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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  4. Live Spirulina

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Pet smart is this true?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by erin, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. erin

    erin New Member

    I went to petsmart to buy two black moor baby gold fish. the lady did not want to sell them to me cause she said that my 20 gallon tank was not big enough what do you think? :roll:
  2. Fishfirst

    Fishfirst New Member

    yep they are right on the money... black moors get about 8 inches long and are big ammonia producers... each of them needs about 20 gallons.
  3. erin

    erin New Member

    Are you serious I have a 20 gallon tank they are not even two inches big each , I also wanted to know what does ammonia mean?
  4. erin

    erin New Member

    they also had about 15 of them in a lil tank so i dont understand ?
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Did you not read any of the posts in your other thread? We told you a 20 gallon is only big for a single black moor. Sure they're only 2" now, but they're babies and they will eventually grow to the size of a softball or grapefruit. And the reason there where 15 in a small tank at the store is because they are only in there temporarily. Fish generally don't stay at the store longer than a few weeks at the most.

    Also, if you don't know what ammonia means (or even nitrIte & nitrAte) then your tank likely isn't cycled and it's not ready to house fish. If you try keeping them in an uncycled tank it is highly likely that they will die by being slowly poisoned.

    I know it's not what you want to hear, but you really need to return the fish now. Then read this article and make sure you fully understand it.
    Follow the proceedures for doing a FISHLESS CYCLE. After you've done that and your tank is completely cycled, then you will be ready to keep ONE black moor.

  6. erin

    erin New Member

    welll i have not bought them yet, I said that i was going to keep them in a 20 gallon till they get bigger then get a bigger tank. i am not planning on kepping them in there the whole time.
  7. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    thats one of the few times a person at petsmart knows what they are talking about....i wish the managers gave all fish "experts" better training.
  8. tski22

    tski22 New Member

    Ha I went to Petsmart today to look at fish ended up buying a nice powder blue gourami but anyways the gilr working there with another guy, he said he had a 20 gallon with 3 balas, 2 tigers barbs and a molly. I was in shock jsut the hear that, and after he told her to make the story even more ludacris he ended up buying another black molly and an ID shark. I just wanna get a job there to help these people out. Although there is one guy there that is very knowledgable. The girl was hot but she wasnt very fish smart. :p -tl she was to. haha
  9. erin

    erin New Member

    Well I dont want to get them and make them uncomfortable.
    What do you all suggest?
  10. erin

    erin New Member

    ohh also i dont want to get a heater so any other fish i can get for a 20 gal.
  11. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Before you add any fish, you need to cycle the tank. Have you read the article in the link I posted?

    And is there any reason in particular you don't want to buy a heater? They're not very expensive and having one will open up a wider range of fish to choose from.

  12. gravity

    gravity New Member

    The people who work at the Petsmart near me are on a first name basis with me. Haha. I always find out in advance about shipments or upcoming sales. We started quizzing each other awhile back when some fish I bought there got ich and died.

    They just got a new fish manager, though, and he's not as good as the guy who left (promoted to a new store). I'm still friends with a different manager (to remain unnamed, so I don't ruin a good thing) after I helped her deal with a customer asking a ton of questions while she was covering a break for the fish guy. After that, she's given me her employee discount every time I go there. She's also quite the cutie.

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