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Must be pretty silly when...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by EternalFlame, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    when u are petting your kitty and they start purring and stuff, and out of the blue u say 'i love you' or 'i wuv ew' or something similar.. and for an instant... expect to hear it back? :mrgreen:

    Raz is here in my lap and i was doing just that. It's rare for him to purr... lie he's not an auto purrer where u pet him and it starts his motor, no, he rarely purrs.. only in the morning and when he's apparently sleepy.

    i whispered i love you.... and .. i almost expected to hear it back :oops:
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Awww, I know the feeling. Kyrre is less affectionate now than he was as a little kitten... So every morning when he come and snuggle up close with me in bed I get so touched... I just want to squeeze him hard and whisper that I love him :oops: And sometimes I do :mrgreen:
  3. misty

    misty New Member

    That's sweet :) I tell my animals I love them all the time, and I'm sure they feel like those poor animals on that old WB cartoon...you know the one where the little girl is like squeezing them and says "and I will hold you and squeeze you and l will call you George." Or something to that affect :lol:
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    thats bugs bunny and daffy! with the abomadable snow man!!

    'i will pet him and stroke him and love him, and name hin george.' lolol
  5. Duplantie

    Duplantie New Member

    George and his pet

    I always loved that cartoon. My children remind me of George when they are trying to give Drakk and Chester kisses and hugs ~ and Drakk and Chester have these looks on their faces like "Help me, Mommy! ~ this is not the kind of attention we were seeking"

    Both cats always come and sit on my knee ~ because they think I will be their shield and protect them. hee hee ~ sometimes I am not, I let Yvain and Tanis give them kisses and hugs ~ they are actually quite gentle with them ~ just enough is enough some times. :)
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    so much for human language in my home. my kitties get..."i yah yous...i yah yous..." lols.... :oops: :p :roll:

    human language..."i love you"

    sometimes i want to squeeze them so hard...and be one with them. i have to be careful, because i get overwhelmed with love and want to squeeze soooo hard....but i have to control myself, otherwise they would probably squeak!!
  7. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I tell Booger all the time that I love her. She's not a lap cat and doesn't like being picked up and held. She'll tolorate it for about 30 secs heheh. But I wake almost every morning to her in my bed mewing at me and rubbing up against me and it's just so dern cute and such a sweet and wonderful way to wake every morning that we have a daily pet-fest before I get out of bed. And the way she hugs my leg with her tail when I'm working in the kitchen is her way of saying 'I love you' to me. I just know it :}

    And she does let me literally hug her when she hops up on the arm of my desk chair. I love that the most. I remember as a small child when I was hurt or upset, I would seek out my cat and hug it (like George heheh). I think my hugging Booger on the arm of my chair is a throwback to my youth. It's just so comforting and somehow she knows it and lets me do it.
  8. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    LOL Lynn i hear that.

    Lex is my 'hug' cat. he crawls up on me, paw on either shoulder and just flops and lets me maul all over him. He's the attention whore.

    Cassie, i agree, they do 'tell us' they love us back in theor own ways :) i always loved the tail wrap thing too....wish i had a tail lol
  9. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    I'm always talking to Ruby.........."I love you, even though you have a smelly bum" "What a pretty girl, even though you have no top teeth" and she looks at me like "Hey, thanks, your the best mum ever, I love you too!" She's pretty gullible!!!
  10. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    LOL at Michelle! :lol:

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