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Need advice for young owner

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Jan 28, 2005.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Hi, I just wanted to know everyones opinion on what a responsible owner is, well more specific than that. I am just concerned when people love their animals too much, and I know they are totally well intentioned but take on more than they can handle. I am concerned (and sort of hoping this person will see this) about a certain poster here and I feel pretty sure they love animals, but I don't think they are in a stable environment for one and if I have read and kept up with their past posts correctly, they have gotten a few (I won't say how many) new dogs is some time, not sure how long, but I'd say since I have been coming here, and have gotten rid of some of those dogs, and want to get rid of the others too, not because they are rescuing or anything, but that (at least to me it seems) they find a better dog, I am worried about the dogs getting into this persons care, which I think are cared for, but this person gets them and then later gets rid of them. I don't think that is good for the dogs. So here are my questions, what should be said to this person? If anything? I don't know this person really, I'll never meet these dogs, not my problem type thing. I don't want to be mean to this person bc I think they are fragile. And in general, when are people helping the dogs? When is it too much?I mean if you love dogs that is good, but when is love not enough to take care of a dog? WHat can be done (I know responsible breeders are already trying) to stop people from getting a string of animals? Is it really helping the animal to get it as a puppy then decide another dog fits your needs and get rid of the first and go for the second? Sorry I am rambling
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    lets see, i have read and re-read your post trying to figure out what you are saying, is this it. for example, I love dogs I decide and get a chi with intentons of keeping but its not working out to my lifestyle or whatever, so I get rid of it, and I also get a poodle, but thats really not what I want and I keep repeating these acts???

    If thats the case, that is wrong, somehting is wrong with the person, kind of like like going from one relationship tp another and never finding happiness because you are looking for the perfect person. are you sure its not rescuing?? Im here everyday havent noticed this,

    if that is the case maybe they will see themselves and think twice and reconize themselves I dont think there is anything you can do unless you know them personally. Its hard because of lot of people here are teenagers needing help and dont have control of their situation

  3. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I think I get what you are saying. This person has good intentions and gets dogs, then gets rid of them?

    I'm dying to know who you are talking about. Just a curiosity thing. I know it is not me. hope it is not me at least. lol. I think I have an idea but I haven't really kept up with the newer posters and their dogs.

    Anyways, I agree that is a bad thing to do. When getting a dog people should really make a committment to it for life. It is in that 10 Dog Commandments list (I hung it on my fridge so I see it everyday). I can't imagine what those poor dogs think when they get given away. How can they trust people when people think they are disposable?

    I really don't know how to handle it. I guess you could send them a pm but I would be prepared for a major backlash. But something should definately be said. Maybe it will open their eyes?
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I was also going to suggest a pm that like Eliza said that could open a huge can of worms that wont go away

    Eliza, can you post the 20 commandents, dont know if I have seen it
  5. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    I am glad someone brought that up. I read a post and thought the same thing, but I am a newer member here and didn't want to start anything so I bit my tongue. I did go back and read their old posts and see that they were going to get rid of some dogs for others and so on. Well, I thought it was terrible when I read this one post. Why would you get rid of one dog just to get another puppy that you like at that time. What is going to happen when this one grows up and the newness wears off? Get rid of it for another. I am sorry to carry on, but that really hit me as WRONG when I read this persons post. Thank you for allowing me to get that off my chest!!
  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I guess i also needed to get it off my chest too. It just makes me sad still though. because I really think this person thinks they are doing what is best (I hope). If you want pomlover pm me with who you think it is and I'll tell you, but if you get it wrong, I won't tell you. But I think in my ramblings you guys understood what I was trying to say. But I think this person is a nice person, don't get me wrong about that.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hmmm, I guess I have missed some of the newer members' posts! I agree that "trading in" a dog for a different one is not a good thing. Sometimes it does happen, but to do it over and over again just shows that there is something wrong and a deeper problem or issue needs to be addressed. I mean, if you already have a dog or two, what's the point in giving them away only to replace them with new ones? Stick with who you have or don't have any at all! Unless you're in rescue, of course.
  8. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Not pointing fingers at anyone as I haven't kept up with some threads but I think you raise a valid concern. Rhetorically - how much is too much? I know I am at my limit with pets ..... we'll except for wanting a horse, which we could get but my better half says no! ;) I do disagree with discarding pets because a new one or new "breed" comes along. Buying on impulse makes me irate as well. From experience with rescue I know how these scenarios often end.

    When do we become what's often referred to as "collectors"? Sometimes it starts out as unintentional, but all too often people get one pet then another and another. We had an old neighbor like this. They claimed all these pregnant animals just showed up at their door. Living in a fairly suburban area at the time, not once did I encounter such strays. A few months later we learned she was acquiring any unaltered dogs and breeding them.

    I know I am a stickler for a believing in raising only one puppy at a time, I look down at breeders who sell two puppies to one family. No matter how much experience an owner or breeder has, I also disagree with getting another dog while the first dog has not matured or had proper training. Some breeds require a lot more work and it is unfair not to be able to give 100% to ensure each dog receives sufficient socialization, training, exercise and especially quality time with their owner. I know it can work for the odd person but most really don't think about the consequences.

    Pets are for life!!!!!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Jas, what do you think about acquiring an adult dog when the first dog has not yet matured or been fully trained? Just curious. :)
  10. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Hi Jamiya, acquiring an adult dog is different and I am sure the younger pup can even benefit. I was thinking in terms of getting another puppy when the first one was still a pup.

    Cheers :)

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