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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by bellasmommy, Mar 22, 2004.

  1. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    who celebrates their pups birthdays?
    and if you do.. how do you celebrate?
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Great question, Bellasmommy!!! I'm curious about this myself since Bailey's big birfday is coming up in May. I've heard of people having dog parties and inviting other dogs.... not sure what you do! Play pin the tail on the birthday boy?? or...Red Rover Red Rover send Spike right over? :)

    Needless to say, I don't think we'll go that far..... lol... however, there is a BARKERY (vs bakery) that does birthday cakes. I think at the very least, I'm going to HAVE TO BUY one for Bailey! LOL (or is it for ME?)
  3. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    for bella's 1st b-day we took her to the local (it was an 1 1/2 hours away) three dog bakery..

    since it was a sunday she got a free doggy sunday (on sunday) :mrgreen:

    we bought her a bunch of little cupcakes and cookies and a big cookie shaped like a bone that they wrote her name on..

    then all of her grandparents came over with presents and we sung happy birthday and shot video. she absolutely loved being queen for a day [​IMG]
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    For Natalie's first birthday I bought her a bunch of treats and toys and wrapped them up....tried to get her to open them herself but she would'nt. I made her a fake cake, put a birthday hat on her and set her on a chair in front of her birthday cake and took pictures. I'll have to dig out that picture and post it because it was so cute. :mrgreen:
    For birthdays now I usually just give them some special food that day....like a can of Active Life or something. They seem to enjoy it.
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    My dogs get a heart shaped meat load cake for their b-days. I also get them a few extra treets and try and do something they really love. I.E. Ride in the car, play at the park ect. Just something just for them.
  6. Peek-A-PooPal

    Peek-A-PooPal New Member

    I've been reading and this form for sometime as a guest. I finally joined to respond to your birthday question. On Chanel's (our 5lb. apricot Peek-A-Poo) first birthday we had a crazy dog party. I invited all her dog friends. We had 30something people, 11 dogs, and 1 kitty (she went home early). We had different sized kiddie swimming pools for water fun, and a big spray pool (courtesy of Braden Park). We played "Bob for Wienies", who has the longest tail, who has the shortest tail, ect. The real game started when a guest knocked a hugh bowl of Malted Milk Balls from the people food table. Humans and canines grappling on the ground for malt balls. I just grabbed Chanel and watched in horror as one black lab ate four. The malt balls were soon confiscated and no one had to be rushed to the vet. Trying to get the party back on track, I served Bacon Quiche birthday cake and Frosty Paws to the four legged guests while my husband served cake and ice cream to the two legged guests. The party time was "as per" invitation stated 2p.m. Until 4p.m. at 6p.m. Chanel was overwhelmed, I was exhausted and giving out more party favors encouraging everyone to leave, and my husband was downright snotty. Since the party was at the park pavillion we just loaded up and left it to the party animals. That was over two years ago and I still feel a flutter of panic when I look at the pictures taken that day.
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Mickey & Tigger aren't yet a year old (but they're close :( ), so we haven't had the joy of celebrating a birthday just yet. Although, we did have a "party" when they first came home from their breeder's home. Mickey & Tigger have a lot of "dog friends" here, but they're are two that are just about the same age as Mickey & Tigger, so we're gonna' have "party" with them and any other dogs, family, and friends that want to come are welcome. It should be interesting! :lol:

    There is a lady somewhat nearby who bakes dog treats, and she specializes in dog (or cat) birthday cakes, so that will be a must!!! :mrgreen:
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I love everyone's stories....... I am crrracking up here.
    OMG.....That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time!! :lol: LOL..... thanks for sharing! what a hoot :lol: I am dying to know.....What are frosty paws?

    Would LOOOOOVE to see those pictures! now THAT party sounds like something we'll probably do for Bailey!

    What is Mickey and Tigger's birthday ? I know that they are close in age to Bailey..... his is May 4th. We'll come to your party if you come to ours! ar ar ar....... :wink:
  9. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    We have a birthday party with hats and cake and presents ,but we have to give everyone a present cause they get jealous and we tried candles once and Sam and Koko kept trying to play with the fire .Cleo just stared at hers once and wouldn't even look at the cake (doggie cake ) Greyson ,our cat jumped up in the middle of the table once and the cake went flying all over the place ...so we usually have alot of fun . :D
  10. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    This thread is too funny...I'm lovin' hearing about how y'all celebrate your dog(s) b-days!


    Mickey & Tigger's birthday is on June 2nd to be precise.

    Sure, come on over...the more the merrier! :lol: Only problem is, if we come to yours we just might not ever leave (have an extra room? hehe)...CA is lookin' better and better everyday! LOL :mrgreen:
  11. Peek-A-PooPal

    Peek-A-PooPal New Member

    FROSTY PAWS is a frozen treat for dogs. It looks like vanilla ice cream. It comes four individual 3.5oz. cups to a package, with a little cardboard top that has a pull-tab. I find it in the frozen Foods by Bil-Jack dog food. My Peek-a-poos love it. I give half the cup to Gucci & Chanel and watch them scoot their bowls all around the kitchen floor licking it. Bella you are a charming little enchantress! I printed your picture to show off. Bailey don't dispare! I printed yours also. What a handsome guy! I bet you attract attention wherever you go.
  12. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    wow! what a day :lol:

    and WELCOME to our boards \:D/
  13. Rene

    Rene New Member

    See i knew i wasnt CRAZY I wanted to have a party for Sebastains first birthday (we were camping) and i was going to get hat's and horns my kids thought i was NUTTS and my neice was depressed cuz she thought she would have to buy him a present

    So for his first birthday he got to swim in a lake (he didnt really like that) and he got a few treats

    I didn't even mention a party for Jasmines birthday i didnt want to hear it again geez kids spoil all the fun (lol)

    Humm Nala's 6th birthday is comming up we will see what happens :lol:
  14. Alabamamom1

    Alabamamom1 New Member

    Well....reading this post has been to say the least humerous--boy would I have loved to have been at that peek-a-poo party :) I bet it was fun.

    We just celebrated Romeo's first birthday but we are home bodies and poor Romeo doesn't have a lot of personal dog friends, just the ones from the park and our two other family dogs. I just got his some gifts-toys, treats(his favorite GREENIES), and my dad built him a very cute dog house (way to go pawpaw). I thought that we did pretty good till I started reading this post #-o

    However, my friend, who doesn't live here anymore so I wasn't there but we talk, has a pretty big bash for her dog every year. Where she moved to they have a "Barkery" and they went to the barkery and had a bone shaped cake done and it had Happy Birthday Bailey in frosting. All doggie edible of course. I think that is so cute! Wish we had a Barkery here :) I am soooo jealous it's crazy. lol

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