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Floob, not 'that' excited to see me?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Nik, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Ok, this is something I've been wondering for a while now.

    I do everything with Floob. I did his basic training, trick training, always feed him, always walk him, always make up the new games, spend every single day with him... yet he's always happier to see other people than me.

    I know he's happy being with me, it's just that he doesn't get excited when he see's me.

    Here's a 'for instance'...
    We walk to the shop. It's about an hour and a half walk and most is off leash until we get there. Now, I can see 3-4 people we know along the way and he'll go crazy, wagging his tail, leaning into them for a fuss (occasionally jumping up still, the one thing that's taking a while to break but we're getting there). If he recognises people from a distance he'll go down in the 'come n play' possition. So basically he LOVES everyone who'll give him a glance.
    Now, I tie him up outside the shop. I'm in there 5 minutes maximum. I walk out of the shop, all smiles and 'good boys'... nothing. His ears are even down sometimes. No tail wagging, nothing. I ALWAYS fuss him and give him a treat, cheese or chicken, but he just takes it and that's it. Once he did look excited and was all jumpy, but I leant down the untie him and he dodged me to look behind me, my friend was standing right there!

    I've never once scolded him in any way, or shouted at him even. He get's firm 'nos', but not very often.

    Like I said, he is always happy, playing, tail wagging when we're together, just not happy to see me when he spots me.

    Anyone got a similar thing, or any ideas why he's like this?

    (I know it's not the end of the world or anything, just something I wondered if other people found with their dogs)
  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    From some post I've read your concern would be considered a blessing by some people.
    That he's happy being with you is what really matters here. Wherever I take Duke he is always excited to see other people. He loves everyone including his Vet and the kennel staff. When I come home I get a brief welcome but nothing like the enthusiasm he shows to "strangers". Then I notice I have a shadow the rest of the evening. Wherever I go Duke quietly tags along. I sometimes don't realize he is sitting behind me and I almost stumble over him.
    Bottom line, take and enjoy the long term show of affection and don't worry about short greeting madness.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Nik the way i look at this situation is Floob knows your there for him, You love him show him affection, feed him, play, walk and just down right fuss over him so he knows he does not have to fight for your attention of affection.

    When he gets excited when he greets new people could be his way of saying hey look at me come fuss over me sort of thing.

    So i would not worry about it he knows where he is love most and how much you love him so as dukesdad say i would just enjoy the quiet and the calm as you never know when he is going to get overly excited when he see's you and then you can not calm him down hehehehe..

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala is like this, too. I thought maybe it was because I have taught her not to jump up on me, but she feels free to jump on other people or if they are sitting down she will put her front paws in their lap and lick their faces to death. Sort of like she knows what I won't allow but figures she may as well try it on other people instead!
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    It sounds to me like Floob (and the other dogs mentioned too) are showing you the respect they'd show to the alpha dog in the pack. This is a GOOD thing. When they meet new people who are not members of the home pack, they're kissing up, because they don't have to show these people the same respect they have to show you. They all sound like happy, well adjusted dogs who have accepted your leadership. Accept their respect in the spirit it's given. It's a great honor they're giving you.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    So if they do act "happy" to see you they have not accepted your leadership?? :?
  7. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Hi guys,

    Everything you've all said makes perfect sense. Since I'm happy that Floobs a polite dog, I never really thought of it as he see's me in charge. Ive never acted alpha, but I guess by laying down boundries, he's accepted I am.
    I like this Dukesdad... "Bottom line, take and enjoy the long term show of affection and don't worry about short greeting madness" I can live with that. :D I seriously can't got for a pee without him sat at my feet, so what you say is right.

    lol! I take it you're dogs bound all over you with excitment? hehe
  8. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Nern, every pet/owner relationship is unique. If you dog greets you effusively, it may mean he see's you as an equal, rather than as the alpha in your 'pack'. It may mean he see's you as a benevolent dictator who doesn't mind that he's just an overly demonstrative dog. It may mean he's mentally still in puppy mode, and mobbing you for food, and just because puppies are allowed to mob anyone they choose to mob. It may also mean he's a big duffus who doesn't realize there's even supposed to be an alpha.

    Unless he's taking liberties he shouldn't, like stealing food from your hand or hunching your leg, I wouldn't worry about it. With most dogs there's plenty of leeway in doggy/human relationships. What works in my house may not work in yours, and even in the same household, what works with one dog may not work with another.

    For example, I allow my dachshund to sit on my shoulder. He's a very laid back, respectfull dog. My old dachshund bitch I wouldn't have ever concidered allowing that, because she would have seen it as being on top, not just literally, but in our relationship in general. She was a very intense, dominant dog, and had to be constantly reminded where her place in the general scheme of things was. If not, she ran rough-shod over everyone.
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Yep, both dogs are very excited to see me especially when I return home after being gone for a while. Natalie knows that she must be sitting before recieving attention when I get home so she never jumps up on me. She sits and whines excitedly instead. When she did use to jump up on me I considered her "untrained" rather than dominant.
  10. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    ranger is always VERY excited to see me. i don't think its because he sees us as equals, he knows i am in charge. any hint of disaproval, and his tail is between his legs. of course, he is a britany, a people dog. he hates being anywhere without people!

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