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Lucy is getting spayed Wednesday

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by LucyLu, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    I am nervous. I have to be away from my baby for 2 days! :cry:
    I have the option of having a cathader put in (so they can have quick access if there is a complication)or a cathader put in AND have fluids after the surgery. Should I chose either of these options? Someone who works at a vet said she doesn't think I need to either. I am leaning towards having the cathader put in because I am nervous about the whole thing. These options are pricey, but I want to make sure everything goes smoothly. We chose to have pre-surgery bloodwork done and everything came back OK.

    Also, how do puppies typically act after a spay surgery? Will she lay around for a few days? She is 5 months old. She will be spening the night at the Vet's office and I will pick her up the following evening after work.

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I am not sure what to advise you about the options. But as far as how she behaves after the surgery, it depends on the dog. Nala was spayed before she left the shelter so she was about 14 weeks old. We brought her home the day after she was spayed and she was wild and crazy. You'd never know that she had surgery. Others are sleepy for a day or two.

    Your baby will be fine. I know it's hard. Just call the vet a zillion times to check on her. :)
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I don't know about your options either--I've never heard of either being done with a spay myself, but I'm certainly no expert.
    But as far as they behave after, it depends on the dog. Zoey milked it and layed around all weekend looking very pitiful. Brie didn't act any different at all and even pulled a stitch loose playing. I've decided Brie has a much higher pain tolerance.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Lucy is getting spayed

    Usually most vets will only place an IV catheter if there are already known underlying problems, i.e kidney/liver problems, diabetes, history of seizures or if the pet is a geriatric however it is up to you and if you feel more comfortable with the IV catheter in then I dont see why the vet wont do this. Occasionally very small dogs will receive IV fluids pre and during surgery more as a precaution so things like their blood glucose levels dont drop especially as they usually havent eaten since the day before but if the surgery is uncomplicated (which most are) they are only under anaesthesia for approx 30 minutes start to finish.
    As for recovering, I usually tell people no running, jumping, playing for 10 days, leash walks only. Your Lucy may just 'snap out' of the drugs she's had quickly or could be a little groggy for a day or so, if she is very groggy make sure she stays warm, ask your vet when you can start to feed her again (if she stays overnight they will probably take care of this for you), watch out for any excessive licking at the surgery site as that and/or too much activity can cause a build up of fluid at the surgery site, the licking is common and often starts about the 3rd or 4th day after surgery, maybe thats when it starts to itch.
  5. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    Thanks everyone!
    I am still on the fence about what options (if any) to chose.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My best advice to you is to go with your gut instinct.
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I have never know a catherta needed to be put in after a spay as usually they do the operation and the dog is normally fine to come home either same day or day after no need for any other intervention through drips or anything else.

    When i had one of my girls spayed she went into the vets at 9am and was home by 4pm with no problems and was back to her normal self the following day.

    Only way a vet will put a female animal on a IV if there is some other health problem or the dog does not come out of the aneathsetic (sp)

    Young animals usually come out alot quicker and recover faster than older animals.
    I have to agree go with what you think is best but me personally would not want them putting in any IV's if she does not need it.

    A neutering operation is normal straight forward with no complication the only time a problem does usually arise is when the female being spayed is pregnant or going through a phantom pregnancy unaware to the owner or the vet but since you girl is only 5months old there is no chance of either.
    I always suggest waiting till animals are 6months old before spaying or neutering but each owner aswell as vetrinarians have there own opinions on the best time to do the operation.

  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    As you said, Mike, younger animals come through the surgery better than older ones. Some people prefer to wait 6 months as you do, but others do it younger and find the surgeries are shorter, there is less bleeding, and recoveries are quicker. Nala was spayed at about 14 weeks and she never even seemed to notice. I had a male cat neutered at 5 months and he was fine, and a female spayed at 6 months and she was also fine.

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