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please help my pups are dying

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by maxkicker, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    my pit buffy just gave birth to 11puppies and recently they just started dying off at 6 weeks 2 of them dyed rather sudenly one was a runt and the other was actually the biggest and what i thought was the healthiest pup. now at 8 weeks 2 more are dying as i type this i called the vette and just to look at my pupies they want 400 dollars i actually dont have the money if i did i would take them ive never seen anything like this they start off barking franticly then they cant seem to walk straight and there just about finished when they start having shezers <(dont know how to spell it) i didnt read the rules here i am searching for someone to help me if anyone can gie me a link or some advise to atleast save the puppies that havent die id be forever grateful thank u all
  2. someday

    someday New Member

    There could be a number of things wrong with the puppies. The best way to find out is to take them to a vet..perhaps they can work out a payment plan with you?
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    there is nothing we can do. go see a vet.
  4. casper

    casper New Member

    Sounds like you're running a puppy mill. How can you ahve puppies and yet not afford to see a vet!?

  5. Jas

    Jas New Member

    These dogs must go to a vet ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If not you may lose them ALL. Only a vet can offer input based on an examination. Obviously something is not right, could be genetic, or viral. No one here can give you the proper answers.

    Did you breed these puppies intentionally?

    Please please get to a vet. Apply for a credit card or ask to set up a payment plan there are options.
  6. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    im going to call the vet tomorrow and work something out a friend of mine said it sounds like distemper so ill just have to see what i can do ..... i have both parents and love them dearly and they both have a pet plan through petsmart that i purchased a year ago when i was pulling in alot of money after the puppies were born i got layed off and droped most of what i had into my own company (y i dont have much money) so yes i did have the puppies intentionaly but never thought this kinda thing could happen if u guys can understand that. so thanks for the advise and hopefully i can get this taken care of hopefully all the dogs walk away healthy
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi it sounds like the Parvovirus as young puppies are very suceptible to this aswell as distemper the only thing you can do is take them all including the parents and any other dogs you have to the vet to be tested.

    Then there is the genetic problem of fading syndrome which usually only effects a litter within the first few days after the birth but again this has been recorded as older pups have died.

    When breeding you should always take into account the vet bills that come with breeding and raising a litter.
    Both parents should have been fully screened both up todate on there shots and worming.

    If the mother has Mastitis this will cause sour milk and inturn makes the milk toxic to the pups.

    Please take them all to the vets before you lose them all.
    Most vets will sort out a payment scheme.

    P.S breeding should not be about money it should be about bettering the breed itself i have been breeding years and i never make back what i have put into ensure my dogs and there litters are strong healthly and well looked after..

  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I have done some checking and one of the things it could be aswel as parvo or distemper is another form of parvo.

    Canine Parvovirus Myocarditis... It affect all the litter from 4weeks of age and is caused bythe parvo virus attacking the heart muscle resulting in death in puppies that look and act like normal healthy dogs.

    You need to seek veterinary advice immediatly for the sake of the remaining litter aswell as both parents as even they are now at risk of this problem aswell as any other dogs in the household.

  9. maxkicker

    maxkicker New Member

    i took them to the vet today... they cant seem to find anything yet the distemper test takes 10 days for the result and the parvo they did right there and it was negative. the only thing they could find wrong was the pups had a severe case of worms the vet said she had never seen so many worms in a pup ..the weird thing is i had just wormed them all after the first 2 died a week ago. so u guys prolly know this but i dont recomend over the counter de wormer. in reply to the last post i didnt breed these dogs for money at all in fact i had givenb a pup to friends and ppl that i knew would take care of them (for free) those ppl came over today because i called them and told them the pups were sick and they couldnt have any till i figured out what was wrong and they paid there part of the bill ................btw SOMEDAY my buffy is the identicle twin of the pit u have as ur avatar cool huh
  10. someday

    someday New Member

    glad you got the pups to a vet..I hope they'll all be fine...
    I's love to see a picture of Annie's twin! She must be beautiful (I'm a little biased)

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