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Dwarf Puffer Information-Tank Size

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Kirk, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. Kirk

    Kirk New Member

    Has anyone owned one? I believe they can live in realitively small tanks
    (It would be living in a 29 gallon tank). Are these fish fun? I am wondering if they still inflate like their saltwater cousins. These fish arent brackish right (most freshwater puffers are but these arent). Do they have a long lifespan? I know, I know to many questions, sorry.
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    well, one thing (and probably one of the only things) i know about puffers is that it isnt very healthy and good for them when they puff out
  3. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Yah thats true puffing out stresses them out usually, but sometimes they do it to apperently "practise" Dwarf puffers are agressive and 1 per 5 gallons in the rule with them. They are a species only fish to, dont keep them with anything other then dwarf puffers
    Here is a fakha puffer owned by the minion from TFF. It puffed one morning when they turned the lights on and lucky they had a camera near by

  4. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    at work we keep african dwarf puffers in with tetra's. they are only about a cm long at most. God knows why they are there.

    they're £15 each, so theyve been there a while.
  5. Kirk

    Kirk New Member

    Yeah they are pretty cool looking fish. That picture is awesome! I would like to get a dwarf puffer and put it alone in a ten gallon tank. Do you guys think this would be a healthy eniviroment for it?
  6. venom

    venom New Member

    one in a 10g may not be the best idea. they only get to be 1" when full grown and can VERY easly get sucked up right inot the filter. If you have something like a sponge filter it would be ok and you could get around 5 dwarfs in a 10g
  7. Kirk

    Kirk New Member

    Nice! Thanks!
  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    As long as you have a strainer on your filter intake, a 1" fish isn't likely to get sucked in. I've had african cichlid fry as small as 1/4" in my 20 gallon with 2 HOB filters, neither of which has a pre-filter, and I've never had a fry get sucked up.

  9. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    No no you couldnt, they WILL kill each other 2 in a 10g would probably be fine.
  10. venom

    venom New Member

    2? no. you could get 2 in a 5g. i would know a lil better. i have been on a dwarf pufferfish site for a while now and i think i know what im talking about.

    i would know a thing or two b/c right now i own 2 fahaka puffers.
  11. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    do you venom? how big are the fahakas right now and what size tank? i have always loved the way those fish looked....how easy to care for are they?
  12. venom

    venom New Member

    they are very very aggressive first off. my fahakas are 8". one in a 75g and the other in a different 75g. when they are full grown they will need their own 125g tank. so ill need two but i already have everything i need.
  13. Kirk

    Kirk New Member

    What is this fish your talking about?
  14. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    what, a fahaka puffer?
  15. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    Try to in a 5g it might work, but dont be surprised if one dies
  16. venom

    venom New Member

    they are very very aggressive first off. my fahakas are 8". one in a 75g and the other in a different 75g. when they are full grown they will need their own 125g tank. so ill need two but i already have everything i need.

    this is about the fahaka puffer. i was answering grns question.

    You could get around 5 dwarfs in a 10g with a lot of hiding places. If you have the hiding places they won't die from each other.
  17. jason

    jason New Member

    every time I get one they get covered in a white fuzzy stuff and in like in 5 hours they are dead

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