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Watchdog's Bloodline ? ?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by lika1, Jan 16, 2005.

  1. lika1

    lika1 New Member

    What do you folks think or have heard about Watchdog's Bloodline? Now I saw the post on Razor's Edge and I'm not trying to start anything like that, in fact I was a little hesitant about asking this question because of that but I'm just curious. Now for the record: 1- my pup does come from Watchdog's Bloodline, 2- I didn't over pay for my pup by no means (not even close to RE prices), and 3- I didn't go out searching for a particular bloodline; just so happen the breeder I selected has those bloodlines. Now there were certain bloodlines I tried to avoid which were RE and Gotti. Not saying they are bad at all, just my preference. Like I said before, I'm just curious; what you all say won't make me change my mind on my pup, I already have him, he's an excellent pup, and he's here to stay that's that!...... just curious on what you all think or have heard about this bloodline.
  2. goob

    goob New Member

    Watchdog is a line bred for show, but there are also many out of standard dogs these days, and the line has been overbred due much in part to the fact that it produces a high number of blue dogs. Unfortunately, many watchdog line breeders do not health test, and aren't aware that the line is known for throwing several heriditary diseases, as well as some other health problems. Heart problems are VERY common in this line from what I've been told (by people who've owned dogs out of it, as well as others), so be sure to have your boy checked, and if you have any plans of breeding him, he should be screened by a cardiologist (they receive extra training in the field, and have better tools for detecting problems than a general vet) to rule out any problems. I've also seen many dogs out of the line that have lived short lives for this breed, with little to no explanation for their deaths, so who knows what caused them, or whether it was heriditary.
  3. Freedom

    Freedom New Member

    goob is right, they are known for health problems, and get cancer early on in life. Hartagold had a dog from watchdog lines and she had a lot of health problems, she knows a lot about the problems this line carries so you might want to contact her. http://hartagold.com/index.htm
  4. lika1

    lika1 New Member

    Goob and Freedom thanks for the info. I e-mailed hartagold for information that she may be able to provide. Freedom thanks for pointing me in that direction. If anyone else has anything to add about ths bloodline, good or bad please don't hesetate to post it. Goob thanks for the advice, I will mention that to my vet and see what he may recommend. "Thanks again!!"
  5. qnapr

    qnapr New Member

    so what are considered good bloodlines

    so what are considered good bloodlines
  6. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Re: so what are considered good bloodlines

    There are a lot of good bloodlines. It all depends on what you want. I have a good friend who breeds true, old-style Watchdog blood, and I'd take one of his pups in a heartbeat. WD is one of the few blue bloodlines I'd own. A lot of what is being bred has to do with the quality of the breeder, as well as the dogs.
  7. lika1

    lika1 New Member

    Thanks spencerpits, I feel better now. :D
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Re: so what are considered good bloodlines

    I consider good bloodlines to be lines that produce good, quality dogs.

    These would be lines that consistently produce sound temperament, good health, correct conformation, good working ability.

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