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If you talk to your cat...sing to your cat...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by EternalFlame, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    Alright, theres been a comercial on lately with a woman singing to her baby, the narator the whole time talking about how babies brains dont grow by themselves they need u to help make them grow and develop and stuff by talking, singing and playing with them...

    OK.. this has a point lol :mrgreen:

    Do u all think, that it is a similar effect depending on how much we talk to our kitties? And how much time we spend playing with them and stuff?

    i hadnt really thought about it much until tonight when i was doing dishes singing to Razberry... *coughs* :oops:
    and he was sitting by my feet making those cute little raccoonish purring meowy sounds looking up at me, then rubbing against me and stuff...

    He really listens when u talk to him since he cant see u.. so i was just curious what u all thought?

    i'm super glad u are all cat lovers like me... coz i'd get laughed at if i asked my hubby his oppinion... :roll:
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I have no idea but I must admit that I talk and sing to my cats all the time.They seem to enjoy it...well maybe not my singing :oops: but I bet they enjoy the attention.
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Kyrre loves it when we talk to him. He sits down, tilt his head and look at you like hes really trying to understand what your saying :mrgreen: Hes also started to talk more himself lately, especialy if hes bored...
  4. luna

    luna New Member

    my mom said that she used to have a few outside cats when she was growing up and after we got buster she noticed that he had more of a personality that the outside cats had. she thinks it's because he's getting more attention then the others did. so i think talking and singing to him and now the others gives them more of a personality than cats who don't get a lot of attention.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    I love to talk and sing to my cats except they all look at me funny when I sing (so does my toddler. He covers my mouth when I sing.) They love the attention when I talk to them. :mrgreen:
  6. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    The first thing I do when I get home from work is call out for all the cats and say hi to them.

    I talk to them all the time. I don't know how to explain it, but they seem to be receptive to it and know that it's them I'm addressing.

    They probably do think I'm crazy when I sing to them, though.
  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    then i suppose it is possible that talking to your cats and singing to them and stuff does have some effect. i wonder if a study was ever done?

    i find Lex and Raz seem alot more intelligent then strict outdoor cats and stuff, they socialise more.. oh poo i dont know how to explain it.
  8. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I think you're on to something there. Maybe indoor cats develop more "human intelligence" while outdoor cats develop more "cat/survival intelligence"? I noticed that Kyrre became less dependent on me when he started to adjust his own routines for inside/outside (sadly...). He is still a mommy's boy that comes into bed to cuddle every morning, and he still begs for my attention during the days. But something has changed, I think it's a combination of him getting older and having lots of feline friens outside...
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I read a book when Copper was a baby that said when they meow, answer them. So I did and he is VERY vocal. People laugh at me when they call me and can hear him over the phone. But Sabrina came from the streets all grown up--and barely meows. Often she just mouths the meow. Or kinda chatters. I think talking/singing to them makes a difference.
  10. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I believe that verbal stimulation is beneficial to animals. And I can easily see that Booger enjoys it and even replies back to me. Her eyes light up, her tail goes straight up in the air (just before she gives me a leg-hug with it hehe). On the few mornings that I wake and she's not in the room, I softly call out 'Boo!" and she comes running into my room and hops up onto my bed, rubbing herself against me and mewing excitedly as if to say "Morning Mommy! Get up!"
  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I don't sing to my kitties because I can't sing but I do talk to them all the time. They seem to like it. Socks sometimes mews when I talk to her and I answer her like she is telling me something.

    I get the feeling it is comforting to them when I talk to them. :m33:
  12. luna

    luna New Member

    i don't think my kitties like it when i sing.....
  13. Duplantie

    Duplantie New Member

    Singing and Chatting with Drakk and Chester

    I don't sing to Drakk and Chester because I don't think I am a singer and I don't want to scare them.

    But I always talk to them ~ now Chester will acknowledge me, but she never responds, she just sits there and listens, whereas Drakk (who I think has some Siamese in him) loves to talk back to me.

    My family thinks it is hilarious when Drakk and I have conversations. He has always been a chatter box and very social with me (even though he is suppose to be my husband's cat ~ hee hee)
  14. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    I hold my dog and sing Rock-a-bye baby to her all the time. My cat just looks at us like we're weird. :?

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