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Driniking out of water fountain

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Someone gave me a small trickling waterfall thing (you know what I mean) for a house warming present, but now it seems Dale likes to drink out of it (no suprise), does anyone know of something I could put in it to make her not drink out of it? If I see her I pick her up and distract her or take her to her water, but I think she does it when I am not here, a friend of mine said he has tried vinegar, dish soap and regular soap, but his cats don't mind the vinegar, and the soap bubbeld over, but I don't want to do it if it will make her sick, does anyone have any suggestions?
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Maybe you can strategically place orange peels and float them in the water. You can cut up fresh garlic or onions bits and place them on top of the peels. My cats hate the smell. How about buying her her own drinking fountain?
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Good idea! I can try that stuff, first the orange peels, then move up to the garlic, but are cats allergic to that? (bc dogs are?) I really don't know that much about cats though!
    I haven't ever seen a cat water fountain, I would love to get her one though, she has an automatic waterer though, she liked it the first few days, but then got bored of it!
    This is a side note, but today she was so cute, she figured out that the sliding glass door slides and I was on the back porch and the door was just a little bit open and she was trying so hard to slie it, it was so cute, then she started trying to squeeze her head through. I love her, she does the most adorable things!
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I used to have a noise activated decorative water fountain and Copper would sit and stare at it. He eventually learned how to start it up and "killed" it. Now I have a Petmate brand pet fountain that everyone LOVES. I got it at wal-mart for about $25.
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Lil, cats are allergic to onions, but they won't touch the uncooked onions cause the scent is too strong for them. Not sure about the garlic. :mrgreen:
  6. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    dogs arent allergic to garlic lol it's actually good to get rid of fleas ;)

    course i'm sure there are some dogs out there who are allergic.. but they are just like ppl too heh

    vene had some great ideas!

    cats like to drink running water coz theres more oxygen in it :) perhaps consider getting a kitty fountain :)
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I think dogs are allergic in large doses, like chocolate, because I know people give their dogs garlic for fleas (nice natural alternative). I'll have to ask over on the dog side!
    Anyway, yesterday I tried the oranges, i worked for a while, but then I guess she decided she didn't mind the oranges! So today I am using the onions, and she hasn't gone in the living room at all today! And I don't want to force her in, Crap, she just came in and started drinking!!! aRGGH must try something new tomorrow!
  8. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    I've just got to get one of those kitty fountains! I guess dogs can drink out of it too? Hmmm.... I wonder.

    I don't know what to say about the other water fountain lil96. Maybe she'll get bored. Yeah right...like that's gonna happen. My kitty makes the same moves over and over and never gets tired of it. Especially grabbing all the stuff on my dresser. grrr..
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Its not that onions, garlic and chocolate are allergens but rather that they are toxic. Garlic, similar to onions, can cause heinz body anemia in dog and cats if fed frequently and/or in large amounts. Many cat foods and dog foods contain garlic but only in small amounts.
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    That makes sense about them being toxins!
    Anyway, I was just brushing my teeth in the bathroom and guess who comes in 'cause she's thristy and needs a sip out of the toilet! You'd think I never gave her water. I just sat some down when I had breakfast! I really need to get a fountain, I was at walmart yesterday looking for them but didn't see one, I'll check out walmart online today.
    Have a good day!
  11. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Cats usually avoid citrus, so maybe some lemon juice in the water would discourage her? Or maybe bitter apple?

    But if she's not knocking things over, or drinking it dry, why not just allow her to enjoy it? Just keep putting fresh water in everyday. Allowing her to drink some of the water might help prevent scale build up from evaporation and keep your fountain functioning longer.
  12. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I can try those things, but I don't want her to drink out of it, because i worry it is dirty???
  13. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    She obviously likes running water. I'd get her a drinking fountain and just squirt her with a water gun/bottle when she tries drinking from your fountain. She'll get the message.

    I couldn't stop Booger from drinking from the toilet till I got her her own fountain. She loves it. She occasionally still likes to drink from the faucet but I haven't found her drinking from the toilet since I got her her own fountain.

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