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Were in labor!!! woo hoo

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by silent_bunni, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. silent_bunni

    silent_bunni New Member

    well we have 2 kittens so far theyre black & grey like their big sister sally !! she still has some in there at least 1 it took her bout 1 1/2 hour to have the 2 she has & shes still havin contractions so ill keep ya updated
  2. silent_bunni

    silent_bunni New Member

    well its been about a hour since #4 has been born theyre black & gtrey much like sally . mommas doing good im going to wait about another hour till i change her bedding take up the wet stuff & put down dry bedding so all is good here :)
  3. misty

    misty New Member

    Yay for new kittens :eek: Sounds like mom is doing good, that is great news. Hope all the new additions are doing well. Keep us posted :)
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    How exciting! Hope all goes well!
  5. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    congrats on the new babies...i luv little kittens...

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