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what causes eye boogers?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    what causes eye boogers? I have noticed Luther getting them lately. It isn't like the tear stains down his nose, just eye booger chunks in the corner of his eyes.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Lil, have you changed Luthers diet since yo moved?? I have heard this can be caused by food allergies

  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I feed him raw, so yes, I mean it is still the basic stuff, meat and veggies, but I think here maybe they put preservatives and what not in meat. I wondered about that too, if it was something in the food. But there is no way of really knowing?? Would it help if they were preservatives put in meat at the grocery store if I washed it off? I usually don't wash his meat off and the veggies are usually steamed.
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    take the veggies out and feed organ meat instead... It's more naturalistic and it might help with the eye boogers... It sounds like he's having a reaction to a veggie or to something environmental too... I know APBT's can be allergic to grass...so it could very well be envirnmental and not diet... Either way...I'd feed organ meat rather than Veggies... It's what most RAW people tend to say to do...
  5. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Just about every morning Duke wakes up with what I call gradoux in each eye. Gradoux is a cajun term for any kind of unidentified gunk. Anyway, I think it's caused by tears washing out irritants like dust. In Houston it just might be the air. :D
    I just wipe it out. It would make sense that allergies could generate an excesive amount. I think Cocker Spaniels suffer this a lot.
  6. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Common causes of 'eye boogers' are; dust, pollen, bacteria, fungi, perfumes used in cleaning products, air fresheners, and cigarette smoke.

    Chronic low grade infections can also cause eye boogers, as can acute infections and injuries like corneal abraisions. Extra eyelashes growing inside the eyelid are another possibility.

    Another cause is keratocunjuntivitis sica, or dry eye. Dry eye needs medical treatment if you wish to preserve the dogs sight. While it's not curable, catching it early and treating it faithfully can make a world of difference in the comfort of the dog.
  7. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I guess I'm not cajun enough to know how to pronounce that! :lol:
  8. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Don't tell me there are different cajun dialects, one from each bayou. I have heard of gradoux forever. My cousin T-Jean used to say all the time " Boy I need to scrape this gradoux off my brogans.
    Gradoux is pronounced Gra as in Mardi Gras and do as in doo-doo. :D
  9. Angie

    Angie New Member

    off your what!?
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala used to ALWAYS have "eye boogers" when she got up in the morning. Usually I could just wipe them away and they would stay gone until the next morning. But then a few times it got really bad and the vet gave us antibiotic/steroid drops. After the third time, I said no way am I giving her these things all the time. That's when I discovered homeopathy and started consulting with a homeopath. Although she helped with other things, the eye boogers never totally went away until Nala was skunked. For some reason, they disappeared during all the baths and never came back!

    Bonnie has gunky ears. They were clean when she came to us but they started getting gunky a month or so afterward. They are clearing up now, without any sort of treatment other than cleaning them out once in a while.

    Some people think that dogs that are put on a healthier diet and/or taken off medications or preventives have to "detox", meaning their system is cleaning out the accumulated gunk of months or years. So it could be that Luther's body is expelling stuff from his previous diet and it will clear up.
  11. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Piper wakes up with eye boogers fairly often. We live very close to Downtown Dallas, so I'm sure pollution is a contributing factor. I have also noticed that many times there are eyelashes in the goo I wipe away. Her eyes are red a lot, too. When I asked my vet, she showed me that Piper's lower lashes turn in a little - she says this can be a irritant.
  12. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Geeze angie what bayou are you from?
    This is Bayou LaFourche talk. When my cousin T-Jean would ask me if I wanted to go into the big city he meant Donaldsonville. :D
    Anyway, a brogan is a work shoe or boot. I forget what he called those white rubber boots the shrimpers wear.
    Apologies to all you still talking about the eye gradoux. This is serious cajun business. :D
  13. Angie

    Angie New Member

    lol, I live in Norco (St. Charles Parish) and when I hear people from further south talk, (to me) its completely different from how I talk. I never heard of 'brogan' and 'gradoux' !
    But I do know a Boudreaux and a Thibodeaux! :lol:

    I don't know what those boots are called either! But I know what you are talking about. lol My dad has some black ones he puts on when the yard floods and he goes out to clean the ditch out! Thats too funny!

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