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New kitten taken away from mother too soon, any advice?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by misty, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. misty

    misty New Member

    Hi all! I am new to this board. But I have a question. We recently adopted a kitten, and I think it is not as old as we were led to believe. He still tries to nurse on my husband's neck (he has become the surrogate mother) and he will settle for me if he's not here. I have heard of kittens doing this when they are taken away from their mother too soon. Is there anything we can do to stop it? Fill that void for him? Any advice is welcome :)
  2. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Congrats on the new baby....as for the nursing behaviour..most kittens do that..and they will usually grow out of it..try distracting him w/ a toy or something.
  3. Ginny

    Ginny New Member


    I had a kitten who was away from her mother way too soon. She was so tiny and cute! Anyhow, she used to do that to me - even as an adult she continued it. I'd lie in bed and she'd be doing it in my hair and dribbling all over me!!

    Personally I thought it was cute and didn't think about trying to stop her doing it, it's just a natural thing for little kitties.

    Have fun with your new kitten anyway!
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    I think my cat Hoggle was too young to be away from his mom when I got him. He did'nt try to nurse on my neck but he would constantly nurse on my other cat's chest...the other cat did'nt seem to mind at all. LOL. He did eventually grow out of it though.
  5. misty

    misty New Member

    Thank you! He is absolutely the cutest (and most rotten at the same time) kitten! I think it is cute as well, but I was worried he might be missing a nurturing he needs that we can't provide. And, of course, there is always the issue of him keeping us up most of the night because he doesn't seem to stop! :shock:
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome! Congrats and pics please! My Pooky and Monty used to suckle on the soft pad of the same scratching post and they both outgrew it. I threw out the pad. :oops: It's very normal behavior even for those that have not been weaned too early.
  7. misty

    misty New Member

    Oh! Pics. LOL. I only have a few of him sleeping, I think. Mostly cause that's the only time I can get him still!




    His name is TJ, but we tend to call him Darth Stitch the Sith Marauder :)[
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    TJ is soooo cute! My Copper was younger than that when I found him. Now I've only hand raised 1 kitten, but everything I read said Cop was about 2 weeks old when I found him. His ears weren't even up yet and he didn't walk very well. But I weaned him from the bottle (syringe) about 2 weeks later and he did fine. My vet said he would have lots of issues, but from what I read here, he sounds like a pretty normal cat! He never suckled on anything though once he was weaned...
  9. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    omg he is soo tiny and adorable...
  10. misty

    misty New Member

    He can be adorable at times. He is tiny now, but being part Bengal, I am sure he will be very large! It's almost weird to look at him and know he won't always be so tiny!
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Misty I love your pics! :y_the_best: :eek: :eek: :eek: It's hard to believe my kitties were that small a few years ago. Makes me want to have more kittens! :mrgreen:
  12. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Oh so cute! :love_y_t_much:
  13. nern

    nern New Member

    He is so tiny and adorable! :D
  14. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Vene..that quote just made me lol...makes me want to have more kittens.. :lol: ..sorry im weird.
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    Hee hee. You can take it both ways. LOL's. :mrgreen:
  16. luna

    luna New Member

    he's so cute!!! i found buster outside when he was a kitten. a hole bunch of them had been dropped outside of our house, but i think buster was the only kitten to survive the night. anyway when we took him to the vets they said he had numonia and was only 3 or 4 weeks old. we got him some special kitten milk and a samll baby bottle to feed him until he would eat kitten food softened by milk.

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