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Doggy worms question. What kind of worm do you think it is?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by senzafine, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    Ok so i've gone to the vet and they did a test on their poop for worms, since we saw that one of our doggies had it. But afterwards when we got home they called us and said itw as negative.

    Now today one of them has worms comming out of him when he poops. The problem is they gave them a vaccine and some deworm thing but we don't know what because they didn't give us a receipt. :? Plus they're closed right now, do you know if the worms are because of the vaccine or that they are still happening?

    Also, the worms aren't round worms, and don't look like spaghetti noodles. They're tiny pieces that fall out, that kind of look like they would be from a tapeworm? But when I was reading stuff online I was told that they were eggs, these pieces in my puppy moved, and when they moved they got longer. What kind of worm do you think it is? :?

    And for your time, heres a picture of them.


    edit: anyone have any idea what type of breed they might be? I think they're part chihuahua and something else, but can't quite pin it.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Cute puppies! :D I see some chihuahua but I'm not sure what else. :?
    Do the worms look more like rice? If so, they are probably tapeworms. The roundworms my cat had looked more like thin rubberbands than spaghetti.
    Were both dogs stools tested? If one of them had worms it would be normal for the worms to be coming out in the stool after the dewormer was given. I'd give the vet a call tomorrow and let them know whats going on.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Having some Tapeworm problems

    Yep...Sounds like tapeworms to me, the eggs often will not show up under a microscope unless the stool is 'less fresh' so you can get a 'negative' result but you dont need them to as they are clearly visible to the eye. The dewormer given for tapeworm is often not the usual dewormers (although there are some 'all round' dewormers) but the more common one, and in my opinion more effective, is Droncit or Drontal, it usually means a follow up dose though so you may need to check with your vet for that unless he gave you some to take home.
    Vaccines dont cause worms.
    Very cute puppies :D
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Tapeworm puppies, what breed?

    I can also see some chihuaha in there, pomeranian eyes...maybe...we found a puppy in a trash can when she was a few hours old, at 2 weeks old we were sure she was a small Lab, by 3 weeks we'd decided a Sharpei mix, 4 weeks a Belgian Shepherd....by the time she got to 6 months old I invented a 'new' breed and told everyone she was an English Spitz (I dont think there is such a breed), she is now almost 5 years old and I think we have concluded that she is an all black Akita, Dalmatian, Chow, Coyote mix !!! :lol:
  5. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    Your dog has tapeworms. Did you know they get these from fleas? Sounds as if you need to do some flea treatment in your house, your property, and a flea bath for the dog, all on the same day. They will just jump right back on the dog if you don't do it all on the same day. Repeat the fogging in the house and spraying the yard and bathing the dog in two weeks. Its a lot of trouble, but its the only way to get rid of them. The flea eggs hatch every 10-14 days - that's why you have to do it twice. For really bad infestations, three times is better. Droncit works well on tapeworms.
  6. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Yep, what you're describing is tapeworm. What you're seeing are the egg sack segments, and they do wiggle around until they dry up. That's why the fecal was negative. The eggs aren't in the poo, they're in the segments.

    The most common form of tapeworm is contracted from fleas, as was previously stated. Dogs (and cats) can also get other types of tapes from eating rodents like mice and from rabbits.
  7. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I don't think anyone mentioned this, but tapeworm eggs look like rice when fresh and sesame seeds when dried. You can find them in their bedding when they have dried.

    :y_the_best: Very cute puppies though! And whew--I thought for a minute you had a pic of the worm posted....although that's not a bad idea is it? LOL!
  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    tapeworm eggs on the pups

    If you do have a major flea problem ask your vet about Frontline, its one of the safest products on the market, the active ingredient is Fipronol which has been used for head lice in Europe for over 50 years on humans, the only side effects Ive ever heard of is some cats after they lick it off their back will hypersalivate.
  9. Piper's Mom

    Piper's Mom New Member

    I was afraid to look at the pic myself, expecting to see the worms. :shock: Your puppies are absolutley adorable! I can tell they are really tiny ... how much do they weigh? Any idea how old they are?
  10. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    They're only about 5 weeks, and the vet said the other day they're only about 2.5 pounds. :shock:

    Anyway thanks for the comments guys. I called the vet today and they said that earlier they were jsut given a deworm for the common worms...starts with an A I forget what it was called. But she says to come down tomorrow or something and they'll ahve them dewormed so that's good. :D
  11. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    The "common" worms they were talking about that starts with an A would have to be ascarids (another word for roundworms) and yes, they are very common in puppies. But the tapeworms are a different worm entirely, so I'm glad to hear they are now going to deworm for tapeworms. This involves a different agent.


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