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constant diarrhea need advice

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bruno&daisy, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. bruno&daisy

    bruno&daisy New Member

    if anyone has any suggestions ill take em. my dog is a year old and has what seems to be every problem on the planet. talk about a lemon. He has horrible skin allergies and constant diarrhea. it is very hard to put him even on a bland diet because of his allergies. im not sure of his reasoning for the constant diarrhea. he is on the most set schedule and NEVER has to hold it too long. he is a hiper active dog but i wouldnt call him high stressed. i had him on a science diet mix of sensitive skin and sensitive stomach but his skin flared right up. so then i put him on ivd whitefish and potato diet but the diarrhea is constantly a problem and he was having random accidents in the house we checked a urine and he was having crystals. we put him on anti biotics which helped but everytime they stopped the crystals would come back. I am in the process of switching his food again to purina LA (low antigen formula). Any suggestions ill take em.
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Has your vet checked for coccidia and giardia? They can usually be diagnosed from a stool sample, but if you aren't looking for them they sometimes go unnoticed.

    Some things you might try would be pumpkin...plain canned, not pumpking pie mix, a couple of tablespoons with each meal. Half of a banana. Acidophilous supplement, available from a health food store or pharmacy.
  3. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    My dog has really bad allergies too. The best food I have found is California Natural. I also give him Nzymes supplements (www.nzymes.com) and fish oil supplements.

    For the diarrhea, I don't have much advice. My older dog had diarrhea for a long long time after I switched her food that I finally switched back to her old food. My puppy ( with the allergies) has diarrhea occassionally. I think it has to do with him being a bit hyper. He usually does it at the dog park - of course the place that I have to pick it up! But at home it is usually solid. ?
  4. bruno&daisy

    bruno&daisy New Member

    i did have the vet check

    The vet has checked for everything in his stool we even sent his stool into the lab. . . . nothing. there really is no reason for him to be having it. the pumpkin i havent tried yet i will def try that.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Isn't he on special food for the crystals?
  6. bruno&daisy

    bruno&daisy New Member

    special food for crystals

    yes he is going on a food for his alergies. the dr said this form of crystals is caused by one certain ingredient in the food he was eating had too much of that in it so we switched him to another food for allergies that has less of the certain ingredient in it.
  7. bruno&daisy

    bruno&daisy New Member

    special food for crystals

    yes he is going on a food for his alergies. the dr said this form of crystals is caused by one certain ingredient in the food he was eating had too much of that in it so we switched him to another food for allergies that has less of the certain ingredient in it.
  8. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

    Thread moved from "General" to the "Dogs all" board.
  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    please please please find a 'natural' commercial food or a cooked/raw diet thats suitable for his crystals. someone might have a website that has recipes for dogs with urine crystals. or you could omit whatever causes it. we went around in circles with big brand commercial foods and my dog. we tried advance, eukanuba, science diet, principal, dry food from a private company and nothing worked! we spent so much money on these foods just because a vet told us it was the best. we also had to spend more on acidophillus tablets to stop the diarrhea. when we used science diet it ended up costing us 110 dollars a month because she still needed the acidophillus tablets!!! a different vet finally suggested making her food and she hasnt had an episode ever since.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We had another poster here who had a dog and a cat that both got crystals. What finally stopped it was switching them to Nature's Variety pre-packaged raw food. It can be a little pricey, but it sure did the trick for them.

    Another option would be to go all the way and feed natural raw food. Check out the "Casper - raw food info" thread for more info.
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I know someone who has a dog with a very sensitive stomach, she normally eats California Nutro and if she has even the smallest bite of something else she will get diarrhea for a week. Also, how long are you trzing eat new diet, bc dogs with sensitive stomachs sometimes need a few weeks of gradual switching over before they won't get diarrhea.

    Good Luck
  12. bruno&daisy

    bruno&daisy New Member

    the never-ending lemon dog

    I have a feeling that the raw diet of somekind will have to be my next bet. im gonna try this food first and i think if this doesnt work then im going for somesort of raw diet. about switching him.. i tried every kind of "bland diet" and nothing worked until someone rec plain pasta. i tried it and that is all that worked to settle his stomach. he has been on plain pasta and flagyl and i have been adding in the new dry food ever so slowly. thanks for all you advice.
    jen & bruno
    oh yes and just in case any of you were wandering not only does he have the problems with hid bladder, skin, & stomach but he has just had his 2nd ear infection and the dr said this will be a chronic thing because its related to his allergies!!!!!!
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    you might want to swap the pasta for brown rice. pasta has more of a potential to set off allergies because its made from wheat.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think this dog could really benefit from a good homeopath. Vets aren't really good with chronic conditions. They just give you medicine that makes more chronic conditions which need more medicine...

    If you want the name of a good homeopath who has reasonable prices and is very knowledgable, please send me an e-mail or PM. Don't just go out and find one yourself - many people who SAY they are homeopaths are very dangerous because they haven't studied enough.

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