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Problem with cloudy water

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Houseman, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. Houseman

    Houseman New Member

    Hi again. I have a 30gal tank, new...well...1 month, and the water is like milk/water mixed..any thoughts? i change 25% of the water every week..or have been...there is only 2 inches of sand in the bottom..is that enough or does it have anything to do with it? please help...I can hardly see my fish!
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    What fish are in there? What are your readings for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte? Is it white cloudy or green cloudy?

  3. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    With the tank being one month old the milky looking water is bacterial bloom. At 4 weeks most likely your NitrItes are high. You will need to test the water for Ammonia, NitrItes and NitrAtes. You will need to do partial water changes to keep the Ammonia and NitrIte levels down, to keep from losing any fish.
  4. Houseman

    Houseman New Member

    Hi again, as you no doubt know, I am new to all this..I got the aquarium as a gift WITH fish, so i could not cycle the tank (not that I would have know to anyway), anyway, I just purchased a kit to test ammonia/nitrites/nitrates. If I Private Message either of you tomorrow when I get it done, will you tell me how to proceed depending on the readings ? OR..should i just post here for others to read and maybe learn from my mistakes?..either way guys..I really appreciate your help..it has been a struggle, but I think worth it...I love the aquarium! Oh..I have also been changing 25/30% of the water each week...good or bad? I use a chlorine remover as we have it in the water here...and.....I purchased an ammonia filter thingie for my filter..an Aqua-Clear 300..in a 30 gal tank.
    It has a foam and carbon insert in it now..Should I use the filter for amonia as well? I know this is a lot to ask..but...... :y_the_best:
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You can either PM the results or post them here.

    Personally, I wouldn't use the ammonia removing stuff. It can actually do more damage in the long run. Once the tank is cycled and assuming its not overstocked, 25% - 30% once a week is fine. However, since it is likely cycling right now, you should probably be doing daily water changes.

  6. Houseman

    Houseman New Member

    OK...here we go, and this may be lengthy....
    My tank is 30 gallons......I have 19 fish..mostly under 1.5-2"
    The water temp is 77F
    I am using an Aqua-Clear 300 filter with sponge and carbon bag.
    My tests were..:Ammonia : 0..did not even show on the scale
    :NitrAtes : over 110 ppm
    :NitrItes : 2.0 (est. as my scale shows 1.6 or 3.3..was between)
    :pH : 6+ (just over 6)
    What are the ideal readings please?

    The tank is aprox. 3 weeks old. Came with fish. I have been doing 25/30% water changes each week. I add Aqua-Clear every time.
    The water is milky white, so bad you cannot see from one end through to the other. Yesterday I did a water change and it is every bit as cloudy today.
    From what I have read both the NitrAtes and NitrItes are high...but is this possible, to have them BOTH high?
    If I need to lower both, is there somewhere on the web that explains how or is it simple enough to be explained here? Thanks again for your help. I really do appreciate it..
    One more thing, I am getting a smaller tank today for just a few fish for a bedroom..where can I find out "exactly" how to condition it before I use it so I don't have the same problem again?
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You're in the middle of the cycle. Pretty much your only option at this point is to start doing daily water changes and try to keep the nitrIte reading as close to 0 as you can.

    Here's a good article that explains all about the nitrogen cycle and fishless cycling:

    Also, your nitrAtes are pretty high considering you've been doing weekly 25/30% water changes. In a properly stocked tank, weekly 30% water changes should be enough to keep the nitrAtes below 20. What kinds of fish do you have? My guess is the tank is overstocked.

  8. Houseman

    Houseman New Member

    Thanks for your advice -Chelle., I have no clue except for 2 Mollies, what kind of fish I have, as I said, they were a given to me. I read most of the website you gave me (http://flippersandfins.net/Cycling.htm ) and I have a smaller tank now that I am going to cycle. One more Q...will my fish be ok in the 30 gal. until I get the small one cycled to take some out of the 30? Thanx again! :)
  9. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

  10. Houseman

    Houseman New Member

    Finally ! My tank is starting to clear, NitrIte andNitrAte levels are settling down, and all seems well...I have my 10 gal tank cycling now, keeping ammonia at 5ppm....NitrIte is starting to show and wishful thinking has me believing that NitrAte levels are starting to appear, although just a hint of pink whenI test...Thanks for your help guys..It was appreciated!! :)

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