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Yorkie puppy question

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by figgy, Mar 23, 2004.

  1. figgy

    figgy New Member


    I am new to this forum, and am very Blessed to have two adorable Yorkies, 3 - 1/2 months old.

    "Pebbles" & "Bam-Bam" were born Dec. 1, 2003 My question refers to their ears perking up. When we first got our puppies "Pebbles" ears were already perked up, "Bam-Bam's" were not, but they did eventually perk straight up.

    This passed weekend I noticed the tips of his ears curled down again. His ears are still up, just the tips have curled... My question is:

    Is this normal for Yorkie pups, and will they perk back up?
  2. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

    i'm not an expert but on this but i do believe the answer to your question is yes.

    maybe someone else knows for sure..
  3. figgy

    figgy New Member

    I hope you're right, thanks for the response!!

    What a cutie!! How can I post a pic of my pups? I tried, but it didn't work
  4. bellasmommy

    bellasmommy New Member

  5. figgy

    figgy New Member

    I tried it, but not sure if it worked... I'll try again, thanks for the help!
  6. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Yorkie Puppy

    Hi Figgy,

    I've had my yorkie, Rocky, for almost 5 years now.

    When he was a puppy and his ears were starting to straighten up they did the same thing (straight up but curled at the top)

    I don't think it's anything to worry about, just give it some time and they should make it all the way up.

    Rocky's ears stick straight up now ( especially when you talk to him).

    Hope this helps! :)
  7. figgy

    figgy New Member

    Thanks Aqueous,

    I'm sure your right :) I look forward to his little ears perking up again... I just had never heard of a yorkie pups ears perking up, and then down again.

    He's still a cutie, I won't worry about it. Thanks again!!
  8. ilovemypets

    ilovemypets New Member


    Hi, my mom has a Yorkie who is now over a year old... She had similar problems, but with only one ear... Tia's (thats the yorkie) one ear would stay up while the other would stay down... My mom had put little pieces of tape in her ear and it held up with that in it, but when it came out, the ear soon fell again. My mom still puts a piece of tape in it every so often so it will stand up for a while, but usually it stands up for only a while and then falls again. But I think Tia is still cute with one ear up and the other down.
    So I really couldn't tell you how your pup's ears are gonna be, sometimes if the cartliage in the ear is weak or thin, then the ear will flop..you might wanna try talkin to your vet also.. =)
  9. figgy

    figgy New Member

    I agree that the folded tip is kinda cute...

    Well, if they don't completely perk up all the way, it'll just give him character :lol:

    Thanks for the response!
  10. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I don't think it is anything to worry about .The ears are cute like that !

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