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Info needed on COPD

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Patches, Mar 21, 2004.

  1. Patches

    Patches New Member

    My little shih-poo is 15 and has COPD. The vet told me to give her
    Robitussin DM, but she reacts badly to it. Even minute amounts cause her to have diarrhea. Is there any other treatment available that you know of
    that might work for her? The condition seems to be getting slowly worse.
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I'm very sorry to hear your shih poo has COPD :( I don't have any suggestions because I've never been through this, but maybe you can do some research on the internet? There might be info out there that would help ~ of course, I'd check w/ your vet first just to make sure before you try anything.
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Ummm... what's COPD? :oops:
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease....
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    wow PooGirl! :) you've been reading your books, Look at you! ;) I'm impressed..... hehe
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I have heard of COPD, but I am not real knowledgeable about it, so I am afraid I am not going to be much help at all. Anyhow, I wanted to say that I am sorry to hear about your shih-poo's condition, and I am hoping for the best for her...that's gotta' be tough! :(
  7. Patches

    Patches New Member

    My little dog's COPD

    Thanks to all who responded. Christine, thanks for defining the term as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This will help on my Internet search because nothing responds when you type in "COPD". This is a type of asthma. My little dog is in very good health for her ripe old age of 15--except for this condition.

    What I am doing is sticking my finger in the bottle of Robitussin DM bottle, and then wiping my finger across her tongue. I hope to build up her little body to accept this as I do increase it very gradually. A little goes a long way with her, and even that amount helps.

    Again, thanks for caring!

  8. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    hehe.. thanks! I'm actually a medical transcriptionist part-time, so, I better know what COPD stands for! :wink:
  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I think your way of sticking your finger in the bottle and giving her tiny doses is a great idea, by the way. I am going to remember that if I have to ever give Bailey liquid meds! :)
    I tried to do some research on COPD and wow.... there really isn't much on the net on DOGS. (which, I'm sure you are already aware of! :p ) I guess it is VERY common in Horses.. hmmmm.... and so it was hard to find anything on dogs.
    Here is a site having to do with COPD in pugs (seems it is pretty dangerous for them because it's not diagnosed properly)....


    At the bottom of the page, it talks a lot about medication and treatment (including good dental hygiene and some antibiotic treatments). It didn't really give any OTC treatments like robitussin tho.....Anywho, I just thought you might find it informative.... I'm sure your vet has told you most of that anyways.

    side note: I have reactive airway disease (another form of asthma, triggered by allergies) that is more of a "cough" than a wheeze.... so I just felt the need to read about this COPD :) :p hehe
  10. Patches

    Patches New Member

    To MonsterBailey:

    Thank you! I printed out the article on Pugs, and although my little girl is a Shih-poo, it gives me further insight into this COPD condition.

    I really appreciate the effort you made!

  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    You're welcome....... keep us posted!! and keep up the TLC :)
  12. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Sorry to hear of your baby being ill .Has the vet tried breathing treatments ?
  13. Patches

    Patches New Member

    Update on my little dog with COPD

    Hello to all who responded to me about Patches:

    My vet said if Robitussin DM was too strong for her, I can try some other brand, using the children's dosage (he recommends 1/2 tsp.) I thought I was locked into Robitussin but apparently this is not the case.

    So, today I am going to look at various cough medicines.

    She went to Home Depot early this morning, ate a piece of bacon from Bob Evans, and has now retired to her "nuzzle nest".

    Will let you know how it all works out --breathing treatments not necessary yet, because she is doing ok as is. But I am keeping this in mind for the future.

    You are all sooooooo nice!!

  14. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    i hope everything works out well for patches.

    keep us udpated

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