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Indy's Bad Habit - What do I do????

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by elizavixen, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I'm in a posting mood today so here we go again.

    Indy has this bad habit that is really getting on my nerves and there is little I can do about it. So, if you have any suggestions????

    FIrst, a little intro about Indy. He is 1 1/2 ST. Bernard. Very big. Very sweet. Very obnoxious. I have always heard St.s are known for their stubbornness but he is the first one that I have had that has proved that true. He is just terribly obnoxious. Most of the time he is fine, but he just does not like to listen if you don't have a cookie in your hand. Even then he doesn't really listen. It takes him FOOORRREVVVER to get things - not b/c he is stupid, he just doesn't get things? Don't know how to explain it. Like...his only trick is sit. (dont laugh) But he does know more practical things like how to play with me (this is actually a small miracle b/c when he was a puppy all he would do was bite me, now he knows to go get a toy and we'll play), don't let mom see you go in the trash can, don't take things off the table. I know he knows that I don't like him to do things but he seems to translate that into "do it when she's not looking" instead of "i shouldn't do that". Ok. That turned into a long intro about indy. Bottomline, I can work with him about most things (none of his bad habits are serious) but this following thing, I don't/can't physically work with.

    This is what he does. At the dog park (this is where it usually happens but also anytime he doesn't want to go somewhere) when we are going to leave, he doesn't want to leave. So, he sits down first. Then when I go to him, he lays down and rolls over. Then he refuses to get up. This may not be a big deal for a small/med dog but Indy is about 120 or so now and growing. When he does this at home (when I make him go out) I drag him out by his legs b/c I don't want him to think he can get away with it. He never has gotten away with it at home. At the dog park though, I can hardly drag him past all the other dogs, out the two gates, across the parking lot, and then into my car?! Trust me, I tried one day much to the amusement of my fellow dog park goers. Sometimes, he will go for treats (not supposed to have treats at the dog park but ? ) but then again, sometimes he won't. Even when all the other dogs have left, he won't go. ???? IT makes me not want to take him to the dang park b/c I know what an ordeal it is getting him home. All the other dogs follow their owners out, etc. Indy could care less if I left.

    Indy doesn't listen well to verbal commands - I usually have to do some physical activity (not hitting but like pushing him down to lay down - I swear we are working on it and will get it someday).

    Anyways, any suggestions?

    I do work with him on obedience issues (we even went to obedience classes and Indy passed) and he is coming along slowly but surely. I know I'm not the best trainer but I never had these types of probs with my other dogs. It's like...Indy doesn't care if I'm upset or angry or anything. He is just always happy no matter what. He doesn't really want to please me. If i'm happy then great, if I'm not its my prob. That is his mentality. SO how do you train a dog that doesn't want to please you?
  2. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :m39: I'm sorry, I don't have any ideas for you. But I did love the story and am imagining you dragging him by the legs. :lol:
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Oh boy, is he pushing your buttons! He's one up on you, and he knows it. This is big fun for him.

    Here's what I'd suggest you try first. Get a 15 foot tracking lead. As soon as he pulls the 'I'm going to lay down and not budge' routine, walk to the end of the lead, ignore him, and wait. Now, not only is this not fun, but now he has a problem to solve. How do I get the fun started?

    He'll think about it. He'll get bored. And he'll get up. Keep ignoring him until he starts moving in your direction. Then start backing away, encouraging him to chase you. Reel the lead in as he gets closer. If he stops, you stop, ignore him, and wait. Once he catches up to you, praise him. But no treats. Just fun and praise.

    The old game is no longer fun. The new game is 'chase the person', and if you make it fun, the old game will be forgotten in favor of the new one.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther does the same sort of thing (except he is 100lbs lighter!) it bugs the crap out of me when I call him, he lays down, then rolls over like I am going to beat him! If I am not in a hurry I let him stay, but generally I am in a hurry so I pick him up and carry him in, but this was usually just in my yard.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Good advice on the ignoring and praising... MAKE THAT PRAISE HIT THE ROOF TOO!

    I've ALWAYS gotten puppies invovled in the chase the person game and it's worked so far...except that Precious was much too independent for that... We really need to work on recalling... Been doing a bit of an experiment with training on her... Seeing if early training is a cause of some lack in confidence sometimes... My other two Boerboels act like I beat them when they are corrected and I hate that...so...we shall see if this OB training later in life works out like I hope... LOL... But I can totally picture Riot rolling over like that and I truly feel for you when it happens in public to you.

    Honijade pulls that only she's soooo melodramatic she can really POSE for the camera when I head to put her up... TALK about cute... Generally she runs really quickly to the couch or bed and then proceeds to curl up in a cute ball looking up at me like... Momma I promise I'll be good...don't make me... OR when I put on my shoes to go somewhere she'll throw a barking fit... THANK GOD she is crate trained...I can only imagine that behavior escalating into full blown separation anxiety...

    I'm with the training with patients and ignoring the bad behavior and making it FUN and exciting to follow you... Do it all the time too around the house even...every now and then praise the heck out of him when he follows you somewhere... Soon you'll have a dog that will likely follow you out of the dog park...well you won't have to drag him at least I'm sure...

    Good luck and keep us posted!!!
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Let us know if you find something that works. Your description of Indy's personality fits Nala exactly. She doesn't really care if I am happy with her or not. HER agenda is what is important. It makes it very difficult to get her to do things. She knows a LOT more commands than Bonnie and will obey them if we are in an official training session, but if she's not certain what's in it for her, she does her own thing. Bonnie barely knows sit and down and that's about it, but she is MUCH easier to handle and better behaved for the most part. Go figure.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

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