anyway, I noticed they had a freezer with some bags of food in it. So I talked to the store owner about it and turns out they sell prepackaged raw food for dogs and cats. I bought another bag of the Solid Gold and a bag of the frozen raw food. From what the store owner told me, that little bag should last me at least a month or more for a 6 lb cat and it was only $7, so if all goes well, this will be a great deal! I've been wanting to try it for awhile, but wasn't sure if i'd have the time to commit to making it myself. I didn't even know my LPS sold this stuff! whoo-hoo! Anyway, I probably won't start trying it out til tomorrow, but i will keep you all updated on how it goes :mrgreen:

    Here's the food I got her: http://stevesrealfood.com/
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Good luck....let us know how she does on it.
    I've considered raw (premade) multiple times for my dogs and/or cats but I'm just too paranoid and uncomfortable with the idea to try it besides with all my guys it would just not be affordable. I've heard lots of good things about Steve Real Food.
  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Thanks, Nern :) From what the store owner told me, they wind up eating a lot less food from the raw cuz it fills em up a lot more than processed stuff. He said that he has a whole group of customers that come in who feed strictly raw diets. One in particular he mentioned has 2 weimeriners(sp?) and they buy one 30lb bag of raw food for the 2 dogs that lasts them a month. He said he's seen the dogs and they look in exellent health. He also said a bunch of good things that it does for their teeth and coats. He told me that it actually turns out to be cheaper to feed raw cuz it lasts longer and they he said they poo a lot less. The only drawback he mentioned was that once they go completely raw, you can't really switch em back without really disrupting their systems. He also suggested that i adjust Vianne to the new food over a months time and give her Benebac to help her tummy with the adjustment. That bit concerned me a little, but they have a store locater on the food's website in case i move and have to get it elsewhere. I'm pretty excited to see what kind of results I get from this new food. I already brush Vianne's teeth now anyway, but any little perks are good! I've also been taking her out jogging with me several times a week trying to get us both in shape for the new year. I want her too be the healthiest kitty around and live forever i guess! :mrgreen:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

  5. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i once gave pheobe a raw chicken wing on advice from the vet. well, she looked at me like i was a moron and walked away :cry: pepe has eaten raw kangaroo before and he seems to like it, but pheobe didnt.
  6. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Thank you for the link, Vene :D I looked it over and clicked on all the posted links. The more info, the better. I'm sure there are always exceptions when you want to try something new like this. Look at the Atkin's diet. Some people swear by it, other people are adamantly against it. For the most part, I'm confident that Vianne will do just fine as long as I take care to introduce the raw diet very slowly and check her health regularly. Some of you may remember me posting before about how Vianne doesn't much care for canned food, but i've been trying to get her used to the idea of eating different things here and there for awhile now. So far she loves grilled chicken, rice milk, cottage cheese, meatloaf, scrambled eggs, green beans, and yogurt(yes, i said GREEN BEANS!, shocked me too!). I'm gonna be sure to check her poos carefully everyday when i start the raw since i remember all too well what my first experience of sushi did to me! lol, the only actual RAW meat in her new food is the chicken. The salmon in it is cooked, and the veggies are raw, but i wasn't worried about that anyway. I'm only gonna give her little tidbits of the raw as treats to start off. I will just have to take extra care about how long the food is out before its eaten and washing up everything after dinner time.
  7. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Well I offered Vianne her first little cube of raw food tonight.....she LOVED it! When she was done, she looked at me like, "hey is that it? where's the rest??" LOL I don't see her having any issues switching over to the new food at all :mrgreen: I also tried making her those Sardine Cat's Meow Cookies from that recipe somebody posted a few weeks ago, and they were super stinky, but she wont eat 'em. Grrr...just bats 'em around like a toy! :roll: Oh well, at least the rats and mouse like 'em! :D
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i admire your courage fairiedust!! i have considered it...but i dont think i could, too afraid. i will be very interested in hearing what happens!! its supposed to be great for exotics and ibd... :eek:

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