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is my dog angry at me?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by senzafine, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    My oldest dog, Dodo (not one of the puppies in my previous post) usually barks or whines when he wants to be let out to do his business. But the other day he had the nerve to walk right up next to me and lift his leg up and pee!! He ran away aftewards of course. :x Is he mad? Or does he just not know? Either way I was shocked when I saw it! I'm thinking it might have to do with jealousy and the new puppies, but he seems to run away everytime he sees them, kind of with a scared look.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Your dog doesnt like you?

    Years ago when my dog Charlie who was the only pet in the house became a little 'unsettled' when I brought a cat home, he had never had an 'accident' in the house but as I was putting the cats food in the dish before I fed him he walked up behind me lifted his leg and peed on my back :oops: , I think it was like a 'confused' attempt at asserting his dominance in the house.

    As for the way hes behaving with the puppies, how old is he? has he been around puppies before? what breed of dog is he? I do think dogs get jealous if they have lost some of your attention, I dont think he is mad at you its just a new situation for him that he has to adjust to, and his 'place in the pack' is being compromised, I would keep an eye on him especially when the puppies are 'cruising' around, if he's unsure of them and they are harassing him, probably just wanting to play, they may get snapped at, hopefully they wont and he will adjust soon.
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    I don't think he's mad at you. It's more like he's upset, confused, and trying to tell you something's going on he doesn't know how to handle. If he lifted his leg close to you, he may be trying to 'mark' you as his property, so those danged puppies don't get any ideas that they own you, too.

    As for him being afraid of the puppies; that's not at all uncommon. Male dogs are usually leary of very young pups, because there's usually a mother dog somewhere close, ready to take issue with any dog who might molest their offspring. As the pups age, and as he get's used to them, he'll probably be more than happy to join in the fun.

    I'd give him plenty of attention. If you're doing something with the puppies, and he comes to investigate, don't push him away. Invite him to join the play. If he's reticent about that, put the pups down long enough to give him a pet and a scratch, then go back to whatever you need to do with the pups, at the same time, invite him to join you again. He'll come around.
  4. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    Re: Your dog doesnt like you?

    He's about 2 years old, we've had him for almost 2 years, he's a Bichon Frise. So he's pretty nice to them most of the time, never attempted to bite or anything. Sometimes he growls but then he runs around with them while he growls, so he might be playing, or trying to run away, haha.

    Hopefully he does come around soon, but for now he seems scared most of the time, haha. Thanks though, atleast now I know why he peed next to me. :)
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Bichon and new pups

    :lol: Sounds like a bit of over-excitement and not quite sure what to do with the little 'invasion' I think everything will be fine though. Maybe you can post a pic of them all playing together when things settle down a bit.
  6. iluvsouki

    iluvsouki New Member

    we got her spayed...

    we had my 7 month old siberian huskie completely potty trained up until we brought her home from the vet where we got her spayed at last week. now she pee's anywhere, whenever, and the worst was she peed ALOT in her cage in her sleep and she NEVER pee's in her cage. whats going on? is it something psychological? it has only been six days and its almost as if it is getting worse!
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    we got her spayed

    Spaying can lead to quite a bit of discomfort, sometimes its a bit of a pain issue and the dogs dont want to get up and go out but there is another problem that can come up after a female is spayed, because of the lack of estrogen it can cause incontinence, it's usually 'fixed' with medication although sometimes they need to be on it long term. Im not saying that your dog is incontinent but the fact that she doesnt wake up when she needs to pee is good sign, I would have her checked by your vet.
  8. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Another thing could be that your puppy's bladder was bruised or injured somehow during the surgery, and now she has an infection. You really should consult your vet.

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