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Is this 6 months pup APBT or mix?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by ozzie, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. ozzie

    ozzie New Member

    My 6 months old pup, weighs 54 pounds. I bought him as 8 weeks as amstaff from backyard breeder without papper. At present, I have serious doubt whether he is amstaff at all. I think that he may be APBT or APBT mixes.

    Please give your opinion/evaluation of the photos below:

  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    your dog looks like the spitting image of a black lab mix. but dont take my word, im not familiar with am staff standards etc.
  3. kate

    kate New Member

    she looks like kate my pit/lab. honestly they look like they could be sisters. i bought mine from a back yard breeder also, but she is 8 months now and 50 pounds
  4. mattbone

    mattbone New Member

    in all actuality you should not be able to tell the difference between an apbt and an amstaff unless the dog in question is a rednose. both breeds standards fall in between the same requirements...fanciers are the ones who delineate between the two. while i certainly don't care either way it seems to me that if i had a breeding stock of 10 registered purebred dogs of the same breed and decided to start calling my dogs woolyboogersnarfenblatts and only bred them for size and beauty that 40 years later if i had not introduced any outside breed that i would still have the exact same purebred dogs no matter what i called them. but anyway i agree with the lab mix theory.
  5. Freedom

    Freedom New Member

    definately a lab mix.
  6. Berriano

    Berriano New Member

    hooooly..... Yup, Lab mix. beautiful dog:) reminds me so much of my Diablo when he was younger...by 2, he was just big and fat lol but still had waaaaaaaaay too much energy

    here's the two photos of Diablo I had scanned....but in some of your pics, "Mutt" looks just like your guy!!

  7. ozzie

    ozzie New Member

    Thanks for all the answers. I bought mine as amstaff, and I paid premium dollars at the pet shop. When he was young, look very much like typical amstaff/apbt, as the older he get the more look alike mixed. I think he is mixed but I am quite sure which breed. Because he is very power built body, look more muscle than in the pictures, his hair is very short.
    I has been conned by the pet shop, anyway I love the mutt and would not swap him for anything.
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    this is just one of the many problems of pet shops. i suggest you get some kind of written proof that its mixed from your vet [i guarantee you they will agree its a lab mix] then take some kind of action against the pet shop. even if you dont get anywhere, at least you can spread the message around.
  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I can generally tell between most APBTs/ASTs there are exceptions, and FYI there are red nose AST so that wouldn't really help, there are even AKC CH red nose AST as its a fault and not a DQ.
  10. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    You could have an amstaff with bad conformation or perhaps he's going through a bit of a growing slump and will come around when he's older.

    I tend to agree with True on the above matter. I understand the logic used to come up with the other train of thought however. But in all forms of biology there are "lumpers" and "splitters"..
  11. ozzie

    ozzie New Member

    Yes, I tend to agree with MaxKellyAst. My dog look like any pitbull weighs 40 pounds at 4 months, then I travelled oversea for a month. When I came back, he gains 14 pounds in a month, I could hardly recognised him. My parents probably overfeed him, as result he grow unevenly, doesn't look like pitbull anymores.
    But he is only six months and have another 18 months to grow.

    I also went to the petshop where I purchased my puppy 12. They guaranteed that the pup is amstaff, they have no complaints from other 11 buyers. Interestingly, I was the first pick of the liter.

    If you look at this link on the web, this pure black pit bull, look like a brother to my pup. The white dot on his black look identical to my puppy.

  12. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    I guess im confused, Did you buy your pup from a BYB without papers or from a petstore for "premium dollar"? Do you have two dogs?
    If you dont have papers you really cant be sure what you have at this point, and even if you did have them, without knowing anything about the mother and father or breeders of the dog then you really cant hang your hat on that.

    I dont know what to say about the pictures of your friends dog.

    True- Never seen a rednose amstaff (not disputing there are some)
    I have seen flesh colored noses, though, on dogs with too much white generally. A rednose amstaff would be something like a merle APBT, not to be bred for.
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    ozzie i wouldnt believe anything a pet shop says. go to a proper pit breeder and get their opinion, or go to a vet. i dont want to offend, but your dog looks nothing like the dog in that link. [is that even a pure pit in the link? its nose is weird]
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Max I don't know about red/flesh, flesh is a dudley nose. How does the AKC feel about these? Its a fault in the UKC for APBTs. I think the red nose I saw was from Kimmar kennels.
  15. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I have to tell you I agree. Your dog looks like a lab/pit mix. I own one and although she is different in color, she is very similar.
    She is still VERY PRETTY though no matter what she is!
  16. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    AKC+ Red or Dudley nose = BAD...

    Had my 6 month old weigh in today, A whopping 35lbs! woohoo! Expecting him to be between 55 and 60lbs at two years. Thats perfect IMO...
  17. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yup I know, I said it was a fault to have a red nose, but not impossible for the red nose to still appear in AST, unless those dogs are APBT/AST and registered with hung papers.
  18. MaxKellyAST

    MaxKellyAST New Member

    Sorry True I thought you asked the question.
  19. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    o, haha, well I guess I didn't really word what I was trying to say very well.

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