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My Guppy Had Babies.........Need Help!!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by pauldredge, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. pauldredge

    pauldredge New Member

    my guppy has had babies and i dont know wen but i just noticed a baby in the tank. i have looked harder and ive found a few under all my stones at the bottom of the tank, what shud i do? i dont know whether to move the stones so they can get out but i know as soon as i do that they will get eaten by all my other fish. could someone give me some advice please?

    just to let you know i have got 2 cat fish, a plec, 2 kissing fish, 3 black ones (dunno what there called), 5 minows, 5 tiger fish, male guppy, female guppy and two fat fish. as u can see im not that good with the names lol.
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    do you have one of those net breeder things where u can put the fry in? thats your best bet to raise them, otherwise most will be eaten and the lucky few will survive.
  3. pauldredge

    pauldredge New Member

    i think they are all dead, there are a few that are burried under the stones but i think they are stuck and will end up dieing, i havent got a net, how much do they cost? i didnt realise that they had babies as often as they do so i think i shouldnt of got them as im not really interested in breading. how long do you think it will be until the female gives birth again, she is looking pretty big already and im not sure when she gave birth to the current lot, i am new to all this you see so need help.
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    If they're under the gravel they're probably just hiding and not dead. When my platy had fry I found 12 fry inbetween the gravel hiding.

    If you can't get a nre breeder you can always suspend a regular aquarium net over the tank. That's what I did with my first fry.
  5. Blau_the_cow

    Blau_the_cow New Member

    The box breeders arent very expensive. They are just little plastic boxes with holes cut in for water flow that you can float in your tank. Walmart has some for something like 5 bucks.

    If you have a male and a female guppy, you can usually expect alot of fry, but if you dont want to keep them, then just dont catch them, they will eventually be eaten. If you dont want to let them be eaten, then you should definitly get rid of one of the guppys, or you will be swamped with babys when you catch them all. But be aware that if you get rid of the male, the female can store him sperm for up to five more births.

    Good Luck
  6. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    Related... as I've posted, my molly had her some fry. What's the best way to transfer them to the LFS so they can find nice homes with some lucky kids somewhere (and maybe trade them in for a frog or something)?
  7. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    well, first raise them up enoguh so they look like actual mollies.....then when your ready to sell them, call the LFS and ask if you can trade them in for store credit.....then, if they say yes.....get one of those quick-seal ziploc bags and fill it about 3/4 with the aquarium water, add the fish in, then take it to the fish store.
  8. pauldredge

    pauldredge New Member

    i think they have died as they arent moving any more, they are buried real deep in the stones and i think they are stuck and wont be able to get out. got to many stones in there i think. wish i could start the lay out of my tank again.
  9. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    why cant you?
  10. pauldredge

    pauldredge New Member

    well i would have to take all the fish out wouldnt i cant then empty all the water, take the stones out and put new things in. then i would have to wait two weeks wouldnt i before putting in the fish again.
  11. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    what do u mean, just redeocrate and move things around or do you mean change the substrate and all?
  12. pauldredge

    pauldredge New Member

    i want to take some of the stone i have got in my tank and i want to take out what ive got in there, decoratoin, and put things in like a log and a stones and that, make it look more natural as i dont like what ive got in my tank atm.
  13. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    well, as lnog as you arnt removing the gravel or what other kind of substrate you may have, u can keep the fish in there while redecorating.....i have done this many times before......just make sure your careful about not dropping anything on the fish and making sure everything is stable when your done.
  14. pauldredge

    pauldredge New Member

    wen i get some money then i will be redecorating my tank. is it worth getting real plants or is it too much trouble?
  15. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    i think they can be....as long as you make sure algae doesnt gow all over the tank to steal the nutrients the plants need and know whether or not your fish will eat them.
  16. pauldredge

    pauldredge New Member

    should i just stick with fake plants for now as this is my first tank. i want to redorate as i dont think i have any where for the fish to hide really.
  17. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    if you want fake plants, go ahead. msot plant are really easy to take care of....anacharis in my experience didnt need any special care other then the light on the aquarium
  18. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    Hey thanks guys... I just got the advice about the zip lock, sounds great, but will the 20-25 minutes in the cold getting to the LFS have a negative effect on the baby mollies? I live in DC.
  19. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    as long as the water in the tank is heated, and your not driving in a convertable with the top down, they should be fine :lol:
  20. iobre8ks

    iobre8ks New Member

    I had bought some swordtails one male and one female both did die from being eaten by my newt :cry: they did have one batch of fry four days after i bought them. All of the fry died except for one unknow causes they were in there own 10 gallon tank. The one that did survive though is now in a 125 gallon tank it is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really big I bought it used for $250.00 I now have two mollies in with it one male and one female i do plan of buying two more females. I will then breed them and end up within three months have 21 fish in the tank(four platy, four mollie, four guppy, four swordtail, two algea eaters, four corydora. I am going to take the newt back to my lfs.

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