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Breaking Kyrres bad habit...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Bente, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I think I've mentioned sometimes how Kyrre has gotten more independent as he has gotten older. But he is also a BIG fusser! In the beginning it wasn't that bad, but now he wakes us up several times EVERY night... :? Sometimes he wants to play, somtimes he wants to drink from the faucet, sometimes he wants me to pet him while he nurses on his blanket, and sometimes he even wants me to stand and wach him eat! :shock:
    It all started with me having to pet him while he was in his basket before we went to bed everynight. If I did that he would leave us alone, but if I didn't he would wake us up within short time. And now it's just too much! He meows and paws at the bedroom door at least 4 times every night...
    We have also tried leaving the bedroom door open sometimes, and it worked at first, he would sleep in our bed trough the whole night. But now he'll fuss about the faucet and his basket anyway.
    I know that cats are most active at night, but we havent had a whole nights sleep in I don't know how long...
    My plan now is to "throw" him outside everytime he starts, then maybe he'll learn that fussing (?) won't get him what he wants...
    (He is used to be outside in the night, and we always have our bedroom window open so he can come inside whenever he wants. He's just not used to being outside against his will..)
    I guess I've made my own bed, because I realize now how spoiled he really is... Do you think this will work, or do you have any other ideas on how to make him stop this behaviour?
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Hi Bente. I think the key to curbing his bad behaviour is to be consistent. Do not give in to whatever it is he happens to want at the time. It will be hard to ignore him, and you'll have to lie awake for a few nights, but it should work. Artemis is one of those active night cats. I found that totally ignoring him and pretending I was asleep while he rubbed his wet nose on my face, pawed at the blankets or scratched the curtains or door, he would eventually give up and go away. He hardly ever bugs us at night anymore, and when he does come in our room it's usually to cuddle or to wake me up because I've hit snooze too many times.

    Good luck and don't give in!
  3. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    oh Bente... u deffinately have one spoiled little boy there dont you! It's funny but not, i can understand your need for sleep.

    ever thought of getting another cat? ;) Keep him busy when u cant be there.
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Oh, you bet! but my boyfriend says no, and I have to agree with him... We don't have enough space :( So that's why I'm doing everything in my power to convince him that we should move... :mrgreen:

    I know, but it's so haaard :? If we ignore him he'll start jumping up on tables and the kitchen counters (?) and push things over. And I know he does that to get our attention, b/c he never does it if hes bored during the day. But I know, we'll just have to be more consistent. Argh, I hate that word :mrgreen:
  5. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    not enough space? impossible. i can see it if u had a couple dogs or something,... but your place deffinately cant be smaller then mine and i have 2 cats and 2 birds :mrgreen:

    i thinks u gotta whip out that female charm that we all have and work some magic.

    vene used hers and has her hubby saying Ginger can come in.. so if he can change so can your guy ;)

    *girl power*lol
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    As difficult as it might be....ignoring this behavior is the best way to curb it. Each time you get up because he is knocking things down or even to toss him outside he is getting your attention which is what he wants. Behaviors that are never reinforced go away. The only problem with ignoring the behavior is that it will take time before it goes away completely especially if he's been heavily reinforced for it previously.
    You might also, if your not doing so already, make a play hour for him right before you go to bed. Tire him out really good and then give him a meal...this might help get you through the night.
  7. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Tonight was our first night down the strict line, and it went pretty well :mrgreen:
    I only got up once to throw Kyrre outside (normaly it would be at least two times to throw him outside, and several times to fulfil his wishes...). And the rest of the night I managed to ignore him.

    I agree with all of you that ignoring him is the best way to do it. If I throw him out, he can just jump back in (right into our bedroom!) and then we'll have it going all night.

    I'm gonna win this war! :m36: :mrgreen:
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Be firm and good luck Bente!
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    kyrre sounds like max in alot of ways....spoiled through and through.... :shock: :roll: :wink:

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