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Baby teeth~ When do they come out?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by :o)rosie:o), Jan 14, 2005.

  1. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    I know I've read this somewhere before but I can't quite remember.
    Does anyone know the approximate age when Maltese pups start to loose there baby teeth? Or is this different for every pup?
    ~Lizzy & Rosie~
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think all dogs loose them at the same rate pretty much. At about the 4 month stage, I noticed lilly had lost her fron two teeth up top, another week she lost two lowers. then the side very small teeth. all within weeks this happened. And the new ones grow in really fast too. So I'd say 4 months you should notice. How old is your malt?
  3. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    Thanx for your reply.
    Rosie is 5months & two weeks. I havent noticed any of her teeth missing yet.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Some dogs I have heard of not dropping teeth are poodles and maltese. Alot of times if a pup has not lost its teeth by the time you spay or neuter the vet will extract them during the proceedure.
  5. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Winnie is a 6 month old Maltipoo, she has lost 2 teeth (both back teeth) that I'm aware of. They say most puppies will swallow the tooth and that's why you don't always find them. I have the two teeth that she lost. I noticed she was chewing on something and when I checked to see what it was I found the tooth. Those teeth must grow it very fast because when I found the tooth I opened her mouth to check it out and it didn't look like she was missing any. Everyone teased me and ask if I was going to put it under her pillow. LOL I did save them after all she is my baby.
  6. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Winnie is a 6 month old Maltipoo, she has lost 2 teeth (both back teeth) that I'm aware of. They say most puppies will swallow the tooth and that's why you don't always find them. I have the two teeth that she lost. I noticed she was chewing on something and when I checked to see what it was I found the tooth. Those teeth must grow it very fast because when I found the tooth I opened her mouth to check it out and it didn't look like she was missing any. Everyone teased me and ask if I was going to put it under her pillow. LOL I did save them after all she is my baby.
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    So far, I have only found one. Its from the front. Smaller than a grain of rice too. LOL I have it tucked away.
  8. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    I haven't noticed any missing from the front (had a look last night) but @ the back im not sure, it's a bit of a struggle to get her mouth open :roll:
    What breeds are your dogs puttin?
  9. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    I didn't know that they swallowed their teeth Winniepoo
    I cant imagine that would be very pleasant lol
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I have an 8 year old Mini poodle named Sasha, a 5 year old terroer mix, possible JRT-Border Collie mix and a tall toy poodle nearing 5 months.
    Once those teeth fall out practicly the next day you can feel the new one coming in by the way.
  11. :o)rosie:o)

    :o)rosie:o) New Member

    wow. your house must be busy.
  12. mafiaprincess

    mafiaprincess New Member

    At three and a half months my cocker spaniel's front teeth started to fall out. We have had non stop teething for about a month, we have found about 16 teeth so she only swallowed a few of hers. She lost 2 canines yesterday, so thankfully we are almost done for now.
  13. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    So far I have found 5. Yep our household is busy. But I like it that way.
    Any teeth out yet Rosie
  14. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Often you won't notice missing teeth because the adult tooth quickly grows in and fills the space. Sometimes the puppy tooth is pushed out as the adult tooth emerges, so there's no empty space at all. The exception being the canines (fangs). Those are longer teeth, and take longer to grow out. All puppy teeth should be shed by about 6 months of age.

    If you look in her mouth and see two teeth where there should be one, then you have a problem. Retained puppy teeth can cause some serious infections, force the adult tooth into an unnatural position, and need to come out. If you have any doubts or questions, consult with your vet.

    And yes, the puppy usually swallows the shed teeth, and no, it's not unpleasant at all. It's no different to them than swallowing a bit of food.

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