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My pittbull's bad habbit

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by justin davis, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. justin davis

    justin davis New Member

    I have a 8 month old female pit, half rednose and half american pit. Everyday I leave to go somewhere she chews up my furniture. It seems like I cant buy anything nice to go in my house because it will be ruined in a few days. I have tried rubbing it down with half water and half vinegar,also I have tried half water and half tobasco sauce. I have heard of people doing that,but it just doesn't work for her. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    she is still a pup so so it really isnt a bad habit but natural for a dog that age to be chewing and since she is left home alone, oh boy is she having fun. A dog this age should not be left alone unsupervised or this is going to have, You should really need to be crating her while you are gone, and also how long are you leaving her alone. LOL My husband had this wonderful saying when our dog was a pup and I lef things laying on the floor and they would get chew up, " I woud have gotten a dog a lot sooner if I knew if would get you to put things away.

    so you really need to try crate train her and there other people that are much more experience at this.

    a ittle more info like this would be more helpful

    are you gone all day and leaving her to roam? if so can you come home during lunch?? and also being a puppy in her chewing stage she could also be suffering from seperation anxiety

  3. someday

    someday New Member

    Welcome to the club! Annie destroyed two couches...and countless other small objects...Your pup is most likely, as honeybears said, in her chewing stage and perhaps suffering from seperation anxiety. Crate train! I did a terrible job crate training and Annie just simply gets more worked up and anxious if she's locked in hers, which the neighboors started complaining about the barking...so..we had to solve her seperation anxiety without the crate...it happened..i'll post some helpful links later...I've got to go dig them up...we had been destruction free for months...until this month..they're tearing the siding off of our apartment and replacing it, and i think trying to knock the walls in while their at it...so...Annie is on edge(I don;t blame her...listening to it for 10 minutes drives me up the wall) and the couch that was repairable is no longer repairable and she actually pulled up and corner of carpet...which she has never touched.
    But your pup may just be bored...so that's an easy fix...lots and lots of exercise...if she's tired...she's not eating your stuff..interactive toys like Kongs are great too.

    On a side note...red nose is not a breed, just a coloration...if it's registered..it's simply an american pit bull terrier...

    Yet another off topic comment....did you ever live in Texarkana, TX?..I knew a justin davis from there.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Annie, have you tried those plug in things that emit calming smell for Annie? that might help, they are made for dogs and cats.

    I was a flunky at crate training, I wish this board wa around 8 years ago :D if I ever get another puppy, I will go that route

  5. someday

    someday New Member

    honeybears..i have heard of them...that's a great idea..i'll have to pick one up and give it a try.
  6. lukiebo

    lukiebo New Member

    Crate training is the way to go.
    I crate trained my Staffy Bull Luke and he actually would go on his own to sleep in his crate everyday.... it became his bed and his security. I remember trying to leave Luke out of his crate at about 9 months old for a while and he tried chewing through the walls. He was 2 years old before I could even think about leaving him out of his crate when we weren't home. A dog is an adolescent until they are 2, and must be treated as such.
    My new pup, BO, (a Pit Bull) is also crate trained. He will chew things up right in front of us. It's very frustrating this thing called puppyhood!!!
    Lots of toys such as Kong products. Hercules chew bones and Galileo chew bones (made by the Nylabone Co.) are great as they take a very long time to destroy if ever. Being powerful chewers, they need to chew on safe products.
    My dog trainer says that a puppy should never be left alone or unattended. We keep Bo on a leash and attached to a family member at all times when he is out of crate.

    Good Luck!!!
  7. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    Crates are great! Piper is 10 months old and still cannot be left alone in the house or outside when we are gone. She has had her crate since the first day she came home so she doesn't know anything else. She sleeps with my son or us at night without problem, but during the day, it's a different story - she chews non-stop. She is getting better about only chewing her toys, but she has her moments. If we have been busy or it's been rainy and she hasn't been out and walked a lot, she will go from room to room tearing up as I pick up. It's a game to her. :roll: I take her to Doggy Day Care one day a week (it's the same place that she obedience trained) and that seems to help some. These are very high energy dogs and they need a lot of physical and mental stimulation. Good luck on finding a variety of toys that are "safe" and durable. Piper has even managed to destroy the Black Kong, so I can just imagine what she could do to the furniture! Good luck, I hear they grow out of this chewing stage (expect when they get anxious) ... but not soon enough.

    Someday - I can just see that sweet face looking up at you when you get home to find these messes. How can you stay mad???
  8. someday

    someday New Member

    Ok, here's a link I found helpful when working through Annie's separation anxiety..

    Piper's mom- I can't stay mad...she's too cute..and goofy..here's some pics I just took since my living room is in shambles yet again...I'm about to go out and choke some construction workers...how long does it take to put up siding?!

    What? did I do something?

    Oh yeah...sorry..

    I didn't mean to...the hammering! and yelling! Ok, Please just give me my Kong and i'll be good this time..
  9. heaven

    heaven New Member

    annie is gorgeous
    my sandy is alittle over a year old, her bad habit is she barks..........and barks
    when my husbands home she doesn't bark but it seems like as soon as she sees his car pull out of the driveway she immediately starts barking at me and my son...we take her out, we feed her, we play with her.......... and yet as soon as i sit down or my son goes in his room and shuts his door she starts barking

    it's as if she thinks my husband is her mom and my son and i are there to entertain her.. i'm at my wits end on how to break her of this

    i love her, she's my baby but by the end of the day i'm not calling her sandy anymore i'm calling her pita(pain in the ass)

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