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someone please help me help my kitten Lucky

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by getasticker, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. getasticker

    getasticker New Member

    i have just started this site so bare with me.
    my kitten was born in the wild (outside) we adopted him and brought him home. he had been doing great, then this afternoon i was brushing him and noticed a bald patch on his right shoulder. upon inspection there was another on his belly. they started out flaky then i cleaned them up and now they are just bald spots. does he have mange? scabies? mites? i cant really afford to take him to the vet right now but i will if someone thinks i should. please any help would be great. oh yeah the spots dont seem to bother him at all and when we brought him home he was infested with fleas but htey are now gone completely. again thanks.
  2. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    It sounds like it could be mange to me and who knows what your kitty could have picked up being outside. Just so you know, if your cat has sarcoptic mange, it is contagious to humans and it will get worse. It thickens up the skin and causes nasty crusting and hairloss, not to mention its itchy. I highly recommend you take the kitty to the vet if you plan on having a healthy pet for any length of time. Not just for a skin scraping, but for a round of basic shots too. You don't want your kitty to get sick and die of something so easily preventable. He should also get his rabies shot at 4 months old. I know the county shelter in my area offers walk-in rabies shots and maybe you could find something similar in your area to save money. Just something to think about tho, it's a lot cheaper to prevent a bad health condition than to have to treat one later. Your kitty may need to be wormed too and tested for feline leukemia. I know it stinks when money's tight, but that's when credit comes in handy. If its really all that bad tho, you may want to reconsider the costs of properly caring for a kitten and locate a shelter that can rehome him for you. Generally the initial costs are the worst, but you should still keep in mind that vet bills happen. I'm not trying to get on your case or anything, so please don't be offended. I think it's wonderful that you took this kitten off the street and gave it a home, but remember that the kitty's needs don't stop there. Good luck to you and your kitty!
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Faeriedust has just given you great advice. If you live in the US, check out the low cost neuter/spay clinics in our sticky. You can also call around for the best rates. Sometimes your local shelter can recommend good low cost vets. Most vets will allow for payments in installations. So look around. Also be aware of unexpected expeditures. I recently spent close to $600 on Rene, who was vomiting blood due to acute gastroenteritis caused by pancreatitis. If I remember correctly, someone posted here previously that about $1500 per year should be set aside per pet for emergencies. Good luck with your kitty!
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    sounds like maybe ringworm
  5. lilsisterz62

    lilsisterz62 New Member

    Hi Gang!

    I think I got two cents to throw in.

    If you already have a regular vet, or a vet others in your family have a relationship with, it might be possible the vet would accept a partial payment and bill you the balance. Sounds like that condition you described shouldn't go without medical attention. The local animal shelter or adopt-a-pet organization might be a good source of info on free or low cost pet health check-ups...like "Hey, I found this sick animal in the woods can you guys help me get it some medical attention..." They might help direct you to some volunteers that can help get the kitty looked at by a vet.
    Not that I know anything about kitty conditions, but is it possible the flea treatment you used on the kitten caused an alergic reaction???? If you go to a vet, might be a good idea to let them know what you used.

    When Mickey was a kitten he became very ill with a temp of 105. (vet said she had never seen such a high fever in a conscious animal) The vet bill was minimal 'cause she was basically very blunt and said the treatment w/antibiotics is inexpensive...finding out what caused the fever will be a major expense. I opted for treatment only...and he slowly got better. So now, it bugs me not to know what it was he was sick with...my daughter (Dr. Sam, 14 at the time :0013: ) diagnosed him with a severe ear infection. I asked her how she figured that, she said because his ears felt hot. Go figure.

    Anyway, good luck on getting the kitty taken care of.

  6. getasticker

    getasticker New Member

    thanks for the advice but...

    I just wanted to thank everyone who offered their advice. i was really scared he might have mange so i borrowed money from my mom and took him to the vet. he did have an allergic reaction to the flea shampoo i used on him after i took him in, it just took a while for it to start causing the spotty hair loss. the vet said lucky had to have been really strong in the immune department for it to have taken so long. i was told to put antibiotic ointment on the spots and keep in brushed. again thanks so much for the advice.
  7. misty

    misty New Member

    Glad all ended well :) Skin allergies can be common, but probably the least expensive worry of all! Sounds like you and kitty are on the road to recovery. Perhaps he is lucky ;)

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