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Boy, did I get scared...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Bente, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Just thought I'll let you all know we survived this trip to the vet as well, but not without a little "action"... We were originaly just there to get a shot and a micro chip (well not "we", but Kyrre). While we were there I asked if the vet could do something about Kyrres tangled fur (he had two lumps on his rare legs). I knew they sometimes drug cats to do this, but I thought it was only for extreme cases.
    It turned out he had to drug Kyrre as well in order to do this, which wasn't a problem for me. But a while after we came home Kyrre started to throw up, while he was still asleep.... I swear I could feel my heart racing up in my throat, I got really scared and I remember I thought "he is going to choke!"
    Since I hadn't even thought about the possibility of him getting anaesthesia, Kyrre had been eating just before we went to the vet. He didn't throw up very much, but it scared the hell out of me while it lasted :shock: I tried to hold his head so the puke would come out easy, but by the time I got him in the right position, he was done... Well...
    Now he has been awake a couple of times. The first time he woke up he actually staggered to the door and wanted to go outside :mrgreen:
    I think it's kinda strange the vet didn't ask if he had eaten, and he didn't give me any precautions (?) when I took Kyrre home...
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Wow! That would scare me to death! I hope he feels much better now.

    I wonder why they didn't caution you to anything.

    I'm glad it turned out okay!
  3. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :shock: Yes, he could have choked... that was VERY VERY irresponsible of your vet! what were they thinking! i guess in this case it was the problem they WERENT thinking.. *shakes head* :x

    i'm glad to hear things are ok now... but geesh... i'd consider another vet. What else are they gonna accidentally forget??
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    That was scary! Thank goodness Kyrre is ok. :m10:
  5. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    Holy Man..........that's not good at all !!! The vet definately should have asked you more questions!!! Heaven forbid, what if you weren't right there??!??! I would have been just like you.....SCARED!!! I sure hope Kyree is okay.....poor guy!!!

  6. nern

    nern New Member

    I would have been scared too! I'm glad that Kyrre is okay.
  7. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Thank's guys. He is doing ok now, but it's just like he is hurt I would put him trough all this. He is awfully quiet and walks away from me if I try to pet him... But if I walk in to another room, he will follow me :? Hm... He wants to be near me, but doesn't want to have any contact with me? Hes a wierdo :mrgreen: I'll just have to give him a little time to warm up :)
  8. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    arwww bless his little heart. Nausia is common with anaesthesia and I'm amazed the vet didn't at least warn you to watch out for it.

    I'm sure he'll be fine within a day or so when it's out of his system. Please give him a hug for me (If he lets you hehe). He's probably just not feeling well and cats generally don't like to be messed with when ill. I think he's acting perfectly normal.
  9. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm happy to say everything is back to normal now! This morning I got a lot of kisses and headbuts just like I always do :eek: I guess Kyrre isn't of the relentless (??) type :mrgreen:
  10. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh dear! poor kyrre. pepe had to have that done, but i dont think we fed him the morning of the clipping. or if we did, he was lucky and didnt get sick.

    does anyone know if vets can use some kind of medication just to make them dopey and 'pliable' instead of knocking them right out?

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