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Animal Cops Detroit. Here!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Nik, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Oh man, we get this program over here now, on Animal Planet channel and I'm HOOKED!
    I would like to point out that it's on at 11pm here, so I have to watch most of it on mute as Floob is none stop barking along with them all :x

    However, my reason for telling you all the good news, is that I just watched an episode and it's had me crying.
    They picked a stray up, with Pavo. Now you guys talk about this all the time and I do feel for you, but I've never heard of it over here and deffenitly never seen what it does. I was sat there feeling sick with worry and pain for this gorgeous dog who just had no life left in him and was bleeding poop everywhere :cry:
    I was crossing my fingers that it'd be a happy ending, but I guess it's true to life that most of Pavo cases aren't.
    They put him to sleep on the floor where he lay. I swear, it was so hard to watch and I'm still blubbering about it now.

    I guess I just wanted to say how horrible this is, and that from now on when you guys are talking about it, I'll feel so much for you.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I just can't watch those shows. :cry:
  3. Nik

    Nik New Member

    I know what you mean. This is the first time something's got me upset rather than angry. I guess it's because this wasn't human cruelty. Of course it was initially, for not caring for the dog enough, thus it winding up a stray, but the desease/infection was nature.

    I'm a sucker for a happy ending, and for the most part they have been, but this was different.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I can watch animal cops nyew yourk because they have arrest power, they can immediately arrest someone on animal cruelty.

    I can watch animal detroit because their laws are horrible. they have to have an owner relinquish before they can take the animal away or watch it go downhill

    example, there is a dog tied in the backyard of an abandoned house, they still have to go back day after day, feeding the dog trying to find the owner before they take it away. :(
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I can't remember if it was animal cops or animal precinct, but I liked one and hated the other (this was back 2 years ago before I left for Germnay) I was hooked to the one, I think it was because I liked the one cops better than the ones in the other city. But now if I try to watch I can't it makes me sick to think about what horrible situatuations these dogs and cats are in, but I am the same way about watching medical shows too. Used to like 'em now I can't bare to glimpse at them? I guess I am a wimp
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I don't get a chance to watch tv very often but when i do, i watch those shows. yes their heart wrenching and there is some graphic stuff there. but I've learned alot from the shows. Along with reserach and schooling...

    What got me was the 12 year old Doberman they rescued out of a mans back yard that was only surviving because it had eaten its dead companion....The man was questioned why he didn't clean up the dead dog, and he said he had "tried" and partially burned it...
    Then asked why he didn't take care of the Doberman and other dog there and he said they wouldn't eat dog food, he fed them a couple times a week and they didn't eat it....

    Then they did an update on the Dobe, and in less than 2 weeks it had gained 4lbs on a steady normal dog diet!!! Sad that an older dog had to live like that, and probably most of its life....
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I watch the New York one espeically now knowing NYC has become a no-kill city
  8. Nik

    Nik New Member

    You know, it never entered my head that each state probably had a show of it's own :oops:

    Well we only get the Detroit one for now, so I can't compare it with the others, but hopefully they'll branch out soon and get more.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hehe, those are cities, not states. *ducks*
  10. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    What IS it with those people on animal cops? A lot of them live in very nice houses, they are overweight themselves, they live a nice life style, yet they don't FEED THEIR DOGS? I don't get it. These animals have every rib and hipbone jutting out because they are starving, yet their owners are obviously not hurting for money.
  11. Nik

    Nik New Member

    lol, erm, yeah, erm, that's what I meant... cities, yep, cities.

    I know it's called Animal Cops Detroit, but it's actually the Michigan Humane (sp?) Society that deal with everything, so with that, and the mention of New York, I just said 'states'.

    *backs out slowly before she digs herself in deeper*
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    When my daughter was younger, she used to not know which places were cities, which were countries, and which were states. It was so funny to hear her say something like, "Is Ireland a state??"

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