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My LIL guy passsed away...

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by erin, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. erin

    erin New Member

    I am so sad my lil fish ( Betta) pestachio died this morning. I dont understand I have had him for 2 years and I just moved him into a 10 gallon tank and it seems that he was happy. then again he had a white ball under his lil chin. i wonder if it was a tumor. I had just changed the tank last night, I checked the water temp but it was fine.
    RIP lil Pestachio
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I'm very sorry.

    It could have been a tumor or just plain old age. I believe the avg. lifespan of a betta is about 2-3 years (althought some can live longer) and chances are if you got him from the LFS he was probably 6 months or older already.
  3. erin

    erin New Member

    thank you. he was so sweet he would come up to the glasss and puff up at me . i know he loved the attention . or when i walked into the room he always new it was me. :m30:
  4. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    unfortunatly, betta's arent that long lived, LF dont sell them till theyre fully grown and then they only have a few years left on top of they're full growth.

    mine have never lived that long.

    i am sorry that he has died, but he lived a fulfilling life.

    It could have been a tumer. i had a ball like mark on one of my mollies, and he died after it came back the second time. it was deff a tumer on him, so it seems the same on your betta.

    im very sorry.
  5. Petz8888

    Petz8888 New Member

    Oh im so sorry!!!!

    HE was truly a :m30: :m30:

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