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Question about My New Puppy

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by StormyMoon, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member


    I hope the picture comes through.
    Any ways I have here a 5 month old Pit They say father is Pit Terrier but her feet are huge she has no white markings is that normal?

    She is very loving her name is Mystcial because she is solid black!

    Please let me know what you think about her!
    Thank you
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I think she is very cute, big feet is a fault but if you don't plan to show her not a big deal, solid black is nice!
  3. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    I was looking at your signature her feet look like the first red/brindle you have there, I was worried my pit was to thin and too short cause I had seen some very powerfull ones that had great huge heads made me wonder if I got another mix breed since i get them so young its hard to tell at first. I like getting them any where from 5 to 6 weeks old because I do have children, Also it had been about 4 years since I picked my very first dog whom I thought was full rottie. Later the owner of the female said they didnt know who the father was but by that time I had already fallen in love with the Rottie to return her.

    I probably wont be showing my pit for best looks but would like to get my teen daughter involved in some thing with the pit I was wanting this to be a family event something we all got involved with. Like maybe wagon pulling or something
  4. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    Sorry about posting twice pc was running slow
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Yeah I wouldn't worry, a lot of bybs breed dogs for their size/color your dog is closer to what an APBT is supposed to be. If your dog has feet like hers then they are not too big, she has nice compact feet. Although I don't know if the pic shows right. In pics her feet seem a little bigger then they really are (weird), but even if your dogs feet were a little big its still a pup and has a lot of growing to do and to grow into its feet. Responsible breeders won't let puppies go until they are at least 8 weeks, this is best for the puppies too young can cause some behavior problems sometimes, so its best to wait for the proper age to when them and then for them to go to their new homes. Its in the best interest of the pup and new owner.
    It is great to compete or do some type of activity with your pit! Showing or Jr Handler events would be nice or weight pull, whatever you choose its always great. :y_the_best:




    I think sometimes the her white foot makes her feet look bigger in pics?? I hadn't noticed before.
  6. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    Yea I really have lucked out as far as behavior wise she is very sweet but she has a lot of hands on her too like I have said I have 5 children from 12- 3 years of age all of which are with her on a daily basis I am a stay at home mom so she gets a lot of 1 on 1 with me. Also that could be the difference! She is not a yard dog but part of the family and we keep her in most of the time, I take her on daily walks around the block .. she gets a daily dose of running and playing with the kids and this far she has not snapped at all!
    I am hoping I will get the same out of her that I got from my 4 year old rottie... She is also some what of a therapy dog I have 1 child who has ADHD she has given him a different look on life she calms him she helps him as far as their energy levels are like the same so they both wear each other out! My Rottie is more mellow not very active likes to lay around alot seems to think she is a lap dog so is now my husbands dog more than all of our dog ! Mystical has enough energy for us all and love that goes on and on!
    I have a Question for you I was looking at your web page you have your dogs on a chain in the ground how do you manage that? Like they cant pull that out of the ground?
    I havent had to put Mystical on a chain because we dont let her out of our site but Queeny our Rottie does jump the fence and when we leave to a store some times if weather is nice we leave her out but we have her on a tree I dont like doing that because she tends to get tangled up!
    Any suggestions?
    By the way both of my dogs are indoor dogs so this would be just an hour or so that she would be on this chain.
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Beautiful dogs, all of them :D
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I'm glad to hear she is doing well with you, its just sometimes dominance aggression will appear (where they growl and that will lead later to biting), but thats not in all cases especially if you are socializing them right and training them and it sounds like you are. Dogs are such a great part of the family. I'm so glad to hear of what a great family your dogs have. As far as tie outs, the only thing that really works is an axel, they normally can't pull it out of the ground, once its in its in and won't pull out, break, ect. Some really strong dogs have been known to slightly lift some after months and months of working the chain very hard, but they don't just pull them out you can just tell they've moved them out of the ground a little and take a couple swings with the sledge hammer to put them back in the ground. Also the farther you put them in the first time, its less likely they will pull them out, most of what I have seen was large, very active weight pull dogs who's axels weren't in far enough because the owner would move them around.
  9. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    Ok I was about to get the tie- out stakes by top paw but they dont look to strudy. So Now I am not sure...
    Where would I get the Axel? I have been looking at pet smart for stuff but I have used the screw around metal stake that my dog snapped in half and pulled out of the ground lol...
  10. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member


    I thought I would add this Sofia can get mystical in any possition its so funny to see the two together she is so relaxed around the kids but if someone comes in the front yard and the kids are there she will put her body between the person coming in the yard and the kids she will have a low growl but doesnt sound vissouse sounds like hey you dont belong her but once i greet the person so will she.
  11. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    You can usually find them at a junkyard/used autoparts place. I have a buddy I get them from he has a whole lot of old cars and pulls them, uses them for his dogs and thats where I get mine. We also have a junkyard that sells them for $5.
  12. StormyMoon

    StormyMoon New Member

    Thats not bad at all

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