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Can you read what your dog is thinking?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Labs "talk" with an almost infinite way they can tweak their ears. I have heard Rotties express themselves by those two dots over ther eyes. I suspect each dog has a way of expressing their feelings.
    Here are my top ten things that Duke tells me everyday. Do you see the same things?

    1. That's very interesting, tell me more.
    2. Do I have to sit here and listen to THAT!
    3. You're leaving without me aren't you. I Know you'r leaving. I just KNOW it!
    4.OK, I admit I did it.
    5. OK, I admit Freckles did it.
    6. Can I please come back inside now?
    7. God I can't believe you want me to do THAT!
    8. OK, I just heard a strange noise out back. YOU go see what it was.
    9. Did you just say SUPPER?
    10. I can't believe you said NO!
    :D :D :D
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    what a coinsidence, I was just tlaking to wylie last night and her ear so so expressive, they move independently of each other and it looks they are being controlled by a remote control the way the move, and ai was thinking what is going thru her head :D wish I could show a video of those ears working
  3. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

    LOL Max often say: :lol:

    1. Ok lift me up now. Time for my daily TLC and hugs.
    2. Ok put me down now. Don't over do it, that's enough.
    3. What are you munching there. Hello...I would like a bite please.
    4. You're going out ? can i come too ?
    5. It wasn’t me !
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  5. Nik

    Nik New Member

    lol, this is great!

    Floob's main word is "NOW!" The look in his eye is soo intense too.
    He understands so much now it's scary. We've started dropping his favourite words into everyday conversations just to watch his head tilt as we love his cuteness when doing it.

    I can read him prety well now I think. I can tell his moods and know if he's going to listen to me before I say a command. He's such a teenager right now, he has attitude :x

    I swear he reads my mind sometimes too. Just little things like I'll be sitting perfectly still 'thinking' about getting up to do something when he'll jump up and be next to me asif he's ready to do it aswell. He *has* to do everything I'm doing :roll:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I think I can read Natalie pretty well:

    1) Is it time to eat? Am I getting a treat? Food! Can I have some please?!
    2) Is it time to go outside?
    3) Its time to get up!
    4) Is there room for me on the couch?
    5) The park! Can we please stop to play?
    6) What? I was'nt trying to steal cat food off the table.
    7) I'm so glad your home!

    I can't read Sebastian as well but I try:

    1) What are you trying to tell me? (he does this by tilting his head when I talk to him)
    2) I want to be picked up. Can I sit on your lap please?
    3) Leave me alone.
    4) If you come any closer I may nip you.
    5) I don't feel good.
    6) Someones at the door! Someones coming up the stairs! Someones leaving the house!
  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Rocky talks with his ears and eyes (usually a combo of both). I swear he rolls his eyes sometimes. :roll:

    -I'm not really doing this, it's all a dream! (intense stare when he's caught being naughty :lol: )
    -You're squishing me... can't breath...
    -Not those two again!
    -You do know how stupid you sound, right?
    -I'm not that small you know! (when he gets under your feet)
    -Not again!

    And his all-time favorite... Hello it's time to eat, where's my food!
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OMG! My Doxies have the most vivid expressions (a wee biased here)!

    -Did you say treat?
    -Are you leaving again?
    -Did you say treat..or was that eat?
    -Are you ignoring me again?
    -Did you say treat?
    -Your singing hurts my ears!
    -Get that cat away from me!

    -Did you say eat?
    -What the heck are these "natural" doggie biscuits--YUCK!
    -Could you turn the heat up please?

  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i quite often get the 'i dont care mum' look. usually i will do something stupid to get kuma to wag her tail. but after doing it 3 times she stops wagging and gives me that look. i also get that look on the way home from the beach. i will say in a happy voice 'did youu have fffffuuunn' but she just gives me a blank look.
  10. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Every dachshund I've ever known :

    Were you talking to me?
    I know you weren't talking to me.
    I can't understand a word you just said.
    I can't hear you.
    You want someone to sit? Then YOU sit.
    I AM laying down. Prove I'm not.
    Make me.
    Ooooh Really?
    You can kiss my entire behind.
    I'm right, you're wrong, and you owe me an apology.

    The bull terriers:

    I have no idea how the stuffing came out of the --insert whatever piece of furniture is missing it's insides here--

    The look I got at a show, when someone practically dragged a min pin across her feet: "Look mom, they're serving snacks on a string"

    When I came home and found all the curtains on the floor, in shreds: There was a BAD MAN outside, and I just had to scare him away.

    And from all of them:
    What pot roast? I don't see any pot roast.
    There were six plates of Christmas cookies on the counter? All I see are these plates on the floor. I don't know anything about any cookies.
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    after nearly 11 years I can read Sadie w/out trying to. I know when she's not feeling well, when she is. I know what she wants, when she wants it.

    I just hope when she's ready to be released from life I'll be able to read that too :(
  12. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther is weird, sometimes i can tell exactly what he is thinking, but generally he has this extrememly blank stare and no one can read him, people always comment on it, He just stares out.

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