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Getting over loss of cat

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Ginny, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    How do you get over the loss of a pet? I know it's a matter of time, but it's just so hard. I can still see my old favourite - he had such a rough time in his last few months. Whenever the cat door goes I think it's him, and it's just my neighbours cat visiting!

    For me it's so hard adjusting to having just one cat .. she is ok now and loving the extra attention. I just can't get Jasper out of my mind, I can see him just lounging here being comfortable. I don't think I've even accepted that he's not here anymore, yet it's been a few weeks now.

    I know there's no answers. I guess I'm just offloading my thoughts.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    grief is an odd thing and I think everyone handles it differently. One person may adjust to the loss of a loved pet in days while another could be weeks and another could be months.

    When you have a pet that long he/she becomes such an important part of life it takes some time to adjust. I put a dog down 11 years ago and I can still lump up when I look at her pictures and think "what if"

    Eventually you'll be able to move away from the grief and be content with loving memories of your kitty. Hugs to you
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    I don't think I ever got the loss of my beloved pets. Sometimes I forget that they are gone and like you I think that Vene is right here, or Pooky is over there, or I expect any moment for Luna to come running over to me for some serious snuggling. :cry: My Vene used to frequently visit after her passing but I have not seen her recently. Eventually, we move on with our lives, but we never forget our loved ones. Something will always remind us of them in our daily speech or thoughts. They are always in our hearts. *HUGS* You are going through a very normal grieving process. We are all with you. :love_y_t_much:
  4. Petz8888

    Petz8888 New Member


    Ill lend you my shoulder!

    Thats what I did when gruber died.

    I didnt have a sholder to cry on.
    Im still grieving :m35: :cry: :m13:

    Thats how ya do it!!

    KEEP OPTAMISTIC!!!!!!!!!
  5. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    Yes, it's hard ginny. Very hard. I'm still working on it. It's heartwrenching. I feel for you. :(

    You said you were so used to having two cats, is it possible that in time you could bring yourself to have another? A cute cuddly kitten really helps to cheer a person up (and could possibly help to cheer up your remaing baby as well).

    Hang in there

  6. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Hi, thanks for your replies.

    Yes I have considered having another cat. My remaining cat seems ok, and I just feel that there's no guarantee if we get another they'll get on. Cassie who we have now was bullied for almost 13 years by one of my male cats, and I just want to give her a break!

    I was used to having 4 cats and have never had just 1. However, it's nice to be able to pamper her more and give her ALL my attention. I do worry that she might get lonely if we're not around though.

    When I think about my losses I'm feeling sorry for myself, not my pets. After all, I've always tried to do the right thing for them. It's purely selfish, and you know, sometimes I just want to wallow in it! Isn't it stupid?! I just dread the day when Cassie is no longer around, but with any luck she'll live to be about 20!
  7. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    its not silly...and its okay to feel sad. three cats to loose is alot. i lost otis almost one year ago. he was almost twenty. i cried and cried. six to ten months later....i still had periods of crying. i loved him dearly. i can get sad if i think about that last day...putting him to sleep. he was so wonderful, for so many years. now...i have the same fear that comes up around my kitties and their health....especially max, who i am the closest to. i used to worry about otis dying....and how awful it would be...i have the same feeling about max...it would be awful for any of my kitties...but especially max....
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your kitty. I still sometimes feel sad over the one's I lost but time has helped. Hugs to you. :cry:
  9. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I lost 3 beloved pets on a matter of 3 weeks. My cat, Blueyes we put down, and my old horse Targhee died naturally, and my rabbit Sasha was killed. the one i have most trouble with is the loss of my rabbit, because there was no reason for him to go, i will always miss him and i wish everyday i could have him back. Targhee and Blueyes were easier, i was going to suggest that Targhee get put down before the next winter anyway, becuase i thought it would be cruel to force him to love through another winter. i saw the pain that blueyes was in and new that his quality of life was gone and it would be kindest to put him down as well, we saved him once, the 2nd time we just couldn't do that to him. i found that when i could remember the good times and not the bad that i started healing. All 3 pets still visit. Blueyes comes and sits by me at night sometimes. When i'm trying to catch my quail sasha will still bite me in the butt with his needle sharp teeth, (long story) and i'll hear him playing in the garage at night. I'll sense Targhee all the time wihen i'm working with the other horses. i think that your cat will help you heal even if he isn't physically present.
  10. Ginny

    Ginny New Member

    Horse_child that must have been terrible for you losing your pets in such a short period of time. A friend of mine lost 3 cats in a very short time too, and she had a real tough time coming to terms with it.

    I'm getting there .. although my remaining cat Cassie isn't well now, she hasn't really been right since christmas. We're awaiting some blood results which will be back anytime.

    I don't know what I'd do if I lost Cassie now .. ever since I left home 12 years ago I've always been surrounded by my cats. Let's hope she gets better and has a few more years in her yet!
  11. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Ya it was hard, but i got through it. I hope Cassie is feeling better!

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