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Dog has Tumor and Wont Eat. HELP!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by ginalina2004, Feb 13, 2005.

  1. ginalina2004

    ginalina2004 New Member


    My dog has a tumor in one of her lungs and is pushing up against her esophagus causing it to slowly close. We have put her on an organic diet as well as homeopathy. Her breathing became better but some days are good and others are bad. All she does is sleep. She won't eat anything all day and when you try to feed her she spits it out. She has been spitting up white mucus and has runny stool. She does drink a lot of water however she is slowly deteriorating because we can't get her to eat. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I'm so sorry your pet is suffering this way. It's possible she's not eating because she can't. Her esophagus may have closed to the point that it's no longer possible for her to swallow anything but fluids.

    You could ask your vet about a liquid diet for her, but you'll probably end up having to tube feed her, and at best, you'd only be buying her a little more time. And you have to ask yourself, at what cost to her? What is her quality of life?

    I know how difficult it is to face the end of a beloved pets life. But it sounds like your dog has a terminal illness, and is in the final stages. The tumor has probably spread to other organs throughout her body.

    I also understand that this is an extremely emotional and personal decision, and it's not one we make quickly or easily. You have to concider her quality of life and weigh that against any possibility of recovery. It doesn't sound like the chance of recovery is very high, and I don't think forcing her to eat is going to improve that chance very much.

    Ask yourself if it's fair to allow her to continue to suffer, or slowly starve to death. Please discuss her prognosis with your vet, along with whatever options there are available. But as painful as it is, perhaps it's time to let her go.
  3. ginalina2004

    ginalina2004 New Member

    Dog wont eat response

    Thank you so much for your honesty. It's a tough decision that needs to be made but I can't stop to think about other than the fact that she won't eat, she is still responsive, runs, barks and acts like herself on good days. She plays occasionally but as I mentioned in the first posting she does sleep alot. I know that when we are sick and fighting a flu or a cold we tend to sleep more. Maybe I am just in denial, but this has been the hardest thing for us. She almost acts like she has Alzheimers (?) sometimes forgetful of her surroundings. She is a 9 1/2 year old rottie. I guess we truely believe that there is a chance with holistic medicine and homeopathy.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sorry to hear about your Rott, I know exactly how you feel, just over a year ago we discovered that my 7 year old Rott had developed bone cancer, we had almost been inseperable since being diagnosed with diabetes 2 years earlier, she came with me everywhere I went, even to work. The bone cancer was discovered in the June and she would have bad days and good days, she never lost her appetite but was losing weight rapidly, I 'made the arrangements' with my boss (a vet) at least 4 or 5 times to end her suffering but each time she would have a 'good day' again so I would cancel the inevitable. I have worked in animal hospitals most of my life, I know the routine with terminal illnesses, I have helped many people with their questions, their grief, you think that it would make things easier when its your pet and you're the one making that decision but it doesnt. As hard as it is you have to put your own emotions to one side and do what is right for your dog. It takes time to stop hurting but I promise you the day will come when you will smile again remembering the good times you shared.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    It cancer somewhat common in Rottwielers? I knew a Rott, he was a huge monster (in a good way) His owner told me in his prime he weighed 120 lbs and could chase deer down and run faster than any dog he'd ever seen, but I don't know him until he was about 12 or so. He was really slow and pretty much layed on his carpet all day long, alot of days he solied himself it was really sad, but when he was about 9 he had gotten cancer on one of his toes and that toe sort of fell off and that is how they realized he had cancer, then when the took him in, they took another toe off sort of to even out the weight in his foot. It was really sad, he was a major part pf the family for a long time, then after he justlaid around I think he was depressed, he would go for walks with the neighbor (who mainly took care of him) then go right back to his room in the baswement away from the family bc they didn't want him soiling the house, the finally put him to sleep when he was 15 and decided he just wasn't going to move anymore.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Every breed seems to be pre-disposed to something, I don't know if it is a scientific fact, just my own experience and observation but bone cancer is common in Rotts and it seems to start in one of the front legs. As for any other cancer it can happen to any breed.
  7. ginalina2004

    ginalina2004 New Member

    Rottie was put to sleep

    It is with great sadness to tell you that Lakota was put to sleep this morning. It has been 6 days since she ate and the vet took more xrays only to find that the cancer had spread and she only had 2 weeks left to live.

    I appreciate everyone's support and realize that keeping her alive would have been for our own selfish reasons. She is in a better place now and finally sleeping peacefully.
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Rottie was put to sleep

    Sorry to hear the sad news, I know what your going through.
    Take care.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We all know what you are going through. If you need to talk, we're here for you.
  10. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you.
  11. ginalina2004

    ginalina2004 New Member

    Lost my princess today

    Thank you so much for all your kind words. I know I am not alone and this is by far the hardest thing that I or anyone else could possibly go through. A friend of mine is a Vet Technician and one of the things that she told me a few weeks ago (which stayed with me) was that their souls are completely diffferent and unselfish and their love is always unconditional, that is why they are here for only a short amount of time.

    She gave me so much and I will miss her everyday.

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