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What is your kitty's favorite toy?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by sunset05, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    We found a plastic dart with a suction cup on the end of it under the stove and Socks just loves it. She bats it around all the time until it is lost under something and we have to retrieve it again.

    Mittens likes it too (she was the one looking under the stove and saw it first) but not as much as Socks.

    We have all these cat toys they don't even look at. They also love those little plastic cable ties. Of course with the photo contest, we know they like boxes, too.

    What is your kitty's favorite toy? :qm2:
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Here's Moe playing with her favourite toy. It's a wire (with blunt, rounded edges). It used to have a cardboard thing attached to the end but she ripped it off years ago.


    Artemis considers anything that moves (or doesn't move) a potential toy.
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Moe looks so cute.

    I want to take a picture of Socks playing with her dart but she has again successfully lost it. I'll have to try to find it again. :?
  4. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    Ruby Tuesday just LOVES chasing little tin foil balls all over the house! Of course they all end up underneath the fridge or stove. Then Ruby just can't wait for me to get my broom stick and shove all of the tin balls from underneath out for her. She literally stands on my forearm with her bum in my face, or her head butting mine in excitment, and her tail usually ends up in my mouth as she's whirling in excited circles. But I love it!!

    She also loves this really really old stuffed mouse that I tied a string to and she chases that like crazy! It's hilarious to watch her trying to run on linoleum! Especially from a dead stop........it's like a cartoon, she's just spinnin' out. Man alive, that's funny!!

    Stay groovy!!
  5. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I am not kidding when I tell you this....

    Zoe brought up a paint chip from the basement the other day. When I say paint chip, I don't mean like those little cards you pick up at sears. It was actually a chunk of dry paint. It was gray and I don't know where she got it from.

    She wanted to play fetch with it. She looked pretty sad when I tossed it out and threw one of her millions of toys to her. She left the room to go and pout.
  6. lilsisterz62

    lilsisterz62 New Member

    Oh M'gosh!

    Great topic!

    I have spent so many hours laughing 'til my sides split watching these two play. They are soooo weird!
    I have tons of toys for them..but they just walk by, not interested.


    Moses' favorite toy is anything that makes a celophane (sp) noise. Like candy wrappers or his favorite, empty allergy medicine packages. (anybody's guess what I'm allergic to...they are small warm and furry...)
    He likes to chase them and pick 'em up with his teeth.

    Mickey is also just as nuts but his passion for play (it's so stupid) are those plastic shoe forms that come in new shoes, they kinda look like pencils with a crook at the end. Anyway, that is Mickey's all time favorite. He wants you to throw it in the worst way and he will go get it from anywhere and put it in your bed when you're asleep. Another of his favs are emery boards. I always have to be careful if I'm filing my nails 'cause he'll try to knock it out of my hand...and chew it...yuk.

    They both like the feather on the stick toy, that's pretty fun.
    Oh! A real great, fun toy for cats is a laser pointer. That is really fun for them. My boys think it's a mousie...guess 'cause I tell 'em 'Go get d'MOUSIE!!" Mickey has climbed the walls for that more than once. It's so funny!

  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    Lex likes pop bottle caps or the plastic ring from around milk jugs.

    Raz, like anything that makes a noise, however his favorite toy is me. :mrgreen: The little fart chases me all over the house all day long, not until after supper when he decides he needs to nap.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Fishing pole type toys are definately a favorite around here....the lazor light was a big hit too. Bean loves to play fetch with catnip pillows and Chieve loves his foamy bouncy balls.
  9. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Booger absolutely loves those little furry mice. She can't resist chasing them when I throw them. She'll bat it around, toss it up in the air and chase it some more.

    But, I think her personal favorite toy is her green fuzzy weesle. She's positively possessive over the thing.

  10. Bente

    Bente New Member

    These are Kyrres all time favourites, Little fur mice and my hair bands (no idea if that's what they're called...) Both gets lost ALL the time, and are impossible to find again.


    A good number two is the fishing pole/catnip mouse he got from Cassie and bags/paper bags/boxes:


  11. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    LOL that sounds just like Caesar and Romeo..tin foil balls...all under the stove and fridge..i must pull out like 50 a week..lol...those and those cheap little furry mice..they "kill" about 3 a week..good thing they are cheap..lol
  12. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    My neighbours cat comes in through our cat door. I work from home in a salon which is on the back of my house. My neighbours cat came in, stole a hair scrunchie from my clients handbag and then leapt the fence with it in his mouth!

    Months later that scrunchie goes everywhere - it goes round the garden with him, into the house. He LOVES it! Luckily my client saw the funny side of it!!
  13. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ollie is into lots of things he would make a great goalkeeper the way he bats paperballs!i think hes fish rod toy and socks (only 1 not both so we have many odd socks!!) overall he isnt fussed with what he plays with
  14. misty

    misty New Member

    I just have to say, you all have beautiful babies :) My cats favorite toy so far has been me, lol! But he loves those little fuzzy mice, he has already shredded two of them!

    My last cat loved those plastic easter eggs. He would knock them against the wall until the broke apart and then would tote the half around the house. I just loved it when he carried it to the top of the steps (which are polished hard wood) and dropped it down the steps, chasing it all the way! :mrgreen:
  15. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    ROFL Ginny!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Bente, you got Booger addicted to those stupid little mice that get lost everywhere! And we bought her more...she has about a dozen of them now. Hubby and I have a weekly thing where we go about the house with a flash light looking under things in our house to fish them out LOL
  16. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Hehe, I know what you mean. Yesterday I noticed Kyrre was very busy pawing at our kitchen stove, and when I looked under it I saw one of the MIA... :mrgreen: But I wonder WHERE have all the other ones gone??? He must have had at least 20, and I can only find three... Has he eaten them? :? :mrgreen:
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Monty loves his fishing toys and strings. Pumpkin loves her new turbo scratcher compliments of Wtpooh. Milo loves anything string and the plastic milk jug rings. Rene loves to fetch mice toys and her new toy is the fishing ones. Otherwise, she'll steal the toddler's toys all day long.
  18. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Well, I found Sock's dart under the stove....again.

    Here is a picture of her playing with it. Notice one of her glitter balls in the background. It is another one of her favorite things. She doesn't usually actually play with them but carries them around and places them places to get my attention and to make a statement. Silly cat.

    Here is a picture of Mittens playing with Sock's favorite toy.
  19. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Oh Sunset, they both look so soft and fluffy! I love Mittens colors :)
  20. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Thanks so much, Bente. The are soft and fluffy. I love my kitties. Mittens has a pretty good mane on her. She loves to have it combed. :p

    Socks is lying right next to me on the desk right now. She is my "needy" kitty. She does tend to put her head on the escape button, causing problems. Tee Hee :lol:

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