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Who likes Cavelier King Charles Spaniels?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ya_gotta_luv_em, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. ya_gotta_luv_em

    ya_gotta_luv_em New Member

    I have a Cavelier King Charles Spaniel called Genevieve. She is brown & white & always has her tounge hanging out the side of her mouth with her mouth closed. She is sooo cute. Does anyone else own one?
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I don't have one, but cavs are my favorite of the spaniel family.
  3. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    I don't hacve one either but they are one of the prettest dogs I've ever seen.I like the liver or red and white.
  4. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    :p I have one. They are too cute and now I have spoiled mine. way too much cuz you can't help but luv them. This is scout.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Pinky, I see you are also in Calif. Me too. Your boy is a doll.
  6. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    :eek: SURFS UP.... Yep, me and scout live a block from the beach. There is a golf course nearby that has a lot of property and a lagoon where the golfer's don't go where scout can run free and jump in the ivy for miles and tread water. There is such a heavy undertow here that I am a little leary about letting him run free on the beach, but he seems to not like the waves, but he sure loves the lagoon. Of course, he does more drinking than swimming, unless he sees a squirrels. Just kidding, I don't think squirrels swim but he loves to try to catch them. He is all muscle now and those lesions that expand and withdraw, well he broke that in 5 seconds when he saw a squirrel. You should see it wehn my two cats and him are trying to catch moles in the back yard....all three of them starring and digging....what a site. He is such a hyper dog that I think he gets grumpy if I get lazy for a day and don't let him run off his energy. We are about 2 miles from South San Francisco. :mrgreen:
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    We have squirels at our beach parks too. Up on the cliffs. We are near the Port of Los Angeles. You sound soooo happy when telling storys about little scout the man. I hear S.F. did not get any rain, and we all did. A gal I work with went up there the week it rained down here. She said you all did not get it. Lucky you.
  8. pinkyrat

    pinkyrat New Member

    :p No, not that week, but two weeks before Pacifica got 5 inches in one day. My property is the lowest in the neightborhood so I have a pump in the back that drains my back patio. Well, that day, my pump blew and I had water up to my knees in my back yard. Sometimes we have gotten winds up to 75 mph blowing through here. We just lucked out for the first time for a change. You know it's funny, scout loves to jump in the lagoon but he would rather make a pile in my kitchen than go outside on the lawn to poop when it's raining. He never does anything like that unless it's raining. So, he makes me go outside with him in the rain and then he goes (he's too smart -- naw, he doesn't have me trained or does he? ). My beagle was like that too. It's like they hate the feeling of wet lawn to do their business in. But if there is a puddle when you are walking them, they are right in the middle of it. GO FIGURE. :?
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    So far, mine are not water dogs. Don't care for baths at all. I'm in an apartment, so two of mine need to be escorted. Rufus the tri colored on the left will go out then come back. If heavy rain, He will wait it out.
  10. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i had posted about this breed in the wrong board by mistake and instead of moving the topic for me, they musta just deleted it :cry:

    i'm thinking about getting one, my first dog was a golden(RIP, Megen), but now i'm in an apartment that doesnt allow large dogs...and from my research the KCS is a perfect breed, very intelligent and easily trainable, has the heart of a big dog in that it can go for jogs with u ect and plus, they are just too darn cute.

    however, my problem is that i'm in nova scotia canada and from what i found online the closest breeders are in newfoundland or ontario...

    i'm not looking to pay a buncha cash for a show dog... i'd just like a family friend. so anything u can offer to tell me about them i'd love please :)

    *new: just found my topic moved to the general dog section :)
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Eternalflame, How do you make your siggys like that. I'd like one.
  12. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Cavaliers are great little dogs, fantastic temperments and much easier to keep up than a cocker. Just regular brushing/combing and the occasional bath. Maybe trim the hair on the bottom of the feet, but never the top. The 'slipper feet' are a breed trademark, LOL.

    Eternalflame, I have a couple of contacts in Nova Scotia for you to try. I'll send them to you privately. I don't like to post that sort of information in a public forum.
  13. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Eternal flame, thank you for the email concerning the siggys. I will get back to you once I figure out what pictures I want to put up. I can not P.M. you or anyone here. I don't have that option anymore. Once I figure out what I want I will give you my email addy so's we can go from there. Thanks.
  14. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I will thank you. As for coming up with any sort of design, I am dumbfounded when it comes to these things. I will leave it up to you and maybe throw in a few color options that I like.
    Oh, will I be able to use it anywhere that takes a siggy?
  16. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    yup, any message board type thing like auspet.

    i have some examples of ones i do for my RPG site if u would like to see them, email me i will send u the link
  17. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ok I will.
  18. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Hey puttin she did mine for me and it works everywhere i love it i think she did a great job. and good luck in your search for a pup EternalFlame.

    I wish i lived near a beach in Cali but i do live by the Delta but it's really gross water my kids refuse to swim in it lol
  19. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I like your siggy too Rene. Very nice.
  20. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    Cavaliers pups and MVD

    I have been researching this breed for a few weeks now because we are considerng another pup if Jack will agree. I have learned some interesting facts about them that should be considered before purchasing one of these dogs. I have read that they are very prone to Mital valve disease,more so then any other small dog and at least half of them wil develope it by age 5. MVD in these dogs is almost always fatal. I have read that it is very important that the sire and dam of the pup you want to purchase were not bred before 5 years of age to lessen the possibility of passing on the disease. Also, according to what I have read, you should expect to pay quite a bit as a good breeder wil have invested a large sum of money on having testing done on the pups Even if the pup tests clean they should still be seen by a cardiologost once a year for screening. I have been quoted prices ranging from 1200 to 1800 dollars for pet quality pups with limited registration from breeders recommeded by the AKC.All the breeders I have talked to require a spay/neuter contract be signed to protect the breed. I know this might sound negative but if you are determined to have one of these pups then at least you know to look for a reputable breeder who follows the guidelines for breeding and testing their dogs. That way you can lessen the chances of ending up with a sick pup and a broken heart.

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